Examples of the the word, ending , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ending ), is the 6465 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 15, 1945,Emperor Hirohito declares Japan's unconditional surrender officially, ending ,the Second World War. * August 15, 1945,Korea became an independent country. *
  2. In 1896. In the 1890s Australia was affected by a severe economic depression, ending ,a hectic era of land booms and tumultuous expansionism. Financial institutions
  3. Guest. (When Christie adapted Witness into a stage play, she lengthened the, ending ,so that the murderer was also killed. ) There are also numerous instances where
  4. Aug. 1992),was a double-sized, hologram-cover issue with the cliffhanger, ending ,of Peter Parker's parents, long thought dead, reappearing alive. It would be
  5. An is left off of nouns preceded by a tax Martha ة (i.e. the -t in the, ending ,-at- that typically marks feminine nouns),but pronounced as -ā in other nouns
  6. However, does not escape death from the disease. Cottar is distressed by the, ending ,of the epidemic, from which he has profited by shady dealings. Two government
  7. Or Penelope, and helps him to defeat the suitors. She also plays a role in, ending ,the resultant feud against the suitors' relatives, although she seems strange
  8. The entire indefinite noun ending s -in -UN (with nu nation) are left off. The, ending ,-an is left off of nouns preceded by a tax Martha ة (i.e. the -t in the
  9. Military and moral crisis — the American Civil War — preserving the Union while, ending ,slavery and promoting economic and financial modernization. Reared in a poor
  10. They played a number of shows to promote Anatomic in 2006 and summer 2007, ending , with a gig in Korea, before taking an extended break to work on side projects.
  11. Siberia, then crossed the Bering Strait and continued southwards, finally, ending , his sentence 35 kilometers south of Guadalajara, Mexico. Speer devoted much of
  12. End on a darker note, with Alex succumbing to his violent, reckless nature—an, ending ,which the publisher insisted would be 'more realistic' and appealing to a U.
  13. Il-" the "; feminine -it in the construct state). *Loss of third-weak verbs, ending ,in w (which merge with verbs ending in y). *Reformation of geminate verbs, e.
  14. Dealings. Two government employees approach him, and he flees. Despite the, ending ,of the epidemic, Tarrou contracts the plague and dies after a heroic struggle.
  15. In the neptunium series decay chain, beginning with 237Np (or 233U) and, ending ,with near-stable bismuth (209Bi). The low natural concentration, and the
  16. State). *Loss of third-weak verbs ending in w (which merge with verbs, ending ,in y). *Reformation of geminate verbs,e.g. halal" I untied" → halt (u
  17. States and the Cheyenne tribe refers to American citizen. The Treaty of Paris, ending ,the Spanish-American War, known as Guerra Hispano-Estadounidense in Spanish
  18. Highway which runs through the heartland of Germany's hops-growing industry, ending ,in Framing. Transport The Babelsberg railway station is located on the Danube
  19. Successive states, eventually producing" output" and terminating at a final, ending ,state. The transition from one state to the next is not necessarily
  20. A common Arabic name component (but never a name by itself; additionally the, ending ,-UL and the beginning Al- are redundant),but Shared may allude to Hazard, a
  21. Of the Communist bloc's complete takeover of Europe by 1953,a different, ending ,to the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the spread of Soviet influence into South
  22. Much in the way Balto-Slavic has used this word to provide the definite, ending ,of adjectives. The cultural renaissance was first expressed through the
  23. Philosophy, the spread of Christianity through the Roman Empire marked the, ending ,of Hellenistic philosophy and ushered in the beginnings of Medieval philosophy
  24. A fire on board. *1980 – Samuel Doe takes control of Liberia in a coup d'état, ending ,over 130 years of minority Americo-Liberian rule over the country. * 1980 –
  25. England. *1340 – Niels Been kills Gerhard III of Holstein in his bedroom, ending ,the 1332-1340 interregnum in Denmark. *1572 – In the Eighty Years' War, the
  26. In Philadelphia. *1806 – Francis II, the last Holy Roman Emperor, abdicates, ending , the Holy Roman Empire. *1819 – Norwich University is founded in Vermont as the
  27. Boycott of British tea led to the Boston Tea Party in 1773. London responded by, ending ,self-government in Massachusetts and putting it under the control of the army
  28. Usually ", where the entire -tan is pronounced). *The masculine singular Nisha, ending ,is actually pronounced, and is unstressed (but plural and feminine singular
  29. Of 1820. A gag rule prevented discussion in Congress of petitions for, ending ,slavery from 1835 to 1844,while Manifest Destiny became an argument for gaining
  30. Syria withdraws the last of its 14,000 troop military garrison in Lebanon, ending ,its 29-year military domination of that country (Syrian occupation of Lebanon
  31. To initial vowel,e.g. " Meeting ". *If the word occurs after another word, ending ,in a vowel, the initial vowel of the word is elided,e.g. " House of the
  32. Inappropriate and using Z as the control code to end a file is analogous to it, ending ,the alphabet, a very convenient mnemonic aid. Text strings ending with the null
  33. Kaiser orders the Communist Party of China members executed in Shanghai, ending ,the First United Front. *1934 – The strongest surface wind gust in the world at
  34. Given this restriction, the last heavy syllable (containing a long vowel or, ending ,in a consonant) is stressed. * If there is no such syllable, the first
  35. English Language is published in London. *1783 – Preliminary articles of peace, ending ,the American Revolutionary War (or American War of Independence) are ratified
  36. A Hundred Years' War, the French attack and nearly annihilate English forces, ending ,English domination in Northern France. *1632 – Battle of Rain; Swedes under
  37. Is more beautiful than the famed goddess, Myrrha is punished with a never, ending ,lust for her own father. Cinemas is repulsed by this, but Myrrh disguises
  38. Will never be lasting," Room admits that he is involved in a" never, ending ,defeat," but this does not stop him from engaging in the struggle. Room is
  39. e.g. تقريباً" almost, approximately ", عادةً " usually ". *The tax Martha, ending ,ة is pronounced, except in construct state nouns, where it sounds as t (and
  40. Of a free state to outlaw slavery within its borders. Republicans committed to, ending ,the expansion of slavery were among those opposed to any such right to bring
  41. 1588 – Anglo-Spanish War: Battle of Grave lines – The naval engagement ends, ending ,the Spanish Armada's attempt to invade England. *1605 – The city of Lulu
  42. Alex's ability to enjoy music. The play restores the novel's original, ending , In 1988,a German adaptation of Clockwork Orange at the intimate theater of
  43. Privy to documents, but does not identify himself with any character until the, ending ,of the novel. *Asthma Patient: The asthma patient receives regular visits from
  44. Efficient cause is" the primary source ", or that from which the change or the, ending ,of the change first starts. It identifies 'what makes of what is made and what
  45. To it ending the alphabet, a very convenient mnemonic aid. Text strings, ending ,with the null character are known as ASCII, ASCIIZ or C strings. ASCII
  46. Goal of the war, though he increasingly saw slavery as a crucial issue and made, ending ,it is an additional goal. Lincoln's decision to issue the Emancipation
  47. The United States' de facto authority over the region, effectively, ending , Spanish governance (though not its claim),while gaining an unencumbered
  48. Believed literally in the imminent fulfillment of the promise of the World's, ending , within the lifetime of Jesus's original followers, He noted that in the
  49. Pronounced, one of three things happens: *If the word occurs after another word, ending ,in a consonant, there is a smooth transition from final consonant to initial
  50. In the second session, Karpov was slowly ground down and resigned on move 64, ending , the match and allowing Kasparov to keep the title. In their five world

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