Examples of the the word, plank , in a Sentence Context
The word ( plank ), is the 12674 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And the graphite/clay strings are inserted into the grooves. Another grooved, plank ,is glued on top, and the whole assembly is then cut into individual pencils
- The ribs inside the keel. Longships had about five rivets for each yard of, plank , The longships’ wider hulls provided strength beneath the waterline which gave
- Polynesia It is a commonly-held belief that surfing originated in Hawaii. This, plank ,surfing was different to the woven reed boat surfing presumed to have
- 27 – The Fayetteville and Western Plank Road Company is incorporated to build a, plank ,road from Fayetteville, North Carolina to Bethany, North Carolina. * January
- 339) Christian Scientists are Trinitarian, but in an unorthodox way. One, plank ,of the platform of Christian Science says:: :Life, Truth,and Love constitute
- For the mechanism of evolution: natural selection. Heredity was a central, plank ,of Darwin's theory of natural selection, but Darwin could not provide a
- Of useful literature, and the advancement and spread of education. The central, plank ,of the statute is a social quid pro quo; to encourage" learned men to compose
- It was a mostly agrarian-based society, but canal projects and a new network of, plank ,roads spurred greater trade within the colony and with the United States
- Handing over of monetary policy to the Bank of England had featured as a key, plank ,of the Liberal Democrats' economic policy since the 1992 general election. A
- Doing this in 1929,using horse reins and clothesline to secure his feet on the, plank ,of wood. Most board sports have similar, equally unknown origins. Using data
- Increase the strength by preventing longitudinal shearing. Knots in a board or, plank ,are least injurious when they extend through it at right angles to its broadest
- Of the material, resulting in smoother writing. A juniper or incense-cedar, plank ,with several long parallel grooves is cut to fashion a" slat," and the
- Consists of wooden slats stacked upon one another in a manner similar to a, plank ,& batten door (though the slats are usually thinner) or the wooden-block
- The Buccaneers planned to stage a ceremony in which Bruce was to walk the, plank ,of a pirate ship in Tampa Bay, but he was pardoned at the last minute by
- While Truman and his staff were ambivalent about supporting the civil rights, plank , it did receive strong support from many of the big-city party bosses, most of
- Consists of wooden slats stacked upon one another in a manner similar to a, plank ,& batten door (though the slats are usually thinner) or the wooden-block
- On the Convention floor, Humphrey chose to speak on behalf of the minority, plank , In a renowned speech, Humphrey passionately told the Convention," To those
- This raises whether social contrarianism, as a central, plank ,of liberal thought, is reconcilable with the Christian religion, and
- His temporal manhood. (Message for 1901,page 8) This accords with a basic, plank ,in the platform of Christian Science:: :The invisible Christ was imperceptible
- Role, his real influence as an author was on the grammatical structure of the, plank ,on tax hikes. By 1985,Kemp was a leading contender for the 1988 Presidential
- Who is familiar with the concept of skiing or sledding, standing sideways on a, plank ,of wood and riding down a snow-covered slope. M. J." Jack" Burnett is
- The roofs of the largest cathedrals in the high Middle Ages. An unworked hull, plank ,would have weighed over, and one of the main deck beams would have weighed
- S platform that was a replication of the 1944 Democratic National Convention, plank ,on civil rights. A diverse coalition opposed this tepid platform, including
- A social cause, writers began to publish works condemning polygamy. The key, plank ,of the Republican Party's 1856 platform was" to prohibit in the territories
- Be taken Canada In the history of Canada, responsible government was a major, plank ,of the program of development towards independence. The concept of
- Stern to stern. Nearly all longships were clinker built, meaning that each hull, plank ,overlapped the next As the strikes reached the desired height, the interior
- Influence in the Harrison administration. He ignored his own platform, plank ,of overturning the" Spoils" system. Clay attempted to influence Harrison's
- Was termed as an apparent bid to recapture his party's Marathi sons of soil, plank , which was being hijacked by the MNS leader Raj Thackeray, Bal Thackeray wrote
- The middle of the hull, and would have prevented hogging. Additionally, hull, plank , butts would remain in compression in all but the most severe sea conditions
- Party to a more aggressive opposition to racial segregation. The minority, plank ,called for federal legislation against lynching, an end to legalized school
- As a process for making images without text. The artist draws a design on a, plank ,of wood, or on paper which is transferred to the wood. Traditionally the artist
- Of the St Louis Post-Dispatch, was put on the platform committee and Bryan's, plank ,for free silver was adopted sixteen to one and silently added to the Chicago
- Held tightly in holes drilled in the pin block or wrest plank , an oblong hardwood, plank , Proceeding from the tuning pin, a string next passes over the nut, a sharp
- Banker J. P. Morgan and International Harvester. Perkins blocked an antitrust, plank , shocking reformers who thought of Roosevelt as a true trustbuster. The
- The First Secretaryship of the Czechoslovak Communist Party. Meanwhile, one, plank , of the reform program had been carried out: in 1968-9,Czechoslovakia was
- In the Democratic Party. These liberals proposed adding a" minority, plank ," to the party platform that would commit the Democratic Party to a more
- Nederland" in 1624 were 30 Walloon families. In the 1640s,basic picket and, plank ,fences denoted plots and residences in the colony. Later, on behalf of the
- On each axle. *secondary suspension via two air springs mounted on the pivot, plank , This is connected to the bogie by pendulum links. A constant coach height is
- Suppose we look at S1 just a couple of years after it was built. If just one, plank ,has been replaced, will we say that the ship is a different ship? Many
- Society ". " Penal transportation was already well established as a central, plank ,of English criminal law and until the American Revolution about a thousand
- Rizamughan, three Persians from" Thurralibad ", two of whom play see-saw on a, plank ,laid across the third. They have a series of contretemps with British
- For the worse, but may be exploited for visual effect. In a longitudinally sawn, plank , a knot will appear as a roughly circular" solid" ( usually darker) piece of
- General at the hands of Athenians in about 479 BC:" They nailed him to a, plank ,and hung him up ... this Articles who suffered death by crucifixion. " The
- 1883,apparently from gin-fueled despair. His wooden grave marker was a carved, plank ,which could be seen on the island is tiny three-grave cemetery for decades. The
- Revolution and the Right of Nations to Self-Determination" as an integral, plank ,in the program of socialist internationalism" and he quotes Lenin who
- Together by two horizontal plank s (the ledges) and kept square by a diagonal, plank ,(the brace). A wicket door is a pedestrian door built into a much larger door
- Bogie had a conventional bolster suspension with swing links carrying a spring, plank , B4 bogie The B4 bogie was introduced in 1963. It was a fabricated steel design
- Memories of an earlier anionic representation, as a pillar in Argos and as a, plank ,in Amos. " Hera was known for her jealous and vengeful nature, most notably
- Role. Thousands of rock carvings depict ships, most probably representing sewn, plank ,built canoes for warfare, fishing and trade. These may have a history as far
- Based on skin color. Also, strongly backing the liberal civil rights, plank ,were Democratic urban bosses like Ed Flynn of the Bronx, who promised the votes
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