Examples of the the word, encryption , in a Sentence Context

The word ( encryption ), is the 6466 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Modern cryptography is largely related to computer science, for many, encryption ,and decryption algorithms are based on their computational complexity.
  2. In the Bluetooth pairing protocol and also pointed to vulnerabilities in the, encryption ,scheme. In 2003,Ben and Adam Laurie from A. L. Digital Ltd. discovered that
  3. In Canada ---- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a specification for the, encryption ,of electronic data. It has been adopted by the U. S. government and is now used
  4. Ciphers and letter transposition ciphers designed for pen and paper, encryption ,are easy to crack. It is possible to create a secure pen and paper cipher based
  5. Other types of cryptographic algorithms and protocols in general, and not just, encryption , However, cryptanalysis usually excludes methods of attack that do not
  6. Algorithms (Public-key cryptography),where two different keys are used for, encryption ,and decryption. In a symmetric key algorithm (e.g., DES and AES),the sender
  7. For its intended users. Cryptography is the practice and study of hiding (, encryption ,) and therefore deciphering (decryption) information. Modern cryptography is
  8. Replacing the entire P-array and all the S-box entries. In all, the Blow fish, encryption ,algorithm will run 521 times to generate all the subways - about 4 KB of data is
  9. Two separate keys: a public key is published and enables any sender to perform, encryption , while a private key is kept secret by the receiver and enables only him to
  10. Bombe were invented to crack these encryption methods. Modern ciphers Modern, encryption ,methods can be divided by two criteria: by type of key used, and by type of
  11. Which enable application mobility),enhanced security (Addition of AES, encryption ,type for NFS v3 and v4) and Live Partition Mobility on the POWER6 hardware. In
  12. And Bored to produce the final 32-bit output. Decryption is exactly the same as, encryption , except that P1,P2,...,P18 are used in the reverse order. This is not so
  13. Round consists of several processing steps, including one that depends on the, encryption ,key. A set of reverse rounds are applied to transform ciphertext back into the
  14. Largest successful publicly-known brute force attack against any block-cipher, encryption ,has been against a 64-bit RC5 key by distributed. Net. AES has a fairly simple
  15. Break" is anything faster than a brute force—performing one trial, encryption ,for each key. Thus, an attack against a 256-bit-key AES requiring 2200
  16. Then some interesting new operation modes become possible. The disk, encryption ,theory article describes some of these modes. Block ciphers and other
  17. Groups of bits, called blocks, with an unvarying transformation. A block cipher, encryption ,algorithm might take (for example) a 128-bit block of plaintext as input, and
  18. Decrypt, other machines such as the British Bombe were invented to crack these, encryption ,methods. Modern ciphers Modern encryption methods can be divided by two
  19. The early twentieth century, electro-mechanical machines were invented to do, encryption ,and decryption using transposition, polyalphabetic substitution, and a kind of
  20. Centuries, the Genre cipher, which uses a repeating key to select different, encryption ,alphabets in rotation, was considered to be completely secure (LE chiffon
  21. In advance and kept secret from all other parties; the sender uses this key for, encryption , and the receiver uses the same key for decryption. The Faster cipher uses a
  22. Xor is commutative and associative. A common mistake is to use inverse order of, encryption ,as decryption algorithm (i.e. first Boring P17 and P18 to the ciphertext
  23. As possible (the server reports back the number of machine cycles taken by the, encryption ,operation),and the attack required over 200 million chosen plaintexts. In
  24. Built from block ciphers. CBC-MAC, OMAC and PMA Care such Macs. Authenticated, encryption ,is also built from block ciphers. It means to both encrypt and MAC at the same
  25. Word Sir, for the digit zero, developed into the European technical term for, encryption , Ciphers versus codes In non-technical usage, a “ (secret) code” typically
  26. In cryptography, a cipher (or cipher) is an algorithm for performing, encryption ,or decryption — a series of well-defined steps that can be followed as a
  27. Of exhaustive search to the point where it becomes infeasible to crack, encryption ,directly. Since the desired effect is computational difficulty, in theory one
  28. Block sizes (or on domains that aren't powers of two) see Format-preserving, encryption , Iterated block ciphers Most block ciphers are constructed by repeatedly
  29. The ciphertext). To overcome this issue, modes of operation are used to make, encryption ,probabilistic. Some modes of operation, despite the fact that their underlying
  30. Changed by changing the rotor disks and the plug board wires. Although these, encryption ,methods were more complex than previous schemes and required machines to
  31. Applied to transform ciphertext back into the original plaintext using the same, encryption ,key. High-level description of the algorithm # Expansion—round keys are
  32. Attacks in 1998. *FEAL-4,proposed as a replacement for the DES standard, encryption ,algorithm but not widely used, was demolished by a spate of attacks from the
  33. Attack that he used to break a custom server that used OpenSSL's AES, encryption , The custom server was designed to give out as much timing information as
  34. In 2001. Generalities A block cipher consists of two paired algorithms, one for, encryption , E, and the other for decryption,E−1. Both algorithms accept two inputs: an
  35. Of symbols (stream ciphers). * By whether the same key is used for both, encryption ,and decryption (symmetric key algorithms),or if a different key is used for
  36. Dominant technique. Types of cipher There are a variety of different types of, encryption , Algorithms used earlier in the history of cryptography are substantially
  37. Wireless telegraphy was in use though security (radio direction finding), encryption , and the limitation of the radio sets, made their extensive use more
  38. The fact that their underlying implementation is a block cipher, allow the, encryption ,of individual bits. The resulting cipher is called a stream cipher. An early
  39. And authentication. CCM, EAX,GCM and OCB are such authenticated, encryption ,modes. Wireless Broadband refers to technology that provides high-speed
  40. Large number of cipher suites and encryption products. Blow fish provides a good, encryption ,rate in software and no effective cryptanalysis of it has been found to date.
  41. The methods resemble the block cipher modes of operation usually used for, encryption , Just as block ciphers can be used to build hash functions, hash functions can
  42. A common example is the bitwise rotation instruction at the core of many, encryption ,algorithms. * creating vectorized functions for programs in higher-level
  43. One requires the ability to run arbitrary code on the system performing the AES, encryption , http://news.ycombinator.com/item? Id=1937902 NIST/CSEC validation The
  44. far-fetched as a cipher ”. Cipher came to mean concealment of clear messages or, encryption , **The French formed the word“ Lang "chiffon/IN"> for">chiffon” and adopted the
  45. Key algorithms (Private-key cryptography),where the same key is used for, encryption ,and decryption, and * asymmetric key algorithms (Public-key cryptography)
  46. In 1993 by Bruce Schneier and included in many cipher suites and, encryption ,products. Blow fish provides a good encryption rate in software and no effective
  47. Signature long prevented Homebrew games from being developed until the original, encryption ,generating software was discovered. When the original digital signature
  48. Output block. For anyone fixed key, decryption is the inverse function of, encryption , so that: E_K (M) C \;; \quad E_KM (C) M for any block M and key K. M is
  49. A previously generated link key or master key. Those keys, used for subsequent, encryption ,of data sent via the air interface, rely on the Bluetooth PIN, which has been
  50. After approval by the Secretary of Commerce. It is available in many, encryption ,packages. AES is the first publicly accessible and open cipher approved by the

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