Examples of the the word, parts , in a Sentence Context
The word ( parts ), is the 12673 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The country, is taught and partially co-official (with a few restrictions) in, parts ,of Kabylia. Algerian cities have commonly been given Berber and ancient Roman
- To the dispersal of Plantar by seeds and spores. Spores are everywhere in all, parts ,of the Earth: the waters fresh and marine, the atmosphere, free-floating and in
- 1996,and established the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. They imposed on the, parts ,of Afghanistan under their control their political and judicial interpretation
- Began immigrating to the European Union, United States, Australia and other, parts ,of the world. Faced with mounting international pressure and great number of
- Major ocean; surface water salinity in the open ocean ranges from 33 to 37, parts , per thousand (3.3 - 3.7 %) by mass and varies with latitude and season.
- Sections and a subarctic oceanic climate (Köppen CFC) in the northern, parts , On an annual basis, the panhandle is both the wettest and warmest part of
- Man" ) would be a creature that is a combination of organic and mechanical, parts , The word" android" is a combination of Ancient Greek Andres and the suffix
- As being like an organism rather than like a machine, and as a collection of, parts ,none of which can exist without the others. Aristotle's conception of the city
- Sake. They care for the schematic arrangements of bodies in space, but only as, parts ,in a larger whole. Apollo as a handsome beardless young man, is patently
- In many areas drivers have established alternate tracks to avoid the worst, parts ,of the surface, although careful attention must be paid to the presence or
- Were likely left in different versions and contexts (as in the overlapping, parts ,of the Endemic Ethics and Nicomachean Ethics),or in smaller units that could
- Using a variety of methods, over a more extensive period than normal in many, parts ,of academia. In the 1990s and 2000s,calls for clarification of what
- The boy in ambrosia and put him on top of a fire to burn away the mortal, parts ,of his body. She was interrupted by Pele us and abandoned both father and son in
- This absorption refrigerator was then revolutionary for having no moving, parts ,and using only heat as an input. On 11 November 1930,was awarded to Albert
- Fevers like Marburg hemorrhagic fever, are common diseases in several, parts ,of the country. Many regions in this country have high incidence rates of
- Belongs ('bright' or 'brilliant' ). This epithet was given to Apollo in, parts ,of Gaul, Northern Italy and Modicum (part of modern Austria). Apollo Belongs
- Defeat them. By 2009,a Taliban-led shadow government began to form in many, parts ,of the country complete with their own version of mediation court. As a result
- 20 and other cycles meant cycles. The Nepohualtzintzin was divided in two main, parts ,separated by a bar or intermediate cord. In the left part there were four beads
- Part of the state with its proximity to the Gulf of Mexico, while the northern, parts ,of the state, especially in the Appalachian Mountains in the northeast, tend to
- And Malta moved in to farm the Algerian coastal plain and occupied significant, parts ,of Algerian cities. These settlers benefited from the French government's
- Developed a matriarchal society in what is today Southeast Alaska, along with, parts ,of British Columbia and the Yukon. Also in Southeast were the Haida, now well
- Which are spoken natively across Morocco, Algeria,and Tunisia, as well as, parts ,of Niger, Libya and Mali; Amharic, the national language of Ethiopia, with 18
- Been irrelevant to the computer. But an electrical phasing mismatch between two, parts ,of the rendezvous radar system could cause the stationary antenna to appear to
- S soul was divided within himself after the fall of Adam. By purifying the two, parts ,of man's soul, man could be reunited with God. In the 14th century, these
- Outbreak. The peak season for tornadoes varies from the northern to southern, parts ,of the state. Alabama is one of the few places in the world that has a
- A weapons deal with France over the possibility of inclusion of Israeli, parts ,in them. Tensions between Algeria and Morocco in relation to the Western Sahara
- a million in Greater Somalia; and Hausa, which serves as a lingua franca in large, parts ,of the Sahel, with 25 million speakers. Bonny Sands (2009) believes the most
- Agricultural science is a broad multidisciplinary field that encompasses the, parts ,of exact, natural,economic and social sciences that are used in the practice
- The northern part of the ocean, rarely tropical cyclones form in the southern, parts , Hurricanes usually form between June 1 and November 30 of every year. The most
- Use of language or idiosyncratic language, and persistent preoccupation with, parts ,of objects. Onset must be prior to age three years, with delays or abnormal
- Used natural asphalt deposits for mortar between bricks and stones, to cement, parts ,of carvings, such as eyes, into place, for ship caulking, and for waterproofing
- Relies heavily on Southern Ontario tourists, as well as tourists from other, parts ,of Canada, the United States, and many international countries. Alberta's
- Or general laws, as the whole (i.e., macrostructure ) is the cause of its, parts , a relationship known as the whole-part causation. Plainly put the formal cause
- Spread throughout the Middle East, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, and, parts , of the Sahel. The most widely-spoken Afroasiatic language is Arabic, including
- And the Nicobar Islands, and the Funds languages of East and Central India and, parts ,of Bangladesh. However, no evidence for this classification has ever been
- To her offices at the AMH. Canada Canadian anthropology began, as in other, parts ,of the Colonial world, as ethnological data in the records of travelers and
- Average over in July. Despite having numerous rivers and reservoirs, large, parts , of the country are dry. The endorheic Sis tan Basin is one of the driest regions
- Anthropological linguistics is also concerned with the evolution of the, parts ,of the brain that deal with language. Because anthropology developed from so
- The membrane. Microfilaments are at least 50 % of the cytoskeleton. The other, parts ,are more stiff and are composed of intermediate filaments and macro tubules.
- And altruism share many similarities to the interactions between the many, parts ,(cells, genes ) of an organism, but are distinguished by the ability of each
- In direct sunlight, the spacecraft could be heated to over while the, parts ,in shadow would be. These temperatures could cause the heat shield to crack or
- In many areas drivers have established alternate tracks to avoid the worst, parts ,of the surface, although careful attention must be paid to the presence or
- In 1945. The ship was sold to the Indian Navy in 1948 but when she was scrapped, parts ,of the ship were saved and preserved in New Zealand. *Prince Achileas-Andreas
- Is found in Northern India and amongst overseas Indian communities in other, parts ,of Asia, especially Southeast Asia. Confucianism is found predominantly in
- Established a number of political units (" kingdoms "," empires" ) in most, parts ,of what today is Angola. The best known of these is the Kingdom of the Kongo
- Mating arrangement to get the male bee to collect and disseminate its pollen;, parts ,of its flower not only resemble the appearance of sand bees, but also produce
- By Bantu tribes during the Bantu migrations, though small numbers remain in, parts ,of southern Angola to the present day. The Bantu came from the north, probably
- Handling. More recently, genetic engineering is being employed in various, parts ,of the world, to create crops with other beneficial traits. New research on
- Abacus, also called a counting frame, is a calculating tool used primarily in, parts ,of Asia for performing arithmetic processes. Today, abaci are often constructed
- S. States, but it is divided into boroughs. Many of the more densely populated, parts ,of the state are part of Alaska's 16 boroughs, which function somewhat
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