Examples of the the word, parkway , in a Sentence Context
The word ( parkway ), is the 12669 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Would be provided to maintain the community's character. The proposed, parkway ,was to also help upgrade the sensitive history along the South Branch River.
- By many of the city's the most handsome homes. The Pasco is a major north–south, parkway ,that runs through the center of the city beginning at Cliff Drive. It was
- Garden State Parkway passes through Hillsdale, there is no interchange on the, parkway ,within the borough. It is accessible via nearby interchange 168. The main
- Bridge, are the only instances of a two lane highway – also called a Super-2, parkway , – on the Interstate system. By states and cities *Most states served by an
- Fort Campbell. Construction was completed in three phases. Phase One took the, parkway ,to the US 68 bypass. Phase Two extend it to Lover's Lane. Phase Three
- Hawk instead. In an effort to compete, Central City completed a four-lane, parkway ,from Interstate 70 to Central City, without going through Black Hawk. The
- Columbia now has two exits on the Parkway. Exit 49,the original exit on the, parkway , merges onto Highway 55 South (also known as Jamestown Street) bringing
- In June 2004,the Bluffs Parkway opened off River stone Boulevard. This, parkway , funded by an $8 million grant from the Georgia Department of Transportation
- And is only minutes from Mary Mill, the most photographed destination on the, parkway , The county hosts the longest running beach music festival on the East coast
- Alleys, centered on the widened roads of Main Street and Fifth Avenue. While a, parkway ,was planned for both sides of Lick Creek, only a small segment of it was
- Of parkway trees against disease. If a homeowner wishes to protect a, parkway ,elm tree or ash tree against Dutch elm disease or ash borer, respectively,the
- Route 35 and Route 36. Hinton Falls houses Exits 100,102,105,and 109 on the, parkway , including a high-speed tollgate, and the southern start/end of the express
- The main exceptions were toll roads such as the Pennsylvania Turnpike and, parkway ,routes such as the Merritt Parkway. Many of the first high-speed roads were U.
- On I-16,with numerous restaurants and gas stations. A short, tree-lined, parkway , leads to the downtown area. Better may be best known as the home of" The Sower
- Long Island Expressway and other major roadways. Robert Moses created various, parkway ,projects to span the island, along with state parks for the enjoyment of many.
- Be operated by Westchester County. The development of Westchester's parks and, parkway ,systems supported existing residential communities and encouraged the
- UK would be the median or center divide on a freeway, expressway,highway or, parkway ,in the US. The one-way lanes that make it possible to enter and leave such
- The Shiloh corridor was open for business with the completion of the Shiloh, parkway , a multi-lane street with eight the largest oil discovery in U. S. history.
- 3 public beaches,4 public swimming pools,1 community center, and 1 public, parkway , Culture * There are a number of museums in town. The Port Huron Museum is a
- The" parkway east" connecting to I-76 (Pennsylvania Turnpike) and the ", parkway ,west" connecting to I-79,the Pittsburgh International Airport, the Ohio end
- Sits only a few hundred feet from the alignment. The four-lane alignment,", parkway ," design was a compromise. The truck bypass for this section is signed on I-494
- First city for which Olmsted designed (in 1869) an interconnected park and, parkway ,system rather than stand-alone parks. The Guaranty Building, by Louis Sullivan
- Rural portions of Flemington Borough and Marital Township. Along with the new, parkway , a brand-new local street network was proposed to help support the new
- Resulted in the Pershing Map. Later that decade, highways such as the New York, parkway ,system were built as part of local or state highway systems. As automobile
- South Branch Parkway, to connect Route 31 to U. S. Route 202 in Flemington. The, parkway ,was to be built as a two-lane alternative to Route 31 defining the border of
- Through Kentucky,145 miles (232 km) long utilizing that state's existing, parkway ,system and a section of Interstate 24,was established by federal legislation
- Owners whereas the farms' exceptions are indefinite. Development west of the, parkway ,is strictly controlled by the New Jersey Pin elands Commission. Many Oceans
- Three, completed in late 2010 but not opened until early 2011,extended the, parkway ,to meet I-24. Air All commercial air traffic for residents and visitors to
- Highway that passes just south of Bardstown. A part of the Kentucky, parkway ,system, the highway was formerly a toll road, but tolls were removed in 1991
- Exit off Highway 50. American River Parkway The American River Parkway is a, parkway ,that runs along the American River throughout Sacramento County, California.
- Of Parks in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; the Cherokee Park and entire parks and, parkway ,system in Louisville, Kentucky; Springfield, Massachusetts ' 735-acre Forest
- Fanning out from downtown Pittsburgh as the" parkway s. " I-376 is both the ", parkway ,east" connecting to I-76 (Pennsylvania Turnpike) and the" parkway west "
- Parkway bridges. It is now exit 39 off the Merritt, and exit 15 off I-95. The, parkway ,is a National Scenic Byway and is listed on the National Register of Historic
- Are located in the township, with one tollgate on the northbound lanes of the, parkway ,(just north of Exit 159),and the other tollgate used at the interchange for
- Are located in Hillside. A tollgate is located on the northbound lanes of the, parkway , approaching the interchange for 78. The New Jersey Department of
- 322. The North–South Freeway portion of Route 42 was originally planned as a, parkway ,in 1932 that would run from the Ben Franklin Bridge in Camden to Atlantic City;
- For a limited-access route along the Route 29 corridor go back to 1932,when a, parkway ,was proposed along the Delaware River between Trenton and Lambertville; this
- Expand the Expressway including an extension of Toll 414,known as Akiva, parkway , planned to continue just West of the Toll 414 / Toll 429 junction and then
- City from West Quincy to Quincy Center and Merry mount at Quincy Bay. There the, parkway ,meets Quincy Shore Drive at the mouth of Blacks Creek. Quincy Shore Drive
- The city between Smiths Grove and Park City. At Elizabethtown, it has two more, parkway ,interchanges with the Wendell H. Ford Western Kentucky Parkway and the Martha
- For children who walk to school. Although the village owns the sidewalks and, parkway ,trees, homeowners are responsible for their maintenance. If a village inspector
- The Natchez Trace Parkway * Natchez Trace Parkway - a two-lane, limited access, parkway ,managed by the National Park System Recreation * Tishomingo State Park - of
- Unlike other Chicago suburbs, no cost-sharing exists with inoculation of, parkway ,trees against disease. If a homeowner wishes to protect a parkway elm tree or
- The total area is 0.40 % water. The Taconic State Parkway is a north-south, parkway ,through LaGrange. Demographics As of the census of 2000,there were 14,928
- Also known as" The Merritt" or Connecticut Route 15,is a truck-free scenic, parkway ,that runs through the county parallel and generally several miles north of
- Cost, the majority of homeowners do not incur these expenses and the village, parkway ,elm and ash populations have been ravaged. As a result, the once majestic
- Yards (three city blocks),with 75 stores and buildings, a tree-lined center, parkway ,and 20 full-grown oak trees. For months prior to principal photography, the
- Intersects I-75 in Ridge Manor West and meets the Sun coast Parkway at the, parkway ,'s current end near World Woods Golf Course north of Brookville. * runs north
- Runs along the American River throughout Sacramento County, California. The, parkway ,consists of many smaller parks and boat launching points. It can be accessed by
- Pittsburgh International Airport, the Ohio end of the Turnpike and I-80. The ", parkway ,north" is I-279 connecting to I-79. The" crosstown" is I-579 allowing access
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