Examples of the the word, pyramid , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Scene on the computer screen. If the numbers describing the position of the, pyramid ,were changed and this process repeated, the pyramid would appear to move.
  2. A room with flat wood walls with a gray pyramid in the center of the room. The, pyramid ,will have a spotlight shining on it. Each wall, the floor and the ceiling is a
  3. The temple at Passage on 25 October 1822. His heart was interred in a marble, pyramid ,he designed as a mausoleum for the painter Titian in the church of Santa Maria
  4. View point is inside the room a bit above the floor, directly in front of the, pyramid , First the computer will calculate which polygons are visible. The near wall
  5. Of Spain, or of any comparable region in Europe. Comparison of the population, pyramid ,in 2008 to that in 1986 shows: # A clear decrease in the population under the
  6. About national policy. A useful summary of such data is the population, pyramid , It provides data about the sex and age distribution of the population in an
  7. Greenwashing, bait and switch, shilling,viral marketing, spam (electronic), pyramid , schemes and multi-level marketing. Advertising has raised objections about
  8. Far wall would be: (0,10,20) (10,10,20) (0,0,20) (10,0,20) The, pyramid ,is made up of five polygons: the rectangular base, and four triangular sides.
  9. Itself extremely robust. ” This was, Butler said, because " AA’s 'inverted, pyramid ,' style of governance has helped it to avoid many of the pitfalls that
  10. An national bi pyramid or bi pyramid is a polyhedron formed by joining an national, pyramid ,and its mirror image base-to-base. The referenced non in the name of the
  11. An internal one, existing on the primary symmetry plane which connects the two, pyramid ,halves. The face-transitive bi pyramid s are the dual polyhedra of the uniform
  12. Park. The equipment installed includes a quarter pipe, penalty box with half, pyramid , bank ramp, spine,kinked rail and a ground rail. Disc golf Aberdeen has two
  13. He considers, apparently in error, the volume of an impossible frustum of a, pyramid ,to arrive at the term \sort in his calculations, although negative quantities
  14. Around Roman times by the same chemistry as it is today, by heating wood in a, pyramid ,covered with clay to exclude air. In 1722,René Antoine Merchant de Réaumur
  15. Category),a regional league placed next-to-last in the Italian football, pyramid , That year, Chievo changed its name to" Card Chief ", after a new sponsor
  16. The position of the pyramid were changed, and this process repeated,the, pyramid ,would appear to move. Movies CGI short films have been produced as independent
  17. In China from its market launch in 1995. In 1998,after abuses of illegal, pyramid ,schemes led to riots, the Chinese government enacted a ban on all direct
  18. Infinite family consists of polyhedra that can be roughly described as a, pyramid ,sitting on top of a prism (with the same number of sides). Add a frustum (
  19. Tourist receipts amounted to $183.3 million. File: Caracolfacup o. jpg|The Maya, pyramid ," Cabana" at Cara col, Cayo District, still the highest man-made structure in
  20. Ability to mobilize and motivate Amway distributors. " DeVos responded to the, pyramid ,scheme accusations about Amway in a 2009 interview with Grand Rapids Press
  21. Into the future, in fact—have different reasons for building their metallic, pyramid , *In Larry Given and Jerry Pournelle's collaboration Oath of Fealty (1982)
  22. Films, screen printing, basket weaving, sweat lodge, water slides, human, pyramid , hot tub, frisbee golf, spear throwing, Kubb competition, bingo,communal
  23. Desktop wallpaper) is stretched and drawn onto the walls' final shape. The, pyramid ,is solid gray, so its surfaces can just be rendered as gray. But we also have a
  24. Astronomical elements. Each of the stairways built into the sides of the, pyramid ,has 91 steps. Along with the extra one for the platform at the top, this totals
  25. The tablets were called axons, perhaps because they could be pivoted along the, pyramid ,'s axis, to read any side. It was once said that Draco's laws were written not
  26. Campedelli's presidency, Chievo climbed through the entire Italian football, pyramid , reaching the Series D after the 1974/1975 season. Under the name" Alumni
  27. Arguably his two most important poems, are both organized as an inverted, pyramid , with larger sections leading to smaller sections. In America, he experimented
  28. Of the Aurobindo Mission; and Brahmans Subhash Patti, founder of the, pyramid ,spiritual societies' movement. Islam in Hyderabad, with historical patronizing
  29. Pyramid scheme accusations Amway has several times been accused of being a, pyramid ,scheme. A 1979 FTC investigation in the United States (see below),a 1997
  30. The process of immigration is countering the inversion of the population, pyramid , Evolution At the end of the 20th century, Andalusia was in the last phase of
  31. Of the temple. The first great Temple Mountain was the Baking, a five-level, pyramid ,dedicated in 881 AD by King Indravarman I. Other Khmer Temple Mountains include
  32. The rendering of a simple image of a room with flat wood walls with a gray, pyramid ,in the center of the room. The pyramid will have a spotlight shining on it.
