Examples of the the word, hail , in a Sentence Context
The word ( hail ), is the 6468 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Of the Spanish colonies there has existed a type of sorbet made from fallen, hail ,or snow. (This has been documented; desserts were made with snow in Mendoza at
- Of transparent and translucent ice at least thick, which are deposited upon the, hail ,stone as it cycles through the cloud, suspended aloft by air with strong upward
- Daughter cell ". This however is an exceptional case. Factors favoring, hail ,Hail is most common within continental interiors of the mid-latitudes, as hail
- Enemy was shooting superbly. Twice the Derringer came under their infernal, hail ,and each time she was hit. But the Queen Mary was having a bad time; engaged by
- Youth defender 16-year-old Seán McGuinty and U 19 Rep Ireland player parents, hail ,from the island. * Mid West Radio DJ Tim Norton comes from the Currant
- Taxi operator or to go to a taxi rank. However, although not the norm, one can, hail ,a passing taxi on the street. Bicycles Deutsche Bahn does not only operate the
- In reserve and did not directly assault the allied line. Marching through a, hail ,of canister and skirmisher fire, the 3,000 or so Middle Guardsmen advanced to
- Were born in the United States. Roughly 75.0 % of the foreign-born residents, hail ,from Asia. Hawaii is a majority-minority state. Non-Hispanic whites do not form
- Wished to follow the original call despite the doctrinal difficulties. Amid a, hail ,of protests from his friends, family and colleagues, he resigned his post and
- Heat waves and generally arid with episodic heavy rainfalls and large, hail , with a July average of and highs reaching on 16 days per annum. The normal
- Consists of balls or irregular lumps of ice, each of which is referred to as a, hail ,stone. Hail stones on Earth consist mostly of water ice and measure between and
- An average of 20 days when snow fell on the moor, and over 40 days a year with, hail , which is as high as anywhere else in the country. This results when cold polar
- Be seen. There are lightnings, noises,thundering, an earthquake, and great, hail , # Act II: From the Second Woe to the fall of Babylon the Great ##Events
- That could reach. Alexandria experiences violent storms, rain and sometimes, hail ,during the cooler months. July and August are the hottest and driest months of
- Of hail is varied, in the United States, the average observation of damaging, hail ,is between 2.5 cm (1 in) and golf ball-sized (1.75 in). Stones larger than
- Of or more. Hail stones can grow to and weigh more than. Unlike ice pellets, hail ,stones are layered and can be irregular and clumped together. Hail is composed
- Temperatures are, and the precipitation often appears in the form of rain, hail , and thick fog. Above is the frozen level, where peaks are constantly capped
- The island both ships left on 8 October. After one month it started to snow and, hail ,; Tasman changed course more north. Part of the western shore of the continent
- Lifting),thereby intensifying the updrafts within thunderstorms and making, hail ,more likely. One of the more common regions for large hail is across
- Other countries will have different thresholds according local sensitivity to, hail , for instance grape growing areas could be adversely impacted by smaller
- Severe thunderstorms strike Cleveland bringing with them the threat of large, hail , damaging winds and tornadoes. The threat is greatest during spring and early
- Meteorological Service of Canada will issue severe thunderstorm warnings when, hail ,that size or above is expected. The US National Weather Service has a 2.5 cm (
- Cooling which lowers the freezing level of thunderstorm clouds giving, hail ,a larger volume to grow in. Accordingly, hail is actually less common in the
- In the Earth's interior., while meteorological phenomena like wind, rain, hail , snow, lightning,tornadoes and hurricanes, are all a result of energy
- Land-atmosphere boundary *** Radar - cloud properties, rain rate estimation, hail ,and snow detection *** Satellite - rainy area identification, rain rate
- Weight overcomes the updraft and falls to the ground. Although the diameter of, hail ,is varied, in the United States, the average observation of damaging hail is
- hail , Hail is most common within continental interiors of the mid-latitudes, as, hail , formation is considerably more likely when the freezing level is below the
- Layer nature of the hail stones Like other precipitation in cumulonimbus clouds, hail ,begins as water droplets. As the droplets rise and the temperature goes below
- Like, Koneru Hump, Pendyala Ramakrishna, Dronavalli Maria and Goriness Rohit, hail ,from the state. Education and Research Andhra Pradesh is served by more than 20
- Effective January 2010,an increase over the previous threshold of ¾ inch, hail , Other countries will have different thresholds according local sensitivity to
- Is known for extreme weather. A typical year will see thunderstorms, tornadoes, hail , snow and ice storms. Between both the Great Plains and the Gulf States
- Speed it onward: Sing it loud and free: Hail to thee our alma mater: Acadia, hail ,to thee: Far above the busy highway: And the sleepy town: Raised against the
- Of thunderstorm clouds giving hail a larger volume to grow in. Accordingly, hail ,is actually less common in the tropics despite a much higher frequency of
- Armin van Burden and Ties to,some world's leading Trance DJ's, hail ,from The Netherlands and perform frequently in Amsterdam. Each year in October
- Larger stones coming from severe thunderstorms. The METAL reporting code for, hail ,or greater in diameter is GR, while smaller hail stones and grape are coded GS
- Bands to go and become famous both nationally and internationally. Acts who, hail ,from Cardiff include Charlotte Church, Shirley Basses, The Oppressed, Kids In
- Enrolled at campuses located in all five New York City boroughs. PUNY students, hail ,from 205 countries. The black, white and Hispanic undergraduate populations
- S ascendancy by showing him remaining silent as the other thanes around him, hail ,Macbeth as king. The British Army is the land warfare branch of Her Majesty's
- Elijah the Thunderer" and in folklore is held responsible for summer storms, hail , rain, thunder,and dew. Biblical narratives and historical background By the
- Minibuses that have route numbers, stop at designated stops (many routes have, hail ,and ride sections along which passengers can board and exit anywhere unless it
- New words formed by compounding. A large percentage of Danish words, however, hail , from Middle Low German, for example, betale (to pay). Later on, standard
- Average high school GPA of entering freshmen; the percentage of students who, hail ,from out-of-state; and the percentage of applicants accepted. The primary
- Living in the Cayman Islands (as of the government's 1999 Census Report), hail , from Jamaica (8,320),the United Kingdom (2,392),the United States (2,040
- Washington spent several hours inspecting his farms on horseback, in snow, hail ,and freezing rain — later that evening eating his supper without changing from
- Dry air into strong thunderstorms over continents can increase the frequency of, hail ,by promoting evaporation cooling which lowers the freezing level of
- Being under what the French monk of Saint-Denis described as" a terrifying, hail ,of arrow shot ". However, they had to lower their visors and bend their heads
- To keeping the Western swing tradition alive are The Armadillos, who, hail , from Manchester, England and have been performing for more than 15 years. In
- Of these (54 %) have their origins elsewhere in Europe, while the remainder, hail ,largely from Southwest Asia, notably from Turkey. Vital statistics since 1900
- Ford and Stephen Hawking, and Nobel laureate Harold Kyoto. Literary figures who, hail ,from Cambridge shire include John Clare, Samuel Pepys, Lucy M. Boston, Jeffrey
- A tropical storm for being upgraded to a hurricane and predicting, hail ,stones" the size of canned hams. " He would also occasionally report the
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