Examples of the the word, detract , in a Sentence Context
The word ( detract ), is the 12659 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Aesthetically pleasing, without interference from those who would pollute or, detract ,from that option. " These goals have a secondary purpose, as stated by the
- A decade it discouraged the new sport, as rough play and rowdy crowds began to, detract ,from the YMCA's primary mission. However, other amateur sports clubs, colleges
- Muslim Red Crescent. They reasoned that a proliferation of red symbols would, detract ,from the original intention of the Red Cross emblem, which was to be a single
- Recorded in the Gospels and the Acts," lest the form of his brief work should, detract ,from the honor due to those events ". It is a source of primary importance for
- Glaze of a piece, as is seen on the white crackle glaze. This either enhance or, detract ,from the design. The timing of removal and placement in water directly affects
- The use of paraplegic groups in classification of organisms, because they, detract ,from cladistics' emphasis on clades (monophyletic groups). In contrast
- Then middle management, as dysfunctional time-wasters whose inefficiencies, detract ,from corporate values like 'productivity' and 'growth ', a very favorable
- Nkrumah decided to leave the Atlantic coastal region undeveloped,to not, detract ,attention away from the Community Center or Independence Square, lending both
- Change. Many also argue that giving traditionally male roles to women will only, detract ,from both women's and men's ability to lead truly fulfilling lives. Hardin
- No lower case markings (marking on the legs). The random spots should not, detract ,from the pattern. This would be a small color cap on the head with a white
- To loud music or get arrested for vandalism if he knows such actions will, detract ,significantly from his future well-being and goals (such as an academic career
- Some rights reserved. Some critics fear that Creative Commons' popularity may, detract ,from the more stringent goals of other free content organizations. Lessie
- Mendes felt that to show scenes he previously chose not to use would, detract ,from the film's integrity. On September 21, 2010,Paramount Home Entertainment
- Acetaldehyde and acetyl, that Anheuser-Busch believes are off-flavors which, detract ,from overall drinkability. Budweiser remains one of the world's lowest rated
- Was considered unjustifiable and dangerous, because it was feared that it would, detract ,from the importance of the Council of Chalcedony. Vigils refused to
- But stated that it was much less developed and that such a presence did not, detract ,from the overall distinction of simple brain size. Huxley's ideas on this
- Of the soldiers and sailors of the Republic, and no act of ours shall ever, detract ,from their justly-earned fame or the full reward of their patriotism.: Tenth:
- Experience. The paper used for the bag can also be tasted by many, which can, detract ,from the tea's flavor. Because fanning and dust are a lower quality of the
- Their breakdownand since yeast cells have thick hull walls which would, detract ,from the smoothness of the end product, the husks are sieved out. As with other
- State of Israel, but standing up for the rights of the Palestinians does not, detract ,from the emphasis on the safety of the State of Israel and vice versa. The
- Been criticized by some as the aggressive appearance of the barbs is thought to, detract ,from the appearance of a neighborhood. Due to its dangerous nature, razor
- Various ideas pass from one generation to the next, they may either enhance or, detract ,from the survival of the people who obtain those ideas, or influence the
- Musculoskeletal pain, and depression. Additionally, negative social capital can, detract ,from health. Although there are only a few studies that assess social capital
- The worship of God. The decor in some instances was austere so as not to, detract ,from worship. Early Presbyterian meeting-houses were extremely plain. No
- Trendy businesses and restaurants. Some say that these new developments, detract ,from the character of Colfax, while others worry that they cause gentrification
- Procedures were as realistic as possible, noting that to do otherwise would, detract ,from the realism and agitate those" who are in the trade ". This meant that
- Often struggle to then find a punchline funny enough to end on, and this would, detract ,from the overall sketch quality. They decided that they would simply not bother
- To politics earns him many enemies in the state legislature, but does not, detract ,from his popular appeal among many of his constituents, who respond with
- Which says that it contains extra words and sentences mixed in that, detract ,from the original meaning. The third extant Chinese translation is Ties
- My marriage. " He said his marriage may take away the attention, but doesn't, detract ,from what he loves doing: making music. In 12 February 2011,Heidi praises her
- Hands of the Nazis, Ellie Basel’s belief that“ a focus on other victims may, detract ,from the Judaic specificity of the Holocaust” fosters a misrepresentation of
- Especially, often have minor flubs and missed notes, which do little to, detract ,from listening enjoyment since the energy of the spontaneous performance comes
- Major league game, and Henderson had originally wanted to sit out so as not to, detract ,from the occasion, but Wynn insisted that Henderson play. After scoring the
- The new guidelines. Benedict emphasized that the Bridenstine Mass would not, detract ,from the Council, and that the Mass of Paul VI would still be the norm and
- However, it creates bands of color, which,as a type of aliasing, can, detract , from an image's aesthetic value. This can be improved using an algorithm known
- The other is that of the PALU. The additions made to the back of the cathedral, detract ,from its height. The 18th century-restoration rounded the pointed arches
- Damaging due to both the physical effects of the drugs, and because they, detract ,from addressing the root cause of depression, which is to be found, he argues
- References to his 'shock therapy ', and McGovern feared that this would, detract ,from his campaign platform. McGovern subsequently consulted confidentially with
- Critics argue that the costs and energy used in collection and transportation, detract ,from (and outweigh) the costs and energy saved in the production process;
- Testimony confirms any point of faith or of the Christian religion; much less to, detract ,from the authority of the other sacred books. " New Testament apocrypha and
- The limited application of the Nuremberg Code in U. S. courts does not, detract ,from the power of the principles it espouses, especially in light of stories of
- The single clip appliers as they save as much as $200 per case for the patient, detract ,nothing from the quality of the clip ligation, and add only seconds to case
- From a pure vowel to a diphthong. These changes for the most part did not, detract ,from the rule-governed nature of the spelling system; but in some cases they
- Notion called the French (or German, or Chinese) people – all of it seemed to, detract ,from the seriousness of the decision ". Camus and Sartre, in particular, were
- Genocide ": as" ethnic cleansing" has no legal definition, its media use can, detract ,attention from events that should be prosecuted as genocide. Crimes against
- Process is especially useful in logo design where a software learning curve may, detract ,from a creative thought process. The traditional-design/computer-production
- Reflects sound as well as light, the acoustics inside this type of dome can, detract ,from its utility. Such a solid dome also presents issues connected with heating
- Symphony in B minor was pretty much a piece of shit should not in any way, detract ,from this. " The substitution of shit or shitty for pretty much a piece of shit
- And digitized media are laid out in sans serif typefaces because serifs often, detract ,from readability at the low resolution of displays. A well-known and popular
- Effect on student learning. Indeed, some argue that disciplinary practices, detract ,from learning, saying that they undermine students' individual dignity and
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