  33. Of the life of Krishna: * A series of bas-reliefs at the 11th century temple, pyramid ,called Baffin depicts scenes of the birth and childhood of Krishna. * Numerous
  34. Menu, while a moat represented the ocean. The temple itself took shape as a, pyramid ,of several levels, and the home of the gods was represented by the elevated
  35. Rapids Press reporter Chris Nape.: Nape:" Amway has been accused of being a, pyramid ,scheme, of tax evasion and a host of other things. How much of the problems
  36. Of mud brick or stone built over an underground burial chamber. The step, pyramid ,of Closer is a series of stone mascaras stacked on top of each other. Pyramids
  37. Fold-out sleeve, two poster inserts, booklet and a cut-out and build miniature, pyramid , housed in a clear vinyl bag (with two sleeve variations and three labels
  38. Ecclesiastical architecture – Cole Nissan de Camondo – Egg-and-dart – Egyptian, pyramid ,construction techniques – Egyptian Theatre – Elastics – Elevation – Empire –
  39. Vocalized as Napa. The oldest known mention of Anubis is in the Old Kingdom, pyramid ,texts, where he is associated with the burial of the Pharaoh. At this time
  40. Side of the pyramid will also not be drawn as it is hidden by the front of the, pyramid , Next each point is perspective projected onto the screen. The portions of the
  41. Ruling, the Federal Trade Commission found that Amway does not qualify as a, pyramid ,scheme because distributors were not paid to recruit people and had to sell
  42. Not be displayed at all, as it is behind our view point. The far side of the, pyramid ,will also not be drawn as it is hidden by the front of the pyramid . Next each
  43. Alleged fraud, racketeering,and that the defendants operated as an illegal, pyramid ,scheme. While noting that the settlement is not an admission of wrongdoing or
  44. Involving cards are asshole, fuck the dealer, horserace, Kings,liar's poker, pyramid , bloody knuckles, Ring of Fire, ride the bus, and Black or Red. Dice games
  45. Ancient Egyptians during the reign of pharaoh PPI I (2332–2283). In Pepi's, pyramid ,in Sahara is a text referring to a" EchoStar" as a companion of the pharaoh
  46. Led most people to conclude that it is shaped like a cube, it could also be a, pyramid , The Tree of Life The city has a river which proceeds" out of the throne of
  47. And a cue ball). Other games also have custom ball sets, such as Russian, pyramid ,and bumper pool. Billiard balls have been made from many materials
  48. Had" black, horny plates" and" two large apertures approaching a, pyramid ,in shape ". Carl Linnaeus, who named the species in his seminal System Natural
  49. From a fractured vertebra after she hit her head after falling from a human, pyramid , She also suffered from a concussion, and a bruised lung. The fall gained "
  50. Are equally fair. (The other 2 sides of the prism are rounded or capped with a, pyramid , designed so that the die never actually rests on those faces. ) Probability

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