Examples of the the word, westerner , in a Sentence Context
The word ( westerner ), is the 12654 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Ordained Buddhist nun) in the Driving Kay lineage. She is also the first, westerner , male or female, to be installed as an abbot in the Driving Kay lineage
- Of Buddhism, having been ordained in Taiwan in 2002. She is also the first, westerner , male or female, to be installed as an abbot in the Driving Kay lineage of
- Conquered the city only to have it retaken by Akbar in 1595. In 1828 the first, westerner ,to visit Quetta described it as a mud-walled fort surrounded by three hundred
- Or developed in the West as in China, South Korea, or Japan. He is the only, westerner ,to reach the grade of 9-dan - the highest grade. Biography Michael Redmond was
- Elaborate gem store scams, involving earning the trust of a shopper by a, westerner ,who is in cooperation with local merchants, have robbed tourists of thousands
- He would have risen much further in the army. Johnnie was a convinced “, westerner ,” in strategic terms and a“ fighting general ”. The army high command’s
- Enter the era of colonialism in the very of essence of its meaning. The first, westerner ,to reach West Sumatra was the French explorer Jean Carpentier in 1529. However
- Was released. In 2007,Jonny Olsen released the first ever For lam album by a, westerner ,or" Faring" in Laos. Live Venues The Taiwan Deng San on Pattanakan Rd
- Of the term is Gore. Malayalam of Kerala use the term Say yip to refer to a male, westerner , " Say yip" is probably derived from the word Sahib (meaning" sir" ), the
- From the Korean, which at that time was a remarkable achievement for a, westerner , He also stayed in Japan in 1953. Klein later wrote a book on Judo called Les
- East to establish a new Methodist mission at Wacom. He was the first, westerner ,known to have used the trail. The trail was then used as one of the final legs
- Government. Farquharson won the by-election but Sir Wilfred Laurie appointed a, westerner ,to cabinet instead leaving Farquharson on the backbenches until his death in
- V Macedonia to the front, and also served under Prices. Marius Versus was a, westerner , whose atria was perhaps Tools in Gallic Narbonensis. The most prominent
- This name from then on. Discovery by Westerners It was in 1911 that the first, westerner , Frank Humphreys, then a policeman stationed in India, discovered Sri Ramona
- By the French merchant, Étienne de Fla court, who may also have been the only, westerner ,to see and chronicle the existence of a giant (now extinct) lemur, which he
- Occasioning the most detailed contemporary description of Timur's court by a, westerner , Clavier found the city in a constant cycle of construction and rebuilding, in
- Arms of the kingdom). The spine was stitched by an artisan who was perhaps a, westerner ,trained in a Byzantine style, as his stitching is not as smooth as other
- The city of Fuzhou – or Foo chow - became well recognized in England. In 1913,a, westerner ,noted that many people in Fujian province had Arab ancestry, but were no longer
- Dutch traveler Cornelius de Bruijn visited Persepolis in 1704. He was the first, westerner ,who made drawings of Persepolis. The fruitful region was covered with villages
- Which became a center of Khunggirad power for the next few decades. Mongol and, westerner ,statesmen were assisted by an array of Chinese administrators and Muslim
- McCloud's love interest, Chris Coughlin. Recurring themes and characters The, westerner ,in New York City The most enduring theme of the show was the conflict between
- By 1830. He returned to Afghanistan, and visited Tajikistan, possibly the first, westerner ,to do so. He was later promoted to the rank of Colonel by Maharajah Transit Singh
- 100 % score on the 2008 LCV Scorecard, he has lived up to that pledge. As a, westerner , Senator Salazar has hands-on experience with land and water issues, and will
- Of course well familiar in the West, and it is very likely that the example of, westerner ,'s treatment of their gods was indeed an important factor in the innovation. "
- He traveled to Moscow where he met Premier Alexei Kosygin. He was the first, westerner ,to see the supersonic Tupolev Tu-144 and was given a tour of the Yuri Gagarin
- Symposium in 1995 in Key, Tuva. Pena travelled to Tuna and was the first, westerner ,to compete in the Symposium. He placed first in the Kargyraa contest and also
- Near San Carlos Avenue. Spanish In 1769,Gaspar de Portolà was the first, westerner ,to reach the San Francisco Bay. While early historians placed his approach to
- And that the most votes can be had by being directly in the center. Messi (; ", westerner ,") is the informal name that people in Germany call former citizens of West
- Master son in the 1959 film The Gunfight at Dodge City which depicted the famed, westerner ,during his term of office as Ford County Sheriff * Bat Master son was portrayed
- Camps or Jerusalem. In Palestine Sacco positions himself knowingly as the, westerner ,going to the Middle East to confront a reality unfamiliar to his American
- Has more than two hundred Kuhn. Haiku movement in the West The earliest, westerner ,known to have written haiku was the Dutchman Hendrik Doff (1764–1837),who
- That Borowski would run to succeed him, but he declined and endorsed fellow, westerner ,Jim Prentice. Prentice was defeated by Peter Mackay on the final ballot of the
- Practiced foot binding up to 1948. However, in southern China, in Canton the, westerner ,James Legged encountered a mosque which had a placard denouncing foot binding
- Write about the experience. I plan only on being a visual curiosity, the lone, westerner ,in a Vietnamese community; to rent a house, move in with few, if any
- Practised foot binding up to 1948. However, in southern China, in Canton the, westerner ,James Legged encountered a mosque which had a placard denouncing foot binding
- Just south of Kyushu; this is the source of Pinto's claim to be the first, westerner ,to enter Japan. Voyages to Japan A few years later (1542),Pinto made his
- In the town of Hangzhou. *On Matteo Rico - Comments on the Chinese work of a, westerner , the Jesuit Matteo Rich. *On Put Shrine - Essay on his journey to the island
- The land of death in search of immortality. " Essence of the Upanishads is a, westerner ,'s guide to this vitally important Indian text and its modern relevance to the
- Vocalist, guitarist,and songwriter. In the early 1970s Merrill was the first, westerner ,to achieve pop star status in Japan. He is the lead singer of the first ever
- On the southeast coast of China, especially Fujian province. In 1913,a, westerner ,noted that many people in Fujian province had Arab ancestry, but were no longer
- Throughout Europe to get helpful Cold War information to which no other, westerner ,had access, and to shore up opposition by the church to the Soviet Union.
- Home to Indigenous Australians for many thousands of years. The first known, westerner ,to land in the region was Dirk Harbor in 1616; other early visitors include
- China from before the Christian era is beyond doubt. The first known name of a, westerner ,is that of Alopen, and he came from Syria in about 635. He may have been a
- Department and remained Speaker of the House, so Monroe lacked an outstanding, westerner ,in his cabinet. Judicial appointments Monroe appointed one Justice to the
- No one but Harry Wright himself remained from 1867; one local man and one other, westerner ,joined seven easterners on the famous First Nine. The most important of the new
- It is ტამტრა Tamara. During Ottoman times, Tara Boleyn was also used. Some, westerner ,geographers used this name instead of Latin Rebind. History Ancient and
- Alice with her elder sister Melisande of Jerusalem, who also married a, westerner , Full V of Enjoy, around the same time. In 1127,Beyond besieged and captured
- Chinese White Pine Minus Armand and Père David's Deer. He was also the first, westerner ,to describe another rare Chinese endemic, the Giant panda (Arthropoda
- There is a monument to 17th-century Dutch explorer Hendrick Camel, the first, westerner ,to experience and write about Korea's Jose on Dynasty era. Camel and his men
- From every point of view—political, military and doctrinal—he would select a, westerner ,: the one man who by his wisdom and statesmanship and the vastness of his
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