Examples of the the word, recorder , in a Sentence Context

The word ( recorder ), is the 6456 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The pre-groove track, which also contains timing information, ensures that the, recorder ,follows the same spiral path as a conventional CD. A CD recorder writes data to
  2. An L-3 Communications, Fairchild Aviation Recorders model A-100A cockpit voice, recorder ,; a device which records on magnetic tape. The NTSB reported that" The majority
  3. Introduced its model 4020i manufactured by Philips, which at $995 was the first, recorder ,to cost less than $1000. The dye materials developed by Tail Auden made it
  4. N't wake our Dad. " For his 16th birthday, Brian was given a reel-to-reel tape, recorder , He learned how to overdub, using his vocals and those of Carl and their mother
  5. Described as" blurred and indistinct" images, using a modified Apex 200 tape, recorder ,and standard quarter-inch (6.3 mm) audio tape moving at 360 inches (9.1 m)
  6. Which the discs are metalized and lacquer-coated. To write laser of the CD, recorder ,changes the color of the dye to allow the read laser of a standard CD player to
  7. Glimpsed a basic principle which would one day find its application in the tape, recorder , the hard disc and floppy disc drive and other magnetic media. Bell's own home
  8. Devices, which included whimsical devices in his childhood to the cumulative, recorder ,to measure the rate of response of organisms in an operant chamber. Even in old
  9. With the Zeta operating system included. The Ta scam SX-1 digital audio, recorder ,runs a heavily modified version of Beds that will only launch the recording
  10. S, edited a blues guitar instruction guide and songbook for him. Using a tape, recorder , Tram had McGhee instruct and, between lessons, talk about his life and the
  11. It is a fairly old and poor codec. GSM or mp3 are generally preferred where the, recorder ,allows. It allows additional data to be held in the file header. * DVD – a Sony
  12. A valve to switch from one bore to the other. It had eight finger holes, like a, recorder , and two keys for its two highest notes. This instrument played well in the
  13. Salvaged laughs. Thus, the laugh-track was born. " Crosby had launched the tape, recorder ,revolution in America. In his 1950 film Mr. Music, Bing Crosby is seen singing
  14. Riding a train from the West Coast to Chicago. The poem was dictated to a tape, recorder , and later transcribed. The second part of the poem takes place on a Greyhound
  15. Meridian CD Publisher, based on the two-piece rack mount Yamaha PDS audio, recorder ,costing $35,000,not including the required external ECC circuitry for data
  16. A bluesy solo rendering of Hank Snow's" My Two Timing' Woman" on a wire, recorder ,borrowed by a friend who worked in a music shop. In 1952,he met Bob Montgomery
  17. Where rap is often performed a cappella also. Petra Baden used a four-track, recorder ,to produce an a cappella version of The Who Sell Out including the instruments
  18. The second season of Phil co shows was taped with the new Apex Model 200 tape, recorder ,using the new Scotch 111 tape from the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing (3M
  19. Wrote a vehement riposte in The Guardian. Cumulative recorder The cumulative, recorder ,is an instrument used to automatically record behavior graphically. Initially
  20. depends on are very small, and special means are required to register them. The, recorder ,consists of a float in a sealed chamber partially filled with water. The pipe
  21. Camera and the magnified image is displayed onto a screen. * Modified cassette, recorder , To record a lecture, own thoughts, ideas,notes etc. * Desktop compact
  22. Music. (2005). Sta bat Mater. ATM Plastique: ACD2 2237 *Francis Col pron, recorder , with Les Breads. (2007). Concertos for flute. ATM Plastique: ACD2 2521
  23. A silent film camera and recording all the audio on a primitive audio cassette, recorder , Marker also reminds the reader that only one short scene in La Jeté is of a
  24. As a dependent variable in psychological research. He invented the cumulative, recorder ,to measure rate of responding as part of his highly influential work on
  25. Software emulation of noise channel supported * I/O ports: Expansion port, tape, recorder , connector (1200 baud variation on the Kansas City standard for data encoding)
  26. Audio CD The recordable audio CD is designed to be used in a consumer audio CD, recorder , These consumer audio CD recorder s use SCMS (Serial Copy Management System)
  27. The company developed magnetic recording tape and in 1950,sold the first tape, recorder ,in Japan. In 1957,it produced a pocket-sized radio (the first to be fully
  28. Said the voice recorder was damaged on the outside and the flight data, recorder ,was charred. But he said the FBI still was confident the data can be recovered
  29. Television in the world. In 1975,it released the first Beta max home video, recorder , a year before VHS came out. In 1979,the Walkman was introduced, making it the
  30. His friend Bob Hope. Mullen continued to work for Crosby to develop a videotape, recorder ,(MTR). Television production was mostly live television in its early years
  31. Dick Bridges, deputy manager for Arlington County, Virginia,said the voice, recorder ,was damaged on the outside and the flight data recorder was charred. But he
  32. Resistant to damage than the older magnetic tape recorder s. The cockpit voice, recorder ,was quickly transported to the NTSB lab in Washington’D. C., and its data was
  33. II used audio cassette tapes for program and data storage. A dedicated tape, recorder ,along the lines of the Commodore Dataset was never produced; Apple
  34. Sessions and of common pleas, a member of the proprietary council, a justice, recorder , and clerk of the orphans' court, and prothonotary of Bedford and Westmoreland
  35. Important in one's reading of the text of Jeremiah that one remember that the, recorder ,of these events (i.e. the author of the text) had neither the same audience
  36. Block of charred plastic. " No usable segments of tape were found inside the, recorder , Continuity of operations At the moment of impact, Secretary of Defense Donald
  37. Fanfares used suggesting typical medieval court fanfares; with a combination of, recorder , string quartet and electric guitar in Black adder II; on oboe, cello and
  38. All-metal enclosure) that also had an opening on the top in which a cassette, recorder ,could be placed. This model was used in a cluster with one Aster (with disk
  39. For violin, the others being for bassoon, cello,oboe, flute,viola d'more, recorder , lute, or mandolin. About 40 are for two instruments and strings, and about 30
  40. And data back to the teacher through the same LAN, or could save to a cassette, recorder ,built into the disk-less units. Through a special" video-switch" the teacher
  41. Apex company, which built North America's first commercial reel-to-reel tape, recorder , He left NBC to work for ABC, because NBC was not interested in recording at
  42. On the use of the domestic television set and a separately connected tape, recorder ,or disk drive. In itself, the all-in-one concept was not new, having been seen
  43. Historian John Dunning wrote about German engineers having developed a tape, recorder ,with a near-professional broadcast quality standard::" Crosby saw an enormous
  44. Cassette via a supplied converter cable that connected it to any standard tape, recorder ,that had the correct sockets. It was capable of basic graphics, and could
  45. Piece RainForest (1968). * Audio: At one point Warhol carried a portable, recorder ,with him wherever he went, taping everything everybody said and did. He
  46. Exerting on the plate, and this is either read off on a suitable gauge, or on a, recorder , Instruments of this kind do not respond to light winds, are inaccurate for
  47. In London) then in turn wrote a vehement riposte in The Guardian. Cumulative, recorder ,The cumulative recorder is an instrument used to automatically record behavior
  48. And conjecture made by humans or instruments (for example a radio or a voice, recorder , which are used in electronic voice phenomena, or EVP). These observations
  49. Audio CD The ReWritable Audio CD is designed to be used in a consumer audio CD, recorder , which won't (without modification) accept standard CDR discs. These
  50. Liquor into his store, where he captured a few final performances on a tape, recorder , These were released posthumously on Prestige/Batesville Records as Last

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