Examples of the the word, construe , in a Sentence Context

The word ( construe ), is the 6470 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As well as languages such as Lute scan, which are too poorly attested to, construe ,a relationship with Anatolian. Extinction Anatolia was heavily Hellenized
  2. Platonic scarecrow. Forty claims, rather,that he is a pragmatist, and that to, construe ,pragmatism as relativism is to beg the question.: '"Relativism" is the
  3. Of temporality, but is changeless and eternal. Conversely, it is erroneous to, construe ,the tathāgatagarbha as a tangible, worldly,mutating, passion-dominated
  4. Transmission on 198 kHz in waters near the UK. It is rumored that they are to, construe ,a sudden halt in transmission, particularly of the morning news program Today
  5. Did he bow in deference to the opinion of the court? No … he said he would, construe ,the constitution for himself, that he was sworn to do it. I shall do the same
  6. Can use to understand the world. People then behave according to how they, construe ,the world around themselves. All constructs are not used in every situation
  7. That the prosecution's concept of" constructive treason" allowed a judge to, construe ,any behavior as treasonous. It paved the way for a major, but mostly moral
  8. Act, the Constitution Act of 1982 and case laws were established. Aboriginals, construe ,these agreements as being between them and the Crown of Canada through the
  9. Is a broad set of approaches to the study of knowledge, all of which, construe ,human knowledge as a collective achievement. Another way of positioning social
  10. Let alone alien to our entire constitutional history and tradition -- to, construe ,Article VI as permitting the United States to exercise power under an
  11. That the meaning of a word is environmentally determined. Likewise, one can, construe ,semantic internalism in two ways, as a denial of either of these two theses.
  12. Gradually disappeared due to the tendency of American courts to strictly, construe ,such policies against their sellers, such as Mutual of Omaha. From 2000-2010
  13. Themselves cannot understand what the policies are saying. Typically, courts, construe , ambiguities in insurance policies against the insurance company and in favor of
  14. 661: In the, the empress designated her son as her heir; and modern scholars, construe ,this as meaning that this son would have received the succession (sense)
  15. One of the BGB's five main parts, was largely reformed. The way the courts, construe ,and interpret the regulations of the code have changed in many ways, and
  16. Africa. The South was resisted by the New England slave-traders. " One might, construe ,that Wheeler was arguing that northern capitalists first" tricked "
  17. With the economic decline and lack of social services, it would be wrong to, construe ,this period as a form of" Dark Ages" for the Territory. During this period
  18. Not a requirement for there to be a lease, however the court will more often, construe ,a license where no rent is paid as it is seen as evidence for no intention to
  19. Qualitative phase of market research, to identify the ways in which consumers, construe ,products and services. Mineralocorticoids are a class of steroid hormones
  20. Which has lots of specific instances. Some contemporary linguistic philosophers, construe ," Platonism" to mean the proposition that universals exist independently of
  21. Usage and reports in the popular press. Maritime demarcation Some now, construe ,the existence of a de facto or" practical" extension of the 1953 MDL. After
  22. Worker "," employee ", and others, are more or less left to the courts to, construe ,according to the context of its use in a statute. English courts view an
  23. The recent trend in the Supreme Court and other U. S. courts has been to, construe ,this exception rather narrowly. Many cases fall under the" capable of
  24. Penrose particularly focused on. According to Marvin Minsky, because people can, construe ,false ideas to be factual, the process of thinking is not limited to formal
  25. Ourselves, and also strongly influence what we fix our attention on. We, construe ,reality constructing. Hence, determining a person's system of
  26. About God is not going to search the Bible hoping to find a text that he can, construe ,as fitting what he already believes. They say it is noteworthy at the outset
  27. Is the kind of thing that some people call genocide, and if people wanted to, construe ,it as such, it could because for some kind of military intervention. " On
  28. And to subject it to rigorous analysis as the For Diem do is like trying to, construe ,a Keats sonnet as if it were an Act of Parliament. Works of Kabbalah themselves
  29. Directing everything underneath. Some contemporary linguistic philosophers, construe ," Platonism" to mean the proposition that universals exist independently of
  30. Of his reign (天智天皇10年),designated his son as his heir; and modern scholars, construe ,this as meaning that the son would have received the succession (‘ ‘ sense’ ’
  31. Japan, according to the traditional order of succession. Post-Meiji historians, construe ,Go-Daigo's reign to span 1318-1339; however, pre-Meiji accounts of his reign
  32. Sides, but that" the Commission is not entitled, even if it had wished, to, construe , its charter as equally authorizing the investigation of the actions by
  33. Of the 1953 MDL. After more than fifty years, the South Koreans have come to, construe ,a defect western inter-Korean border which has remained unchanged since 1953.
  34. Sides, but that" the Commission is not entitled, even if it had wished, to, construe , its charter as equally authorizing the investigation of the actions by
  35. Exchange, an unnamed knight draws his sword to kill an adder. The other knights, construe ,this as treachery and a declaration of war. Seeing no other recourse, at the
  36. An archaic trait of Indo-European morpho-syntax is that plural neuter nouns, construe ,with singular verbs, and quite possibly *huge was not so much" yokes" in
  37. Ll copy till I make them mine By constant application. " Admittedly, some did, construe ,Reynolds' equable calm as cool and unfeeling. Hester Lynch Piozzi's
  38. That accompany it. In addition to individualized implied terms that the courts, construe ,to reflect the reasonable expectations of the parties, the courts have long
  39. Note the subject's nationality and main occupation. It is often difficult to, construe ,the gender and sexual identity of those people who lived before the 20th
  40. Or a refugee from publishing a statement which his/her government could, construe ,as a contribution to unrest within its territory. The bilateral agreement
  41. Noun Phrase on the left with one exception: inverse popular sentences. One can, construe ,minimal pairs like the cause of the riot is/*are these pictures of the wall vs.
  42. Rights found in the Human Rights Act 1998,which includes a requirement to, construe ,statutes in accordance with the Convention; and # direct claims may be made
  43. However, he would not elucidate or specify if his ideal Islamic state would, construe ,a theocracy, even as he rejected secularism and nationalism. The latter part of
  44. Of grammar Halliday's theory sets out to explain how spoken and written texts, construe ,meanings and how the resources of language are organized in open systems and
  45. However, Rule 501 grants flexibility to the federal courts, allowing them to, construe ,the privilege" in light of experience and reason. " Notes The Central Baptist
  46. Windsor downplayed his presence at the announcement, stating," Please don't, construe ,from my presence here that I will be supporting anything. " He was later
  47. Is Susan German, who has outlined many domains in which children and adults, construe ,classes of entities, particularly biological entities, in essentialist terms—i.
  48. Logical analysis with lyric understanding, however. Instead, she is out to, construe ,the two as legitimate and genuine alternatives - to correct our otherwise
  49. Emperor Benji, in the, designated his son as his heir; and modern scholars, construe ,this as meaning that the son would have received the succession (sense) after
  50. Insofar as it devalues the denial; it does not bolster the original claim. To, construe ,evidentiary invalidation of the denial as evidentiary validation of the

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