Examples of the the word, inefficiency , in a Sentence Context
The word ( inefficiency ), is the 12666 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Movement, which held that the government and the economy were riddled with, inefficiency ,and waste, and could be improved by experts who could identify the problems and
- From international as well as domestic competition; the result is chronic, inefficiency , poor quality, limited product diversity, and underutilization of plants. This
- And departmental and lower courts, has long been riddled with corruption and, inefficiency , Through revisions to the constitution in 1994,and subsequent laws, the
- Each of these garbage components must contain at least one cycle. Dealing with, inefficiency ,of updates Incrementing and decrementing reference counts every time a
- Of each input symbol is a negative power of two. Prefix codes tend to have, inefficiency ,on small alphabets, where probabilities often fall between these optimal points
- When the probability of a symbol exceeds 2−1 = 0.5,making the upper limit of, inefficiency ,unbounded. These situations often respond well to a form of blocking called
- To undertake the desperately needed modernization of its industrial plants. The, inefficiency ,of North Korea's Stalinist-style agricultural system also contributed to the
- Some mercantilists supported these, but others acknowledged the corruption and, inefficiency ,of such systems. Many mercantilists also realized that the inevitable results
- These and other consequences of state provision of services often resulted in, inefficiency ,and poor service quality. As a result, governments began to seek other
- With the NEP, claiming that it" ... breeds nepotism, corruption and systemic, inefficiency ,". On April 21, 2009,the prime minister Najib Tun Rank has announced
- Accepts his own less responsible position and expresses his cynicism at the, inefficiency ,of Army authority. " He also noted that" the expression ... is coming into
- On one or two pieces of data at a time. This process gives rise to an inherent, inefficiency ,in subscalar CPUs. Since only one instruction is executed at a time, the entire
- With the Government of Guinea. However, the two utilities are plagued by, inefficiency ,and corruption. Foreign private investors in these operations departed the
- Name of a literalist interpretation of autonomy. Other perceived losses include, inefficiency ,and lack of mobility in the service of others, and insufficient appeal to
- Nicholas I and the Decembers Revolt Russia's great power status obscured the, inefficiency ,of its government, the isolation of its people, and its economic backwardness.
- Huffman coding can only have an integer number of bits. Therefore, there is an, inefficiency ,in Huffman coding where a code word of length k only optimally matches a symbol
- Washington discharged Monroe from his office as Minister to France due to, inefficiency , disruptive maneuvers, and failure to safeguard the interests of his country.
- Be ravaged by another war with Japan (1895),Revolution (1911) and ongoing, inefficiency ,and corruption. Chinese companies ran their own steamers, but were second tier
- Is making a profit and if so how much. Inefficiency There are two sources of, inefficiency ,in the MC market structure. First, at its optimum output the firm charges a
- Least common colors allocated to the remaining quarter of the palette. Another, inefficiency ,with the RLE algorithm is that it is possible to store chunks with a length of
- No longer the dominant factor in banks' lending decisions. In fact, both the, inefficiency ,and absence of the role of the Central Bank of Egypt in qualitative and
- Nigeria is faced by a number of societal issues due primarily to a history of, inefficiency ,in its governance. Human rights Nigeria's human rights record remains poor and
- Involved in selecting paths or even parts of a single path. Complications or, inefficiency ,can result if these entities choose paths to optimize their own objectives
- Started to show symptoms of a malfunctioning planned economy; shortages or, inefficiency ,were seen everywhere. Raw materials were in short supply and so were energy and
- About lack of differentiation by income within ranks. Ultimately, it was the, inefficiency ,of their collection - what they brought in routinely fell far short of expected
- The state-owned Corporación Paraguay de Comunicaciones (Coach) is known for, inefficiency ,and over staffing. Privatization was attempted in 2002,but failed in the midst
- No direct indications of the program's state. These, as well as brainfuck's, inefficiency ,and its limited input/output capabilities, are some of the reasons it is not
- The 8BITMIME extension. Thus, base64 or quoted-printable (with their associated, inefficiency ,) must sometimes still be used. This restriction does not apply to other uses
- Used in conjunction with the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm. The, inefficiency ,of performing multiplications and additions with zero-valued" samples" is
- As well as their state and party). In January 1862,after many complaints of, inefficiency ,and profiteering in the War Department, Lincoln replaced Cameron with Edwin
- Mechanisms to ameliorate: * The frequent updates it involves are a source of, inefficiency , While tracing garbage collectors can impact efficiency severely via context
- Socialism as impossible, rather than having to contend with a source of, inefficiency , A recent paper on the computational complexity of economic equilibrium notes
- Relative value not only relaxes production, but leads finally to the waste and, inefficiency ,of barter. " Keynes detailed the relationship between German government
- Proposed a form of agrarian socialism with large state farms to counteract the, inefficiency ,of very small holdings. In independent Poland he advocated expropriation of
- 83) which chronicles an old man's journey through a clinic, a satire of the, inefficiency ,of clinics and his last book (written a year before his death) Oh, the Places
- Lambasted FDR and his administration for domestic corruption, bureaucratic, inefficiency , tolerance of Communism, and military blunders. Labor unions, which had grown
- Senior positions still went to the landed aristocracy. Below the elite level, inefficiency ,and corruption was as widespread as ever. The reforms started by Philip V
- Who secured the job at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall for Oswald. ) Oswald's, inefficiency ,and rudeness at his new job were such that fights threatened to break out, and
- Order, Christian morals and values, and was dedicated to rooting out disorder, inefficiency , irrationality and political immorality. From 1917 to 1933,he served as Mayor
- Short-range relatively low speed military applications where their low-speed, inefficiency ,is outweighed by their extremely high thrust and hence high accelerations.
- Of heating and cooling of the cylinder with every stroke which is a source of, inefficiency , A method to lessen the magnitude of this heating and cooling was invented in
- Data sets. Bubble sort can be used to sort a few items (where its, inefficiency ,is not a high penalty). Bubble sort may also be efficiently used on a list
- Identically-distributed random variables, combining symbols together reduces, inefficiency ,in a way that approaches optimally as the number of symbols combined increases
- Of fixed or variable-length before Huffman coding helps both to reduce that, inefficiency ,and to take advantage of statistical dependencies between input symbols within
- Accounts for low amount of tax money used for the population, due to government, inefficiency ,and corruption, especially at the lowest levels. Bosnia has been preparing for
- Hunger. A bloated bureaucracy known for the mediocrity of its work and the, inefficiency ,of its staff the FAO in recent years has become increasingly politicized. In
- Engines, they are not as efficient as batteries, due primarily to the, inefficiency ,of the oxygen reduction reaction (and ... the oxygen evolution reaction
- States were generally characterized by political lethargy and administrative, inefficiency , often compounded by rulers who were more concerned with their mistresses and
- Will be a net loss of consumer (and producer) surplus. The second source of, inefficiency ,is the fact that MC firms operate with excess capacity. That is, the MC firm's
- Senator Harry S. Truman, best known for his battle against corruption and, inefficiency ,in wartime spending. The Republicans nominated Thomas E. Dewey, the liberal
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