Examples of the the word, mafia , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mafia ), is the 12667 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Especially from 1892 to 1921. In addition, the surge of brigandage and the, mafia ,provoked widespread violence, corruption and illegality. Prime Minister
  2. But fully confirmed Dell'Utri's role as a link between Berlusconi and the, mafia ,until 1992. In 1996,a Mafia informer, Salvatore Cancer, declared that
  3. Jewish-French mathematician. * March 29 – Vincent Gig ante, Italian-American, mafia , ( d. 2005) April * April 1 – George Gizzard, American actor (d. 2007) *
  4. 4 kilograms (8.82 pounds) of heroin into Canada. In 1999,Italian-American, mafia ,Bonanza family member, Mickey Zambrano, was overheard talking about the
  5. The leader of Cuba. A mobster said that in 1974 he was hired by New York State, mafia ,members to kill Trudeau, hoping to lure Castro to a funeral, where they would
  6. Onstage Hviezdoslav, Slovak poet (b. 1849) *1924 – Michele Merle, American, mafia , figure (b. 1880) *1934 – Carlos Changes, Brazilian physician (b. 1879) *1944
  7. With a city in northern Colombia also named Madrid. * Italian author and, mafia ,specialist Roberto Saving points out to a relationship of the group with the
  8. The 35th G8 summit in July 2009,Muhammad Gaddafi called Switzerland a" world, mafia ," and called for the country to be split between France, Germany and Italy. In
  9. Operative, and fled to Bulgaria, which was a base of operation for the Turkish, mafia , According to investigative journalist Lucy Similar, Mehmet Ali Agra had worked
  10. The two notable exceptions to the PSI and the Radicals. In the second trial for, mafia ,allegations against Giulio Andretti, leader of the right wing of the party, it
  11. Turf war in the 1970s Cleveland between Irish mobster Danny Greene and the Italian, mafia , Cleveland has also doubled for several other locations in film. The wedding
  12. Has had the effect of reducing the appeal of becoming a entity, since a single, mafia ,associate does not know whether his knowledge will be useful to the prosecutors
  13. By Pacino with relish bordering on glee. ’ In Donnie Bras co Pacino played, mafia ,gangster" Lefty ", in the true story of undercover FBI agent Donnie Bras co (
  14. To Giovanni Falcon and Paolo Borderline, two anti- mafia judges killed by the, mafia ,in early 1990s,is located west of Palermo (Junta Raise). The airport's rail
  15. Specialist Roberto Saving points out to a relationship of the group with the, mafia , According to this view, ETA traffics with cocaine which it gets via its FARC
  16. Israel Air Force and Japan Air Self-Defense Force. Criticism from the fighter, mafia ,that the F-15 was too large to be a dedicated dog fighter, and too expensive to
  17. Is a young Italian-American man who is trying to move up in the local New York, mafia ,but is hampered by his feeling of responsibility towards his reckless friend
  18. The narrow group of individuals at key positions of the business and government, mafia , Many took billions in cash and assets outside the country in an enormous
  19. And muscle power to get their way in cinematic deals. In January 2000,Mumbai, mafia ,hitmen shot Rakesh Roshan, a film director and father of star Hrithik Roshan.
  20. Silvio Berlusconi has an extensive record of criminal allegations, including, mafia , collusion,false accounting, tax fraud, corruption and bribery of police
  21. First verbal revolts towards various politicians and his efforts against the, mafia ,led to the ultimate arrest of mafia boss Toto China. Quotes Bacteria (Bavaria
  22. As his wife Francesca Orville. It covers Falcone's life from the start of his, mafia ,investigations in 1980,up to the assassination. *In The Best of Youth (La
  23. National fame as the" Gangbusters" prosecutor who had sent numerous infamous, mafia ,figures to prison, most notably Lucky Luciano, the organized-crime boss of New
  24. By Charlie's uncle. Charlie is torn between his devout Catholicism and his, mafia ,ambitions. As the film progresses, Johnny becomes increasingly self-destructive
  25. Uses poisoned cannoli to kill Don Antonella. More recently, the HBO T. V., mafia ,saga The Sopranos regularly saw cannoli gifted from one character to another.
