Examples of the the word, unspecified , in a Sentence Context
The word ( unspecified ), is the 12661 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- In the informal examples in this section, the range of the quantifiers was left, unspecified , ) In addition to specifying the meaning of predicate symbols such as Person
- In which arguments to functions and operands to most operators are evaluated is, unspecified , The evaluations may even be interleaved. However, all side effects (including
- Losses, and Bell continued to work, or returned to working at the Ritz for an, unspecified ,period. In December 1929,Bell announced he would become an assistant coach for
- Regression, and correlation. People denotes a group of humans, either with, unspecified ,traits, or specific characteristics (e.g. the people of Spain or the people
- This has been called the integration consensus. However, it remains, unspecified ,which kinds of information are integrated in a conscious manner and which kinds
- Can be modified only by the operations *push (S, x ), where x is some value of, unspecified ,nature; and with the constraint that *For any value x and any abstract variable
- The creditworthiness of the renter using a debit card. In Canada and additional, unspecified ,countries, car rental companies will deny a rental to anyone who does not fit
- 0.8 %, other 10.4 %),Hindu 27.9 %, Muslim 6.3 %, Sikh 0.3 %, other or, unspecified ,0.3 %, none 0.7 % (2007 census). The largest Christian denomination is the
- On 6 November 2008 both officers were found guilty at an admiral's mast on, unspecified ,charges, but the resulting punishment was not disclosed. Fat Albert performed
- With Rooney, Bell suffered financially and Rooney bought an increasing, unspecified , share of the Steelers from Bell. Eventually, Rooney gained controlling
- Attempting to take a picture of Beckham in Beverly Hills. The Matey is seeking, unspecified ,damages for assault, battery,and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
- Attachments serve the purpose of delivering binary or text files of, unspecified ,size. In principle there is no technical intrinsic restriction in the SMTP
- 0.3 % (mostly Reformed-Calvinist and Lutheran),Muslim 1.3 %, other and, unspecified ,0.9 %, none 5.2 % (2001 census) CIA World Factbook demographic statistics The
- Incontinence, Fanconi syndrome, chronic kidney failure 13 %),behavior (", unspecified ," and aggression 9 %),and cancer. (9 %). With this test, it is possible to
- Dictionary, making tsetses, seven letters and no vowels, possible. Nth (an, unspecified ,ordinal number) is included in many dictionaries. Many consonants The longest
- To environmental factors that contribute to cancer risk, or some other as-yet, unspecified ,factor. In addition to a reduced risk of most kinds of cancer, people with Down
- The Taiwanese Zoom Hunt International Productions Company, Ltd; as well as the, unspecified ,United China Vision, and Asia Union Film & Entertainment Ltd., created solely
- Return and subsequent expeditions in 849 BC and 846 BC against a similar but, unspecified ,coalition seem to show that he met with no lasting success. According to the
- Year on the anniversary of the death. The relatives of the deceased, for an, unspecified ,length of time that depends on them, are in mourning, during which women wear
- Give birth to twins. In thanks, Borgny invokes vættir, Frigg, Freyja, and other, unspecified ,deities. Freya is a main character in the poem Hyndluljóð, where she assists
- Baptist 4.8 %: Church of God 4.5 %: other Christian 5.4 %: other 2 %: none of, unspecified ,5.8 % Languages: English (official),local dialects Literacy: Definition: age
- Entity that admits two operations: *store (V, x ) where x is a value of, unspecified ,nature; and with the constraint that *fetch (V) always returns the value x
- English Catholic college in Roams, saying instead that he had been engaged in, unspecified ," affairs" on" matters touching the benefit of his country ". Surviving
- Intervals of one second; they are all then extinguished simultaneously after an, unspecified ,time (typically less than 3 seconds) to signal the start of the race. The
