Examples of the the word, binder , in a Sentence Context
The word ( binder ), is the 12665 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- As negative magnetostriction and is on the order of 50 ppm. Nickel is used as a, binder ,in the cemented tungsten carbide or hard metal industry and used in proportions
- Called sticky-shed syndrome. Caused by absorption of moisture into the, binder ,of the tape, it can render the tape unusable. Audio recording Magnetic tape was
- Barrier layer of the photo drum. In the automotive industry, h-BN mixed with a, binder ,(boron oxide) is used for sealing oxygen sensors, which provide feedback for
- Was often made from ground semiprecious stones such as laps Pauli and the, binder ,made from either gum Arabic or egg white. Gouache, also known as 'designer
- Included optionally, depending on the desired properties of the cured film. The, binder ,imparts adhesion, binds the pigments together, and strongly influences such
- Forcemeat as it has a somewhat neutral flavor. Secondary binder s Often the only, binder ,in a force meat is the physical structure of the protein utilized. Sometimes a
- As the vehicle for an emulsion (suspension) of acrylic polymer that is the, binder ,in acrylic paint. Thus, oil paint is said to be" oil-based ", while acrylic
- Peel from a surface. Differences between acrylic and oil paint The vehicle and, binder ,of oil paints is linseed oil or another drying oil, whereas water serves as the
- Trace, or coalescing, solvent,evaporate and draw together and soften the latex, binder ,particles and fuse them together into irreversibly bound networked structures
- Albums are often made using removable plastic pages held inside in a ringed, binder ,or other similar smolder. Hymnals are books with collections of musical hymns
- Greco-Roman times, mostly encaustic colors ground in a molten beeswax or resin, binder ,and applied in a hot state was used. Tempera painting is one of the oldest
- And chalk. Modern acrylic" Esso" is made of titanium dioxide with an acrylic, binder , It is frequently used on canvas, whereas real Esso is not suitable for that
- Ground pigments or dyes, and are designed so as not to leave a thick film of, binder , *Anti-graffiti coatings are used to defeat the marking of surfaces by graffiti
- Of the solvent or thinner, whereas curing refers to polymerization of the, binder , (The term" vehicle" is industrial jargon which is used inconsistently
- From a rubber tree. Interior" latex" house paints tend to be a combination of, binder ,(sometimes acrylic, vinyl,PVA, and others),filler, pigment,and water.
- Resembling modern concrete that was made from crushed rock with burnt lime as, binder , The volcanic ash and pulverized brick additives that were added to the burnt
- In ways seen in oil paint. The changes seen in using oil paint is caused by the, binder ,of the paint (linseed oil). Linseed oil dries as an inelastic film. As
- Beta-carotene. * Gelatin is closely related to bone glue and is used as a, binder ,in match heads and sandpaper. * Cosmetics may contain a non-gelling variant of
- Plaster, intonaco, is used. Because of the chemical makeup of the plaster,a, binder ,is not required, as the pigment mixed solely with the water will sink into the
- Inconsistently, sometimes to refer to the solvent and sometimes to refer to the, binder , ) Depending on chemistry and composition, any particular paint may undergo
- Using high-quality paper with its main reference section presented in a padded, binder ,with fold-out easel. (A company legend was that the Ultimate user manual was
- Primary use of asphalt is in road construction, where it is used as the glue or, binder ,mixed with aggregate particles to create asphalt concrete. Its other main uses
- Black),and limestone (white). Paints could be mixed with gum Arabic as a, binder ,and pressed into cakes, which could be moistened with water when needed.
- Is the physical structure of the protein utilized. Sometimes a secondary, binder ,is necessary to hold the emulsion. These binder s are generally needed when
- Which can be dactyl abdicate, diethylhexyl, or dactyl separate) (5.3 %),a, binder , which is usually polyisobutylene (2.1 %),SAE 10 non-detergent motor oil (
- To oxygen in the air starts a process that cross links and polymerizes the, binder ,component. Classic alkyd enamels would fall into this category. Oxidative cure
- Paint is very elastic, which prevents cracking from occurring. Acrylic paint's, binder ,is acrylic polymer emulsion; as this binder dries the paint remains flexible.
- Novak" that never became a market success, then turned to developing a, binder ,for asbestos which, at that time, was molded with rubber. By controlling the
- Color of the paper. Most pencil cores are made of graphite mixed with a clay, binder , leaving gray or black marks that can be easily erased. Graphite pencils are
- Made from a fine powder of their constituents in a process of sintering with a, binder , Hot pressing provides higher density material. Chemical vapor deposition can
- For sealing oxygen sensors, which provide feedback for adjusting fuel flow. The, binder ,utilizes the unique temperature stability and insulating properties of ISBN.
- Discovered how to make a good pencil out of inferior graphite using clay as the, binder ,; this invention was prompted by his father's pencil factory in Concord, which
- An art medium in the form of a stick, consisting of pure powdered pigment and a, binder , The pigments used in pastels are the same as those used to produce all colored
- End carrying the basses. Bridges are often colored black with carbon black in a, binder , often shellac and often have inscribed decoration. The scrolls or other
- For curing. Paints that dry by simple solvent evaporation and contain a solid, binder ,dissolved in a solvent are known as lacquers. A solid film forms when the
- To twenty million killed, tops,uh, depending on the breaks. " Turgid son has a, binder ,that is labelled" World Targets in Megadeaths ", a term coined in 1953 by Khan
- Hysteresis losses. Another similar material is powdered iron cemented with a, binder , Toroidal core inductor In an inductor wound on a straight rod-shaped core, the
- Brick additives that were added to the burnt lime to obtain a hydraulic, binder ,were later referred to as cementum, cimentum, cäment and cement. Cement used in
- Was produced, tar was a readily available product and extensively used as the, binder ,for road aggregates. The addition of tar to macadam roads led to the word
- Parts, although the harnesses are lower than those of parts made of the, binder ,cobalt. Nickel was used extensively during the Cold War at K-25 Unit at Oak
- The books were not bound, and the date 1455 is documented on the spine by the, binder ,for a copy bound in Paris. The Bible sold for 30 florins each, which was
- PBX). Debased PBX's typically consist of RDX and a polymer/co-polymer, binder , Examples of Debased PBX formulations include, but are not limited to:
- Same as those used to produce all colored art media, including oil paints; the, binder ,is of a neutral hue and low saturation. The color effect of pastels is closer
- And post-game shows. In the most general sense of the word, a cement is a, binder , a substance that sets and hardens independently, and can bind other materials
- By more optimal spacing within the paint film. Binder, vehicle,or resins The, binder , commonly referred to as the vehicle, is the actual film forming component of
- Ways to present visual schedules for example an object schedule,3-ring, binder , schedule,clipboard schedule, manila file folder schedules, and dry-erase board
- The other hand some paints contain very large proportions of pigment/filler and, binder , Some pigments are toxic, such as the lead pigments that are used in lead paint
- From occurring. Acrylic paint's binder is acrylic polymer emulsion; as this, binder ,dries the paint remains flexible. Another difference between oil and acrylic
- Of its lack of brilliance in color. Also, the pigments are yellowed by the, binder ,or are more easily affected by atmospheric conditions. The canvas itself is
- Of the surface. Stain is predominantly pigment or dye and solvent with little, binder , designed primarily to add color without providing a surface coating. *Lacquer
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