Examples of the the word, factual , in a Sentence Context

The word ( factual ), is the 6458 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is often believed to be of Mennonite or Amish origins, but there is no, factual ,data to support such a claim. The reason for this misconception may be due to
  2. Is not inconsistent with the factual allegations made in the Government's, factual ,return, because the Government has not contended in this proceeding that
  3. Ancient Chinese physics and Greek Aristotelian physics, using them as if, factual , A fantasy version of the para time police was developed by children's writer
  4. Require extensive interpretation by courts to bring out meaning in particular, factual ,situations. Convention articles As amended by Protocol 11,the Convention
  5. Require that an attorney perform a due diligence investigation concerning the, factual ,basis for any claim or defense. Jurisdictions differ on whether a claim or
  6. To include in Powell's speech. State Department analysts had found dozens of, factual ,problems in drafts of the speech. Some claims were taken out, but others
  7. Rationality: #Rationalism holds that truth should be determined by reason and, factual ,analysis, rather than faith, dogma,tradition or religious teaching. #Fideism
  8. At the world through the keyhole of anecdote and description ". * Objective and, factual ,: in these essays, the authors" do not speak directly of themselves, but turn
  9. Fatal episode of Black adder Goes Forth. Unusually for a sitcom based loosely on, factual ,events and in the historical past, a man was recruited for one episode
  10. A year with their neighbors, if Herodotus actually intended to base this on a, factual ,base. Giving concrete form at last to the Greek tales of mounted Amazons, the
  11. Account" has much of Eusebius's own theological agenda intertwined with the, factual ,text including his view on God, Christ,the Scriptures, the Jews, the church
  12. This account because Saint Jerome often made statements more entertaining than, factual , Most accounts of Cyril place him in better light like Theodore of Cyprus who
  13. This approach to be no more than a" contrived dualism which has not scientific, factual ,basis or legitimate educational purpose. " The judge concluded that" Act 590
  14. Make it impossible to decide clearly which side possessed the legitimacy whose, factual ,existence guarantees the unbroken lawful succession of the successors of Saint
  15. Perennialists agree with progressivisms that memorization of vast amounts of, factual ,information and a focus on second-hand information in textbooks and lectures
  16. Also called semblance or likeness) by a quality of its own, the index by, factual ,connection to its object, and the symbol by a habit or rule for its
  17. Path includes a willingness to take up serious cognitive studies, a respect for, factual ,evidence, and a responsible attitude. Central to progress on the path itself is
  18. Be so large as to make individual suits impractical, #there must be legal or, factual ,claims in common #the claims or defenses must be typical of the plaintiffs or
  19. Two types of declarative memory. Semantic memories are those that store general, factual ,knowledge that is independent of personal experience. Examples include types of
  20. Science teaches that Christ Jesus was sent by God and that his history is, factual , including the virgin birth, the crucifixion, the resurrection, and the
  21. Attack his claim or invalidate his argument, but can also involve pointing out, factual ,but apparent character flaws or actions that are irrelevant to the opponent's
  22. Bug reveals his guilt in a typical fashion by concocting an alibi with a, factual ,error in it (" at the time the crime was committed, I was at the North Pole
  23. Genre (historicity) The prevailing scholarly view is that Joshua is not a, factual ,account of historical events. The apparent setting of Joshua is the 13th
  24. Book to act as a suitable field guide for students of geology. The systematic, factual ,description of geological formations of different ages contained in Principles
  25. Of the crime. And, as with other guilty pleas, the judge must see there is some, factual ,basis for the plea. Defendants usually enter an Alford guilty plea if they want
  26. Together to produce two broad assertions, for which there is little hard, factual ,evidence. Natural monopoly A natural monopoly is often defined as a firm which
  27. Kinesthetic sensory awareness is a relative sense, not a truthful indicator of, factual ,bodily relationship in space. The current postural attitude is sensed
  28. A schematic pattern-making, rather than with history in the modern sense of a, factual ,account of events in the order in which they occurred, explains the origin of
  29. In a work of fiction. By inventing and inserting documents that appear to be, factual , an author tries to create a sense of authenticity beyond the normal and
  30. Which stores specific personal experiences and semantic memory which stores, factual ,information. Types There are two types of declarative memory. Semantic memories
  31. Articles, and that other articles were merely excerpts but were penalized for, factual ,omissions. The company also noted that several facts classified as errors by
  32. Matter, no civil law legislature can ever address the full spectrum of, factual ,possibilities in the breadth, depth and detail of the case law of the common
  33. Of and heavy involvement with Gilbert and Sullivan, as depicted in the film, is, factual , 1924 Olympics The film takes some liberties with the events at the 1924
  34. Of those, four came from each site. They did, however,discover a series of, factual ,errors, omissions or misleading statements. All told, Wikipedia had 162 such
  35. For reviews of judgments from the STJ. The superior courts do not analyze any, factual ,questions in their judgments, but only the application of the law and the
  36. Only one not to take men or boys as lovers. Gibbon based this on Suetonius ', factual ,statement that" He had a great passion for women, but had no interest in men.
  37. All triangles have three corners" ). All rational statements that assert a, factual ,claim about the universe that begin" I believe that ...." are simply
  38. Claims they publish and frequently cite The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as, factual , One Saudi Arabian government newspaper suggested that hatred of all Jews is
  39. Or had ideological differences with al-Qaida is not inconsistent with the, factual ,allegations made in the Government's factual return, because the Government
  40. Is. When common law courts rely on scholarly work, it is almost always only for, factual ,findings, policy justification, or the history and evolution of the law, but
  41. Intended to be solved by the reader, thanks to the placement of a logical or, factual ,inconsistency somewhere within the text. This is very similar to the layout of
  42. Use of plaintiffs' articles is minimally, if at all, transformative," 2) the, factual ,content of the articles copied" weighs in favor of finding of fair use of the
  43. Brendan and some of his more orthodox students did) or a description of the, factual ,processes of human thought. Husserl pointed out that the failure of
  44. Outcomes are decided by an impartial judge and/or jury, based on the, factual ,questions of the case and the application law. The verdict of the court is
  45. Castaway who spent 28 years on a remote island. The account was presented as a, factual ,event, in a genre called histories. It was based on the real castaway Alexander
  46. Attributed to" Lemuel Gulliver ", a ship's surgeon, and purported to be a, factual ,account of four of his sea voyages. It even includes a rather irate bogus note
  47. The moral content without interest or access to much more detail regarding the, factual ,content. Nevertheless, the often fanciful accounts of these beasts were widely
  48. Be considered, many of them based on mere speculation, but the most credible or, factual ,reason is quite simple .... convenience .... Valderrama needed to play the way
  49. Or surprised by the camera). Pare Lorentz defines a documentary film as" a, factual ,film which is dramatic. " Others further state that a documentary stands out
  50. Be different," which is a valid statement, but does not make a claim of some, factual ,alternative over another. The anthropic principles implicitly posit that our

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