- In 1959,but never recorded afterwards. A single Libyan specimen from an, unspecified ,locality taken in the 19th century is the only record for this island. * Shiva
- Improvements in homing and greater range (actual amount of improvement, unspecified ,). It was successfully tested in 2003 and is currently being produced for both
- In 1897 the need for special scrutiny of the Bosnian Annexation issue at an, unspecified ,future date. External matters began to affect the Bosnian Protectorate, however
- Been sold. Calvin and Hobbes is set in the contemporary United States in an, unspecified ,suburban area. The strip depicts Calvin's flights of fantasy and his
- Then 10.5 hours behind UTC. Since it is uninhabited the island's time zone is, unspecified , but it lies within a nautical time zone 12 hours behind UTC. History Baker was
- Forty-nine Daniels are absolved of their murderous crime, and married off to, unspecified ,Arrive men. The satyr play following this trilogy was titled Anyone, after one
- Catholic 88 %, Orthodox 4.4 %, other Christian 0.4 %, Muslim 1.3 %, other and, unspecified ,0.9 %, none 5.2 %. During the last decade of the 20th century the population of
- There is still the risk that no wheat will be available because of events, unspecified ,by the contract, such as the weather, or that one party will renege on the
- When other gods were preeminent, and further argued that references to an, unspecified ," god" are meant to refer flexibly to any deity. He therefore argued that
- Hindus belong mostly to the Sana tan sect (74.3 % of all Hindus) or else are, unspecified ,(22 %). The small Arya Samar sect claims the membership of some 3.7 % of all
- 61.1 %, Tahitian (official) 31.4 %, Asian languages 1.2 %, other 0.3 %, unspecified ,6 % (2002) Other languages with only local (if any official) status:
- As the constellation Lupus was a sectional asterism within Centaurus as an, unspecified ,animal, possibly a wolf, considered to be either in the centaur's grasp or
- News media reported that Hopper had been rushed to a New York hospital for an, unspecified ,condition. Hopper,73,was reportedly brought into an unidentified Manhattan
- The defeat was the result both of an overwhelmingly large British force and, unspecified ," traitors. " Villeneuve came under scathing attack on his return to France for
- Of his possessions, the items were never recovered. Death Montgomery died from, unspecified ,causes in 1976 at his home Abington Mill, Isington near Alton, Hampshire,aged
- Atalanta 7.9 %, Sekgalagadi 2.8 %, English 2.1 % (official),other 8.6 %, unspecified ,0.4 % (2001 census) Literacy: Definition: age 15 and over can read and write:
- Thus, when *\! \! \! Is associative, the evaluation order can therefore be left, unspecified ,without causing ambiguity, by omitting the parentheses and writing simply:: XYZ
- The same person as Noah),Elijah, John the Baptist, John the Apostle, and an, unspecified ,man who was a contemporary of Abraham (See
- Of a Cuba-Nauru Joint Intergovernmental Commission for Economic Cooperation. An, unspecified ,number of Cuban doctors are serving in Nauru. New Zealand Regarding relations
- Who created him. The reason for this title is that the scientists used him for, unspecified ,experiments, cyber-enhancing him to give him extraordinary data-sniffing and
- Well-done). Healing is the ability to induct health benefits from some usually, unspecified ,higher source where the healer can direct the effects to the beneficiary.
- The approach is to show that there is a change of coordinates (usually, unspecified , but computable) that makes the dynamical system as simple as possible.
- 238 onwards. The participation of the Pasternak in This is likely but largely, unspecified , due to Cosmos' and other chroniclers' tendency to lump all these tribes
- Rounds were produced for various RAF requirements, and there were 16 other, unspecified ,training rounds. Blue Steel was officially retired on 31 December 1970,with
- 37.9 %) Serbs,571,317 (14.6 %) Croats and 58,196 (1.5 %) others and, unspecified , According to 2000 data from the CIA World Factbook,Bosnia's three largest
- Of ISO-8859-1 (so HTTP/1.1 formally does not offer such option as an, unspecified ,character encoding),and this specification supersedes all HTML (or XHTML)
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