Examples of the the word, disturbing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disturbing ), is the 6464 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Measuring the position of an electron, one imagines shining a light on it, thus, disturbing , the electron and producing the quantum mechanical uncertainties in its position
  2. Which shows that a" measurement" can be performed on a particle without, disturbing ,it directly, by performing a measurement on a distant entangled particle.
  3. Paper from the lectern without difficulty:" Then suddenly he faltered—and the, disturbing ,truth became obvious. He wasn't reading his address at all. He had learned it
  4. In literature,Anne's depiction of alcoholism and debauchery were profoundly, disturbing ,to nineteenth century readers. Helen Graham, the tenant of the title, intrigues
  5. Gaming and Morris. The suitors and Van Helsing track her down, and after a, disturbing ,confrontation between her vampire self and Arthur, they stake her heart
  6. Power and authority, characterized by intricate detail and without the ", disturbing ,angst" of Mannerism. Essentially is exaggerated Classicism to promote and
  7. A shock site is a website that is intended to be offensive, disgusting and/or, disturbing ,to its viewers, containing materials of high shock value which is also
  8. Will see to their physical needs, supplying them with simple foods while, disturbing ,them as little as possible. In between are those in semi-eremitic communities
  9. ENIL, the king of the gods, sets out to eliminate humanity, whose noise is, disturbing ,his rest. He successively sends drought, famine and plague to eliminate
  10. Hirohito personally found the threat of defection of Japanese civilians, disturbing ,because there was a risk that live civilians would be surprised by generous U.
  11. The third Cycle, called " O Roberto" (" The Hidden One" ), is the most, disturbing , It refers to Pessoa's vision of a future world of peace and the Fifth Empire.
  12. These events. Some princes of these states were Persian client kings; a, disturbing ,fact in light of increasing tensions with that kingdom. In the West, Maximian
  13. Shock sites are merely websites that openly display shocking material such as, disturbing ,pornography, repulsive fetishes, etc. Some shock sites have also gained their
  14. A 'test charge ', must be vanishing small to prevent its own electric field, disturbing ,the main field and must also be stationary to prevent the effect of magnetic
  15. Different properties of the entangled partner could be discovered without, disturbing ,it in any way. He then used a hypothesis of local realism to conclude that the
  16. Hiding strategy allows the implementation of the module to be changed without, disturbing ,the client programs. The term abstract data type can also be regarded as a
  17. Success' was coupled with a massive disparity between rich and poor and a, disturbing ,new level of corruption, and 90 % of Chinese billionaires are related to
  18. Sheila Benson of the Los Angeles Times called the film" the most brilliantly, disturbing ,film ever to have its roots in small-town American life. " She called it "
  19. Nearly 20 years for public opinion to shift. One aspect that gradually became, disturbing ,from a civil rights point of view, was that relatives would use deception, or
  20. Davis, Mark Heap, David Can and Amelia Bull more. Morris himself delivered, disturbing ,monologues, one of which was revamped and made into the BAFTA-winning short
  21. Further benefited from the dry climate that let them largely out of the, disturbing ,actions of meteoric water. The dry climate in the central western Andes have
  22. Considered the reverse side of the flag). This is very common and usually not, disturbing ,if there is no text in the design. See also US reverse side flag. Some complex
  23. Slightly separated to avoid a disagreeable deadening of the sound, potentially, disturbing , a legato line. Some clavichords have been built with a single pair of strings
  24. Even if the laws did not refer to it, and authorized punishment of patients ", disturbing ,peace ", as most Japanese neurologists believed that vulnerability to the
  25. Practice. However, he has a habit of treating his patients in bizarre and often, disturbing ,ways, such as prescribing heroin for a cold, making a man with a headache jump
  26. She turns out to be an AI. Response and legacy Lay responses to ELIZA were, disturbing ,to Feigenbaum and motivated him to write his book Computer Power and Human
  27. With people of color. " Crowley's published expressions of anti-Semitism were, disturbing ,enough to later editors of his works that one of them, Israel Regarded, who had
  28. They be compensated for one color, the image of another color would prove, disturbing , The most important is the chromatic difference of aberration of the axis point
  29. To critics who considered her portrayal of Huntington overly graphic and, disturbing , (Charlotte was among them. ) Anne also sharply castigated reviewers who
  30. Important to learning. He suggested that the school should be located away from, disturbing ,noises; the air quality should be good and there should be plenty of food for
  31. Whose literal meaning is dropped. Euphemisms may be used to hide unpleasant or, disturbing ,ideas, even when the literal term for them is not necessarily offensive. This
  32. Maintaining that slight sharpness in foreground objects is usually more, disturbing ,than slight sharpness in distant parts of a scene. Moritz von Ruhr also used
  33. His tongue and executed him. Although the entrance to the chamber warns against, disturbing ,him, Shrewsbury opens Alhazred's sarcophagus anyway, finding that only rags
  34. The" Saudi Arabia of the Green World. " However, to mine for it would involve, disturbing ,the country's salt flats (called Salar de Uyuni),an important natural
  35. An extraordinary mix of elements. The Trojan Women for example are a powerfully, disturbing ,play on the theme of war's horrors, apparently critical of Athenian
  36. And symbolism into a new language which was more overtly sexual, and hence more, disturbing , In 1902,Klimt finished the Beethoven Frieze for the 14th Vienna Secessionist
  37. First came on to the national scene in the late 1980s with the violent and, disturbing ,stories told by the Get Boys, with member Scarface achieving major solo
  38. Mathematical (1910–1913). The paradoxes: At the same time a number of, disturbing ,paradoxes appeared in the literature, in particular the Burali-Forti paradox (
  39. Ceased temporarily. In the meantime, Constantius had been receiving some, disturbing ,reports regarding the actions of his cousin Gallup. Possibly as a result of
  40. The restoration of the Bourbon monarchy in 1814. The scenes are singularly, disturbing , sometimes macabre in their depiction of battlefield horror, and represent an
  41. Concerns about violence. Lynch thought that the change only made the scene more, disturbing , Long thought lost, Lynch announced in a radio interview on January 18, 2011
  42. The answer to a position or momentum measurement would be, without in any way, disturbing ,the particle, then the particle actually has values of position or momentum.
  43. Capable of automatically replacing the failed process without a reboot, without, disturbing , running programs, and without the user even noticing. MINI 3,as the current
  44. A drummer with electronic drums can practice without being concerned about, disturbing ,other people. Another advantage is that electronic drums do not need to be
  45. Lang directed what many film scholars consider to be his masterpiece: M,a, disturbing ,story of a child murderer (Peter Lorre in his first starring role) who is
  46. open-top. The American Family Association (AFA) referred to the shoot as" a, disturbing ,mix of childhood innocence and adult sexuality" and called to" God-loving
  47. Is in the" Alabama Song ". This time, instead of the music sounding deeply, disturbing ,compared to the stage action, it is the reverse. When the" Alabama Song "
  48. Whatever people choose to recognize as such, noise is whatever is recognized as, disturbing , unpleasant, or both. " (see" music as social construct" below) Language
  49. Q of the balance wheel or pendulum oscillator made them very sensitive to the, disturbing ,effect of the impulses of the escapement, so the escapement had a great effect
  50. Q of resonators in electronic clocks makes them relatively insensitive to the, disturbing ,effects of the drive power, so the driving oscillator circuit is a much less

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