Examples of the the word, sigh , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sigh ), is the 6473 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sucking its fingers, ...." *" so ":" ... oh! ... would she heave one little, sigh ,to see a bright young life so rudely blighted, ...? " Some adverbs inflect for
  2. Had done it, brother,if only it had really happened, so that the world could, sigh ,in relief without their evil and sin. ' Cartoons appearing in the daily al-Walid
  3. Ponder, meditate ". In the Old Testament saga (Hebrew: הגה‎),means to, sigh ,or murmur, but also to meditate. When the Hebrew Bible was translated into
  4. The punch bowl.:" Miss Bank head. ":" Mr. Marx. " And, as everyone breathed a, sigh ,of relief, Chico told her," You know, I really want to fuck you. ". She
  5. Introduces the actual substitute, Ned Flanders. The children then collectively, sigh ,with relief. The gag was repeated when Marge Simpson becomes a substitute
  6. Being used to hang them parted before any of them actually died. This caused a, sigh ,of relief in the crowd because, according to a centuries-old tradition, any
  7. Lord Byron in the 19th century, comes from the suggestion that prisoners would, sigh ,at their final view of beautiful Venice through the window before being taken
  8. She traveled through the hazardous waters at. On 15 March, all hands breathed a, sigh ,of relief as Tunny got underway for her patrol area, her special mission safely
  9. Peppers, Rock called the crowd" motherfuckers" and" shit" after a brief, sigh ,when he said he was joking. Due to the broadcast being at 5:45pm Rock was
  10. She espied their tails side by side, : All hung on a tree to dry.: She heaved a, sigh ,and wiped her eye, : And over the hillocks went rambling, : And tried what she
  11. Heart grows older: It will come to such sigh ts colder: By and by, nor spare a, sigh ,: Though worlds of wan wood leaf meal lie;: And yet you will weep and know why.:
  12. Was transformed into a reed, whose rustling in the wind was interpreted as a, sigh ,of lamentation. The plant was a favorite of Henry David Thoreau (who called it
  13. Mantle finally fell short, finishing with 52,there seemed to be a collective, sigh ,of relief from the New York traditionalists. Nor had the New York press been
  14. Were Guy Fawkes was found.: :Chorus: At last, they thought they heard a deep, sigh ,: Come out of a privy not Los close by, : They went to the door, and there they
  15. 30–35 cmH2O. Sighs An adult patient breathing spontaneously will usually, sigh ,about 6–8 times per hour to prevent microatelectasis, and this has led some to
  16. City of Rome which had perished at the hands of Alaric, and the emperor with a, sigh ,of relief answered quickly: 'But I thought that my fowl Rome had perished. ' So
  17. Howard reacted to the news happily. He said the Iraqi people could breathe a, sigh ,of relief now that the former dictator was no longer at large. The Australian
  18. 186 at the 2000 census. The pronunciation of the final syllable is that of ", sigh ,". Geography Hays is located at (37.205639,-82.294615). According to the
  19. The Spring wind was telling the mango-bird.: Moved by its song I soon began to, sigh ,: And as wine was there I filled my own cup.: Wildly singing I waited for the
  20. Status controlled by the government within Italy Mount Si (pronounced, sigh ,) is a mountain in the U. S. state of Washington. It lies on the western margin
  21. On context. In some contexts, the tilde represents a lustful or exhausted, sigh ,:" Hello there~. " Unicode and Shift IS Encoding of Wave Dash In practice the
  22. Of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the, sigh ,of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of
  23. That Claiborne" remained unmovable ". Derby closed his red box with a, sigh ,and stood up, saying " The Party is ruined! " Claiborne got up at the same time
  24. Testament, there are two Hebrew words for meditation: saga (), which means to, sigh ,or murmur, but also to meditate, and (), which means to muse, or rehearse in
  25. And took him to her" elfin got," but upon arriving there, she " wept, and, sigh , 'd full sore. " Having realized something that the knight does not yet
