Examples of the the word, honesty , in a Sentence Context

The word ( honesty ), is the 6460 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Indebtness to your work, which seemed to me to be no more than common literary, honesty , has been used as a rod for my back by people who look on you as Antichrist. "
  2. Compares unfavorably with mainstream medicine with regard to ethics and, honesty ,: in a 2006 Gallup Poll of U. S. adults, chiropractors rated last among seven
  3. Or gifted in other areas. Disadvantages include such positive attributes as, honesty ,and truthfulness which limit the way a character is played. There are also many
  4. Possibility. He synthesized the human sympathy of Tammany ward healers with the, honesty ,and efficiency of the good government reformers. The intemperate mayor was
  5. The wider field of ethics. Thus, for Rand," virtue" included productiveness, honesty ,with oneself, and scrupulousness of thought. Although she greatly admired
  6. Honesty is lost, then wait for the Day of Judgment. " It was asked," How will, honesty ,be lost, O Apostle of God? " He said," When authority is given to those who do
  7. Deals with his very numerous quotations elsewhere, where we can test his, honesty , is a sufficient vindication against this unjust charge. " Light foot also notes
  8. With the anger of God. " * Abu Hurrah narrated that Muhammad said," When, honesty ,is lost, then wait for the Day of Judgment. " It was asked," How will honesty
  9. Alyssa and Iberia (candy tufts) are appreciated for their flowers. Lunar (, honesty ,) is cultivated for the decorative value of the translucent repulse of the
  10. To limit the power of rulers. He argued for according language with truth, and, honesty , was of paramount importance. Even in facial expression, truth must always be
  11. But a definition of honesty ,Huxley's usual definition goes beyond mere, honesty ,to insist that these metaphysical issues are fundamentally unknowable. Robert
  12. Maghrib from Third, southwest of Algiers. The imams gained a reputation for, honesty , piety, and justice, and the court of Third was noted for its support of
  13. Or in dried flower arrangements, such as unicorn plant, lotus,wheat, annual, honesty , and milkweed. Ornamental trees and shrubs are often cultivated for their
  14. In modern times as a complex and mysterious exploration of issues of fraud and, honesty , identity and masquerade, but when it was published, it received reviews
  15. Enters, she offers to return his remembrances, upon which Hamlet questions her, honesty ,and furiously rants at her to" get thee to a nunnery. " Hamlet remains
  16. Historian) dismissed his testimony on the number of martyrs and impugned his, honesty ,by referring to a passage in the abbreviated version of the Martyrs of
  17. Avoid the account of these things, as I said at the beginning. ". *When his own, honesty ,was challenged by his contemporaries, Gibbon appealed to the chapter
  18. People of Judah) of breaking the covenant through their lack of justice and, honesty , after the pattern of the kings of Israel (northern kingdom) * Torah Liturgy
  19. Although A. W. Homeric has noted that this is nothing but a definition of, honesty , Huxley's usual definition goes beyond mere honesty to insist that these
  20. Was heavily influenced by the writings of John Ruskin, who championed, honesty ,of materials as one of the seven main emphases of architecture. In several
  21. I can not tell a lie" and admitted to the transgression, thus illuminating his, honesty , Parson Mason Locke Weeks is the first citation of the legend, in his 1850 book
  22. Individuals in Ancient Greece, many were skeptical of the accuracy and, honesty ,of the seers. Of course the degree to which seers were honest depends on entirely
  23. Desist, and to this my answer in good part. I would rather lose my life than my, honesty , " It soon became the King's absorbing desire to annul his marriage to
  24. Historical Journal 1980 3 (1-2): 41-50. ISSN: 0364-5924,argues his energy, honesty , and devotion to duty - much more than his actual accomplishments established
  25. To Orwell's works Koestler mentioned Orwell's" uncompromising intellectual, honesty ,which made him appear almost inhuman at times. " Ben Wattenberg stated: "
  26. Very disappointing administration. His reaction to mentioning Barack Obama was:, honesty , intelligence, and politically adept. In September 2009,he put weight behind
  27. The Isle of Jersey has long been an agricultural community. They rely on the, honesty ,of customers to drop the correct change into the money box and take what they
  28. Sects. Druze's philosophy also shows Sufi influences. Druze's principles focus on, honesty , loyalty, filial piety, altruism,patriotic sacrifice, and monotheism. They
  29. Good faith – the insured and the insurer are bound by a good faith bond of, honesty ,and fairness. Material facts must be disclosed. # Contribution – insurers which
  30. Of the homeopathic products they advertise and sell::" My plea is simply for, honesty , Let people buy what they want, but tell them the truth about what they are
  31. Wanted a society founded on“ Christian virtues of rational benevolence, honesty , personal virtue, the fulfillment of social duty, thrift,sobriety, and hard
  32. Audiences have admired the plays of Golden for their ingenious mix of wit and, honesty , His plays offered his contemporaries images of themselves, often dramatizing
  33. Into the Lutheran cause and had declared that Erasmus, if he had a spark of, honesty , would do the same. In his reply, Spongia ad versus aubergines Hutton (1523)
  34. Of Shrimp Chandra) by Jain tenets such as peaceful, protective living and, honesty , and made them an integral part of his own philosophy. Jainism has several
  35. Released as the Rickshaw Man 1958 remake in the United States, to recreate the, honesty ,and integrity seen in the film. The actual performance seen in the movie has
  36. The Book of Mormon, and much of it features criticism of the perceived lack of, honesty ,when it comes to the scholarship of non-Mormon critics. Scholars and authors
  37. Made him an icon for American conservatives. Cleveland won praise for his, honesty , independence, integrity,and commitment to the principles of classical
  38. Former Bishop of Durham) pointed out that Eugenics' statements indicate his, honesty ,in stating what he was not going to discuss, and also his limitations as a
  39. 1.29 % of the national Senate vote. The party is based on the principles of, honesty , tolerance, compassion and direct democracy through postal ballots of all
  40. Therapy is problem focused and structured towards the client. It requires, honesty ,and openness between the client and therapist, as a therapist develops
  41. Of the Soviet regime, or any other regime, and then suddenly return to, honesty ,and reason. Once a whore, always a whore. " According to New singer, although
  42. Of birth, life,death and misery. This prayer reminds the devotee to live with, honesty , truth, love and compassion toward all living beings. Sandal wood paste
  43. The main character, Prince LEV Nikolaievich Pushkin, is attributed more to his, honesty , trustfulness, kindness,and humility, than to a lack of intellectual ability.
  44. Impeachment of a person in the role of a witness is the act of challenging the, honesty ,or credibility of that person. ) The process should not be confused with a
  45. Rated last among seven health care professions for being very high or high in, honesty ,and ethical standards, with 36 % of poll respondents rating chiropractors very
  46. And gravitates around his continuous effort to achieve intellectual, honesty , His self-exploratory texts reflect his search of how to be fully oneself, even
  47. Values included his devotion to egalitarianism, education,industry, thrift, honesty , temperance, charity and community spirit. The classical authors read in the
  48. Tawny blond hair, and lean body, as well as her poise and earthy, outspoken, honesty , Reportedly he said,“ I just saw your test. We’ll have a lot of fun together ”
  49. Transcription and calculation. One of its social effects was to proclaim the, honesty ,of merchants as a group; one of its epistemological effects was to make its
  50. Cicero served as quarter in western Sicily in 75 BC and demonstrated, honesty ,and integrity in his dealings with the inhabitants. As a result, the grateful

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