Examples of the the word, vintage , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vintage ), is the 6472 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And because of the risk of technical problems that are associated with any, vintage ,electromechanical instrument, musicians sought out a more portable, reliable
  2. Whey then stacked and turned. Strong, extra-mature Cheddar, sometimes called, vintage , needs to be matured for up to 15 months. The cheese is kept at a constant
  3. Emulation devices have algorithms that recreate some characteristics of, vintage ,Hammond's, such as" crosstalk" or" leakage" between the tone wheels and the
  4. Resembles an older, ivy-covered brick wall ballyard. The hallways contain many, vintage ,photographs. The rear of the building features a three-story wall containing a
  5. High-end boutique tape loop effects are still used by some studios who want a, vintage ,sound. Digital loop effects recreate this effect using an electronic memory.
  6. Who are involved in subcultures that involve dressing as little girls or in, vintage ,clothing. Some such men have written that they enjoy dressing as feminine as
  7. And soon came into conflict. The first naval loss was the World War II, vintage ,Argentine light cruiser ARA General Belgian. The nuclear-powered submarine
  8. Television program, a 'death obsessed' 16-year-old, drives a 1960s era, vintage ,hearse, affectionately nicknamed Morty. Images: carriage-cc-sa. JPG|A
  9. A number of programs. In addition, an active retrocomputing community of, vintage ,Apple II collectors and users, continue to restore, maintain and develop
  10. League, a 5-part documentary series produced by NFL Films that features, vintage ,game film and interviews as well as more recent interviews with those
  11. Angels in Heaven In American pop culture depictions of Heaven, particularly in, vintage ,cartoons such as those by Mooney Tools in the mid-20th century, the souls of
  12. And Wayne Henderson, a few of the luthiers building guitars today inspired by, vintage ,Martins, the pre–World War II models in particular. As prices for vintage
  13. In value over time. Today, there is a substantial secondary market for, vintage ,fashion jewelry. The main collecting market is for 'signed pieces ', that is
  14. And development of new dining and retail districts downtown including the ", vintage ," district in the Leeuwenstraat. Several notable architectural accomplishments
  15. Home, church,and professional models that digitally reproduce the sound of, vintage ,Hammond tone wheel organs. Some sophisticated emulation devices have algorithms
  16. Different versions of a portable 2600,created by cutting apart full-sized, vintage ,units, adding screens and putting them into new enclosures. In music Many games
  17. In ancient as well as modern art, is Hulas. Though it is of more recent, vintage ,(dated to the 3rd century) than that with Claus, it had themes of mentoring
  18. Flanger. The Nine-Inch Nails song" Complex" is titled after Maestro's, vintage ,echo unit. Other songs that reference effects include" Interstellar Overdrive
  19. Is punctuated with high rise and midrise buildings of modern and postmodern, vintage , Its tallest landmark—the Bank of America Plaza—is the 52nd-tallest building in
  20. Hand-painted artwork. Some boutique companies focus on re-creating classic or, vintage ,effects. Some boutique pedal manufacturers include: Analog Man, BJFE, Pete
  21. To up to 10 % in automobiles. It has been recommended that older cars (and, vintage ,cars designed to use a slower burning fuel) have their valves upgraded or
  22. Street Railways) Brazil had a hundred tramway systems. Currently, there are, vintage ,tramways operating in Belém, Campinas,Campos de Jordao, Itatinga, Rio de
  23. Train may even come on board and check out some holiday decorations and, vintage ,passenger cars. Since its launch in 1999,the Holiday Train program has raised
  24. Electronic and digital devices to imitate the sound of the Hammond, because the, vintage ,Hammond organ is heavy and hard to transport. By the 1990s and 2000s digital
  25. Also used as charter buses. While many preserved buses are quite old or even, vintage , in some cases relatively new examples of a bus type can enter restoration.
  26. A blend of a light aircraft (without wings) and a Volkswagen van of 1950s, vintage , All three prototypes were essentially a mini-bus, and its concept long
  27. Near Aachen. Other attractions include a film festival in Avalara and a, vintage ,car rally. The development of the area started in 1961,and was financed by a
  28. Though many aficionados consider them inferior to a real Hammond. The, vintage ,synthesizer emulation software Bristol includes, among other organs, an
  29. Were erratic at best, while much of the band's repertoire consisted of, vintage ,honky took and soul standards with few originals. Perhaps the most successful
  30. Of Winston Churchill memorabilia * Projected Picture Trust - collection of, vintage ,cinema equipment and a small theater showing World War II-era movie shorts *
  31. By digitally manipulating the signal. This allows a guitar to mimic many, vintage ,models of guitar, as well as output alternate tuning without the need to
  32. Such as mild, medium,strong, tasty,sharp, extra sharp, mature,old, or, vintage , ; this may indicate the maturation period, or food additives used to enhance the
  33. Group affiliated with the factory Demo Owners Club. Some groups are focused on, vintage ,Ducats, while several are based primarily or entirely on email discussion
  34. Which DC executive Paul Levitt recalled and pulped due to the appearance of a, vintage ,Victorian era advertisement for" Marvel Douche ", which the publisher
  35. Of a chain to reduce unwanted noise and hum introduced by overdrive units or, vintage ,gear. Rack mounts Rack mounted effects are built into a case designed to
  36. To (reluctantly) focus on The Godfather. His winery produced its first, vintage ,in 1977 with the help of his father, wife and children stomping the grapes
  37. Environment for producing this style of music, and gave it an authentically, vintage ,sound. They also added horns and featured a friend of the band on keyboards
  38. The score emerged as an original whole, in which the 'modern' music and mock, vintage ,tunes constantly comment on each other, much as the script's action unfolds
  39. Travelling along with the train. The train is a freight train, but also pulls, vintage ,passenger cars which are used as lodging/transportation for the entertainers.
  40. By vintage Martins, the pre–World War II models in particular. As prices for, vintage ,Martins continue to rise exponentially, upscale guitar enthusiasts have
  41. The sale between Cuban citizens of all cars, as well as real estate. Of Cuba's, vintage ,American cars, any have been modified with newer engines, disc brakes and other
  42. And miking techniques. A rotary speaker simulator mimics the Doppler sound of a, vintage ,Leslie speaker system by replicating its volume and pitch modulations
  43. Hammond's enthusiasts have come to prize the sound of tone wheel crosstalk as a ", vintage ," or" authentic" aspect of the Hammond's sound. Draw bars The component
  44. Electronic simulations of the Hammond sound claims that some aspects of the, vintage ,electromechanical Hammond are not accurately reproduced by clones and emulation
  45. As ATA has become, and TIDE hardware is now fairly hard to find (for those, vintage ,computer enthusiasts who may look for it). Some TIDE adapters were available
  46. But do not depict trick-or-treating. The editor of a collection of over 3,000, vintage , Halloween postcards writes," There are cards which mention the custom of
  47. Symbolizing the array of disks Files: DysanRemovableDiskPack. Agr. JPG|1970's, vintage ,disk pack with the cover removed Manufacturers More than 200 companies have
  48. Cars like the NSU Print, the TT and TTS versions of which are still popular as, vintage ,race cars. NSU then focused on new rotary engines based on the ideas of Felix
  49. His racing helmet, leaves his trailer on a minibike, then rides a succession of, vintage ,Honda vehicles: a motorcycle, then a car, then a powerboat, then goes over a
  50. 18, 2006 at Michigan for the 3M Performance 400 Dale Earnhardt Jr ran a special, vintage ,Budweiser car to honor his father and his grandfather Ralph Earnhardt. He

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