  26. American singer and composer (d. 1997) * 1935 – Richard Kaminski, American, mafia , hitman (d. 2006) *1938 – Michael Denver, Deputy White House Chief of Staff (
  27. Italian organized crime groups. Other organized enterprises include the Russian, mafia , Irish mob, Chinese Triads, and the Japanese Yakuza. Bureaucratic/corporate
  28. Confections made way for gritty, violent films about gangsters (see Indian, mafia ,) and bandits. Amitabh Bachchan, the star known for his" angry young man "
  29. Several conservative Republican alumni, known collectively as the" USC, mafia ,", served on then President Richard Nixon's staff as well as during Nixon's
  30. With cocaine which it gets via its FARC contacts, then trades it with the, mafia ,for guns. * Some ex-militants have received political asylum in Latin American
  31. FBI agent Donnie Bras co (Johnny Depp) and his work in bringing down the, mafia ,from the inside. Pacino also starred as real life 60 Minutes producer Lowell
  32. Angel represents a value, group or an action (aid organizations, child abuse, mafia , apathy, judicial systems, etc.) over which they have great influence. The
  33. Years. At first there was a focus on bombers (driven originally by the Bomber, mafia ,), followed by a focus on fighters (Fighter Mafia and following). In response
  34. February 12,United States * Saint Valentine's Day Massacre: An infamous, mafia ,attack. February 14 * George Washington's birthday: February 22,United States
  35. Former minister and Christian Democracy leader Giulio Andretti is accused of, mafia ,allegiance by the tribunal of Palermo. * 1994 – One of the biggest tornado
  36. Tbilisi became the scene of frequent armed confrontations between various, mafia ,clans and illegal business entrepreneurs. Even during the Shevardnadze Era (
  37. Falcon and a handful of colleagues wage a lonely and dangerous war against the, mafia , " *The last years of Falcone's life, the Maxi Trial and his assassination are
  38. Will be useful to the prosecutors at the time of defection. Defection from, mafia ,in Italy have subsequently sharply reduced from the height reached in the early
  39. First, they are not a secret society like their counterparts of the Italian, mafia ,and Chinese triads. Yakuza organizations often have an office with a wooden
  40. Were perceived by many to belong to a gray zone between simple corruption and, mafia ,business, even if most of them were later acquitted. Leadership *Secretary:
  41. Politicians and his efforts against the mafia led to the ultimate arrest of, mafia ,boss Toto China. Quotes Bacteria (Bavaria in Sicilian) is a town and commune in
  42. In the Dublin Region with former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern's" Drummond, mafia ," and the separate groups supporting Tom Kit and Seamus Brennan in Dublin
  43. Average. Illegal dumping Authorities in Italy are investigating a 'Ndrangheta, mafia ,clan accused of trafficking and illegally dumping nuclear waste. According to a
  44. Franchise organizations, who wield a power somewhat like that of the US, mafia ,of the 1930s and are for the moment above and beyond the grasp of the law. They
  45. Included photos of Frank Sinatra associating with a number of people with, mafia ,connections, one alongside text from President Ronald Reagan’s speech awarding
  46. Has evolved from the honor and vengeance killings of the Yakuza or Sicilian, mafia ,which placed large physical and symbolic importance on the act of murder, its
  47. As foreign donations provide more. Deforestation The so-called" transportation, mafia ," operating out of Pakistan working with the Taliban" cut down millions of
  48. Heavy gap in industrial development and infrastructures, and the threat of the, mafia , This notwithstanding, during the 1960s (and partly during the 1990s) Catania
  49. And the Apulian Sacra Corona Units. There are also a number of localized, mafia ,organizations around the world bearing no link to any specific ethnic
  50. Are generally considered an important part of the culture of the Russian, mafia , The prevalence of women in the tattoo industry, along with larger numbers of

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