Examples of the the word, deception , in a Sentence Context

The word ( deception ), is the 6471 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. At University College London (UCL),has described homeopathy as a“ cruel, deception ,”. In an article entitled" Should We Maintain an Open Mind about Homeopathy? "
  2. Hospitality to the hero, and Gut rune offers him the love potion. Unaware of the, deception , Siegfried toasts Brunhilde and their love. Drinking the potion, he loses his
  3. Surface, the second half is more serious and philosophical about the theme of, deception , Quixote has served as an important thematic source not only in literature but
  4. The murders are often extremely ingenious, involving some convoluted piece of, deception , Christie's stories are also known for their taut atmosphere and strong
  5. For all knowledge. While other knowledge could be a figment of imagination, deception ,or mistake, the very act of doubting one's own existence serves as proof of
  6. Parts had copied scenes written by Laurent's and apologized for his role in the, deception , Four decades later, Laurents learned he was ineligible for WGA health benefits
  7. A fourth, decoy,transmitter was located in the Thames Estuary as part of the, deception ,that the invasion would be focussed on the Calais area. 21 minesweepers and
  8. Or virtually all made in the U. S." The Federal Trade Commission, to prevent, deception ,of customers and unfair competition, considers an unqualified claim of "
  9. A Royal Navy officer assigned to smash the local smuggling ring, uncovered the, deception ,and Dr. Syn's true identity, thanks in part to the tongueless mulatto (who
  10. Was obvious on close inspection, it is unlikely to have been intentional, deception , The revised 1870 second edition of 1,500 copies attracted more attention
  11. Farcical, the second half is more serious and philosophical about the theme of, deception , As Part Two begins, it is assumed that the literate classes of Spain have all
  12. Hates with the pretense of love, for the purposes of self- deception as much as, deception ,of others * Abuses political (emotional) power (" the imposition of one's
  13. Theft of ideas, though the doctrine is principally concerned with fraud and, deception , not property. Objectives Financial incentive These exclusive rights allow
  14. Accusations made by the paper was that the BNP used" techniques of secrecy and, deception ,... in its attempt to conceal its activities and intentions from the public ".
  15. On the false plea that he is an orphan himself. The pirates learn of the, deception ,and re-capture the Major-General, but when it is revealed that the pirates are
  16. a billion in March 2000,no prospects of having a substantial product (investor, deception ,), followed by a collapse. * Web van, an online grocer that operated on a "
  17. Léger de main:" light of hand ": sleight of hand, usually in the context of, deception ,or the art of stage magic tricks. Means nothing in French and has no equivalent
  18. Replied in writing," Now to be branded as a liar and party to such hellish, deception ,it is more than I can bear, and if your committee feel that I have willfully
  19. By critic D. K. Hold—heads in precisely the opposite direction, with tales of, deception , seduction, and corruption exploiting bright, sun-baked settings
  20. Indian military strategists such as Suntan and Canada contain information on, deception ,and subversion. Chanakya's student Chandragupta Maurya, founder of the Maurya
  21. Water, but so far they have all been either mistaken or acted in an intentional, deception , A so-called reverend, Prescott Jerseyan ran a gold-from-seawater swindle in
  22. Limits allowed by a lenient law -- such may be excused if they set patriotic, deception ,above common everyday decency and perform services as spies. They merely accept
  23. Symbolism The dagger is symbolically ambiguous. It may be associated with, deception , stealth, and/or treachery due to the ease of concealment and surprise that
  24. As" that meal was a work of art" ( the cook is an artist),or" the art of, deception ,", ( the highly attained level of skill of the deceiver is praised). It is
  25. Vulnerable to manipulation. I simply want to stop the infringers and stop the, deception , " There has been speculation that Love's lawsuit was an attempt to pressure
  26. There was a serious lack of candor with the trial court and there may have been, deception , bad faith conduct, abuse of judicial process and, perhaps even fraud. " The
  27. Of Austria to Albert IV, Duke of Bavaria, was another result of intrigues and, deception , but must be counted as a defeat for Frederick. Albert illegally took control
  28. Zeus' affairs by leading her away and flattering her. When Hera discovered the, deception , she cursed Echo to only repeat the words of others (hence our modern word "
  29. Peer pressure, Sociology of religion, Pledge of Allegiance. Some people include, deception ,in their definition of (psychological) coercion. Yet deception does not
  30. Along '. Books by stage hypnotists sometimes explicitly describe the use of, deception ,in their acts, for example, Ormond McGill's New Encyclopedia of Stage Hypnosis
  31. Very similar to those of a conditional threat, it may hence be useful to treat, deception ,as separate phenomenon. Aims Predatory The purely selfish kinds of coercion are
  32. Cocaine trading carries large penalties in most jurisdictions, so user, deception ,about purity and consequent high profits for dealers are the norm. A study by
  33. Disturbing from a civil rights point of view, was that relatives would use, deception , or legal dealings or even kidnapping to get the recruit into programmers '
  34. Zeus' wife and sister, Maia gave birth to" this ingenious child, this clever, deception ,planner, tracker and captured of cattle, a shepherd of dreams, this citizen of
  35. Roles in order to save the Thermals, who have very little concept of, deception , and thus the art of acting/theater. Harris chases the Protector into a space
  36. Air Section. It has since been demolished. * Block G - Traffic analysis and, deception ,operations * Block H - Lorenz and Colossus (now The National Museum of
  37. It as such before Congress, and was angered by what he perceived as Webb's, deception ,and concealment of important program problems from Congress, and questioned
  38. On those positions. On occasion, real gun carriages were used to complete the, deception , Music Cannon have sometimes been used in classical pieces with a military
  39. Forces during retrograde movement, retreat,restoration of command and control, deception , battle handover and passage of lines, relief in place, linkup,breakout
  40. Of blame for farting is part of a ritual of behavior. This may involve, deception ,and a back and forth rhyming game. Society and culture On 28 January 2011 it
  41. Indeed,Enron's unscrupulous actions were often gambles to keep the, deception ,going and so push up the stock price, which was posted daily in the company
  42. Corporate officers would have to perform more and more contorted financial, deception ,to create the illusion of billions in profits while the company was actually
  43. People include deception in their definition of (psychological) coercion. Yet, deception ,does not generally involve any threat at all, as it works by creating a mere
  44. She gives birth to the twins Esau, father of the Edomites, and Jacob. Through, deception , Jacob becomes the heir instead of Esau and gains his father's blessing. He
  45. Whose business is murder as a fine art, a diplomat whose calling is based on, deception ,and secretiveness, a politician whose very life consists in compromises with
  46. Sense and imagination, are not subject to absurdity" and" For error is but a, deception ,... But when we make a general assertion, unlesse it is a true one, the
  47. To be attempting to escape and hide from their own conscience (through self, deception ,) and views this as being quite distinct from the apparent absence of
  48. Closed. To psychologically maintain the" calming effect" of the delousing, deception , an SS guard stood at the door, as if awaiting the prisoners. The
  49. At this point, Leclerc invited Toussaint to negotiate a settlement. It was a, deception ,; Toussaint was seized and deported to France, where he died of pneumonia while
  50. Because it had misled him into thinking Whitney Island was a peninsula. The ", deception ," was heightened due to Whidbey's failure to find the strait at first. In May

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