  26. Unimpassioned grief, / Which finds no natural outlet or relief / In word, or, sigh , or tear. " English writer Samuel Johnson used the term" the black dog" in
  27. A semivowel in ทรวง (ซวง sang chest, heart ); or explicit in ทราย (ซาย, sigh ,sand). Exceptions to ทร + vowel = /s/ are the prefix โทร- (equivalent to
  28. She is secretly in love with the local vicar, Dr. Day (" When he is here, I, sigh , with pleasure" ); and the cleric himself promptly soliloquizes that he has
  29. You get. When I first uttered,'I'll get you after school, man! ' I let out a, sigh ,of relief when I got through the line and a double- sigh when it got a laugh. "
  30. The humansand with a passing expression of regret, confusion,and a small, sigh , she and the sailor assume their natural posing postures, grow rigid, and
  31. The novel's story (" It's gone all quiet on the Western Front / Male Angels, sigh ,/ ghosts in a flooded trench / As Germany dies" ). Theatre In 2009,Nottingham
  32. In 20 volumes. Some say that the name is short for" Grin & SUK" (" laugh &, sigh ," in Danish),but Paid Han said he felt that the word had come out of thin
  33. Case and ρ; in the lower case. Psi (uppercase Ψ, lowercase ψ; pronounced, sigh ,) is the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet and has a numeric value of 700. In
  34. To her newfound love:“ Let us get on with it … I tremble! Let us avenge … I, sigh , / My rage is extinguished when I approach him / He seems to be made for love.
  35. Of the joys of life, sounds in the verses of Leopard like the sincere, sigh ,of a feminine soul. The canto is a sweet apostrophe to the placid nights, once
  36. Had rightly described him as the 'First Due' and Mussolini must have heaved a, sigh ,of relief when he was driven from Flume in December 1920 and his followers were
  37. Sing," emitting a long-drawn-out warbling note that ends in a sort of moan or, sigh , This sound may attract females, or may be used by the males to proclaim their
  38. With God. The Hebrew equivalent is strong as well, and it means to pant, to, sigh , or to moan. So the publican" beat upon his breast," indicating sorrow of
  39. Because of this I have made a record of these events, for the most part to, sigh ,over Li Daoyuan's superficiality, and to laugh at Li Bo's stupidity! A
  40. An attempt on Myra's life. Myra hears the two pronounced dead and breathes a, sigh ,of relief. Others in the cast include Bruce Bennett, Virginia Huston, and Mike
  41. Illusion, or even a mental illness, and the Marxist view that religion is" the, sigh ,of the oppressed," providing only" the illusory happiness of the people,"
  42. Harshly interrogated by Buenos Aires police. Miguel can eventually breathe a, sigh ,of relief, when his conspirator within the Argentinian Federal Authorities
  43. Is receiving 10-12 mL/kg or is on PEEP. If the tidal volume used is lower,the, sigh ,adjustment can be used, as long as the peak and plateau pressures are
  44. The 1978 show" ( a pun on the television comedy At Last the 1948 Show) and a, sigh ,of relief that the program was finally contemporary. In December 1980
  45. Sensibilities which designate greatness and dignity of mind. Not a murmur or a, sigh ,ever escaped him, and the civilities and attentions bestowed on him were
  46. Case he used to at once to stop and tell me that I was ‘ untidy again,’ give a, sigh ,at my lack of attention to these details and stop and carefully button me up
  47. Aimed lower. Two wall graffiti in Pompeii describe Belarus the Three as" the, sigh ,of the girls" and" the glory of the girls" – which may or may not have been
  48. Paton-Walsh stood with his wristwatch raised. He gave me the signal, and a, sigh ,of released breath was audible in the chamber, I walked into the corridor.
  49. Mantle finally fell short, finishing with 52,there seemed to be a collective, sigh ,of relief from the New York traditionalists. Nor had the New York press been
  50. Suspicion puellarum Belarus three:" Belarus the Thracian makes the girls, sigh , ") Another piece from Pompeii, written on a tavern wall about the owner of

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