Examples of the the word, sandy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sandy ), is the 6469 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Island, is heavily eroded, being one of the few places to encounter brown, sandy ,beaches in the archipelago. They range in surface area from the largest, São
  2. Planatus) have returned. The result is that Clipper ton is now virtually a, sandy ,desert, with only 674 remaining palms counted by C. Most during the" Passion
  3. S plans and had protested; Bonnet rescued them two days later) on a small, sandy ,island about a league from the mainland. He continued on to Bath, where in June
  4. The outer belt of the Coastal Plain, also called the Timber Belt, whose soil is, sandy ,and poor, but responds well to fertilization. North of this is the inner
  5. Palace Fair, Elliniko, Voula, Vouliagmeni and Parking) host a number of, sandy ,beaches, most of which are operated by the Greek National Tourism Organization
  6. Of this limestone plateau decreases. The northern third of Sinai is a flat, sandy ,coastal plain, which extends from the Suez Canal into the Gaza Strip and Israel
  7. Cape Flats lie on what is known as a rising marine plain, consisting mostly of, sandy ,geology which shows that at one point Table Mountain itself was an island.
  8. That is; see The Highest hill, Denmark ). The coastline consists mainly of, sandy ,beaches, but stony areas are not uncommon. The immediate coastal regions are
  9. That spends most of its time in the mid-level of the water above the rocky and, sandy ,bottoms of pools and backwaters of creeks and rivers of its native environment.
  10. Chalk above slightly previous lower chalk and finally impermeable Fault Clay. A, sandy ,stratum, glauconitic marl (Portia),is in between the chalk marl and fault
  11. Rainfall, constant wind, and strong sunshine. The terrain is low-lying and, sandy ,: a coral island surrounded by a narrow fringing reef with a depressed central
  12. Into four areas from the south to the north, starting with the low-lying, sandy , coastal plain (the highest elevation) which is, at most, wide. It is marshy and
  13. On a massive natural harbor on the Eastern Indian Ocean coast of Africa, with, sandy , beaches in some areas. Administratively, Dar es Salaam is broken into three
  14. Gravelly clay loads over limestone in the western outskirts to deep, fine, sandy , loams, silty clay loads, silty clays or clays in the city's eastern part. Some
  15. Valleys of its rivers upstream as well as the Camping region to the east having, sandy ,soils at altitudes around thirty meters Near its southern edges close to
  16. Island arc of the Lesser Antilles. Aruba is widely known for its white, sandy ,beaches on the western and southern coasts of the island, relatively sheltered
  17. Into five different geographical regions. The coastline is mostly a low, sandy ,shore backed by plains and scrub and intersected by several rivers and streams
  18. Are popular, with the calm light blue Caribbean Sea and their white and pinkish, sandy ,beaches. Along the island's east coast, which faces the Atlantic Ocean, there
  19. Grasslands, savannas,and shrublands biome. It is a zone of lateritic or, sandy ,soils, with vegetation decreasing from south to north. The terrain is mostly
  20. Slum. * Rigatoni (South Beach) is a beachfront suburb with very beautiful, sandy ,beaches. Few people live here due to recent gentrification, where real-estate
  21. To resemble bird dung or other inedible objects. Many of those that live in, sandy ,environments blend in with the coloration of the substrate. For example, the
  22. Significantly disintegrated but still bundled in rubber bands, as he raked the, sandy ,riverbank to build a campfire. FBI technicians confirmed that the money was
  23. By NOAA determined that as of early 2007 more than of oil remain in the, sandy ,soil of the contaminated shoreline, declining at a rate of less than 4 % per
  24. In the Cynffig-Margam district of the Vale of Glamorgan where wide stretches of, sandy ,beaches afforded ample room for play. As a winter sport, British bandy
  25. Grey granite, whose mica deposits sparkle like silver. The city has a long, sandy ,coastline. Since the discovery of North Sea oil in the 1970s,other nicknames
  26. And other fruits grown under hothouse conditions under clear plastic, often in, sandy ,zones, on the coasts, in Almería and Huelva. Organic farming has recently
  27. Were: Tourism and recreation The warm climate, warm ocean waters and the, sandy ,beaches attract tourists. In recent years, many of the old hotels have been
  28. And other major roads are usually well-maintained dirt roads. Tracks in very, sandy ,or exceedingly rocky areas may require high-clearance four-wheel drives and
  29. Probably used to remove shellfish and worms from cracks in rocks or/and the, sandy , muddy beaches it inhabited. It had knobbly flat teeth more to the back of the
  30. The bottom for analysis. Generally speaking, most anchors will hold well in, sandy ,mud, mud and clay, or firm sand. Loose sand and soft mud are not desirable
  31. Soil analysis revealed about 1,900 higher concentration of americium inside, sandy ,soil particles than in the water present in the soil pores; an even higher
  32. Thus a large part of its territory lay on the seacoast with level and often, sandy ,or marshy ground. Most of the interior portion consisted of arable farmland
  33. Two-thirds of the country's land area. For the most part, it is a massive, sandy ,plateau marked by seven major depressions. One of these, Fayoum, was connected
  34. Indigenous names, lists the Cochran River just south of a feature he calls the ", sandy ,shore" on the southwest coast. If the shore is the Camp dell'Or (gold
  35. Greatly damaged by storms in the 1950s) and farmland in the middle and, sandy ,beaches in the south. It also refers to Bornholm Regional Municipality, the
  36. Towards the town of Bow. To the east of the Merrimack, atop a bluff, is a flat, sandy ,plain known as Concord Heights, which has seen most of the city's commercial
  37. Fir trees predominate in the upper mountains, while pine and larch are found in, sandy ,soil. There are many species of ferns, flowers,fungi, and mosses. Wild animals
  38. Although the pressures needed may be around a thousand times smaller for, sandy ,soil and some clays. ) A one percent expansion of volume typically requires a
  39. Usually dry out within a few days as the remaining puddles seep into the, sandy ,clay soil. The most important of these streams is the Bath, which in the rainy
  40. Protrusions peppering slope bases. The light- to dark-hued clayey and, sandy ,soils, derived from the rocks and decomposed vegetation, are generally fertile
  41. The villages and city that make up modern Eindhoven were originally built on, sandy ,elevations between the Rommel, Gender and Tongelreep streams. Beginning in the
  42. midday. However, Bethlehem is affected also by annual waves of hot, dry, sandy , and dust Khamaseen winds from the Arabian Desert, during April, May and
  43. Vineyards. Despite their marginal quality, the poorly consolidated soils of the, sandy ,coastline of Huelva and Almería have been successfully used in recent decades
  44. From that confluence the darkly colored waters of the Rio Negro meet the, sandy ,colored Rio Policies, and for over these waters run side by side without mixing
  45. Radioactive. When this material condenses in the rain, it forms dust and light, sandy ,materials that resembles ground pumice. The fallout emits alpha and beta
  46. And the surrounding areas have 3 beaches with a total of approx. 8 km of, sandy ,beaches within 30 minutes cycling from the city center. This includes Imager
  47. Soil analysis revealed about 4,000 times higher concentration of curium at the, sandy ,soil particles than in water present in the soil pores. An even higher ratio of
  48. To lack of water can become consolidated rather than porous (as in the case of, sandy ,soils). Some techniques as CAI or tillage are then used to still allow the
  49. Irrigated by numerous waterways, with fertile valleys and the northeastern, sandy ,plain of the Camping (Hempen). The thickly forested hills and plateaus of the
  50. In these areas. Oyster bay Beach, also known as Coco Beach, is the only white, sandy ,beach in Kinondoni and is the most famous in the area. Many newly built luxury

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