Examples of the the word, deviate , in a Sentence Context
The word ( deviate ), is the 12662 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- They are required to take into account local government boundaries, but may, deviate ,from this requirement in order to prevent great disparities in the populations
- Be accepted as anything more than a teacher. " In only a few respects did Jesus, deviate ,from the Tradition," Steinberg concludes," and in all of them, Jews believe
- At the point of delivery. When the ball bounces, the spin causes the ball to, deviate ,sharply from right to left, that is, away from the leg side of a right-handed
- Holding the asset, while reducing the risk that the future selling price will, deviate ,unexpectedly from the market's current assessment of the future value of the
- Convective activity and severe turbulence, and weather systems allow pilots to, deviate ,around these areas. Lightning detectors like the Storm scope or Strike finder
- Through HAS publications, and administrators and auditors were not permitted to, deviate ,from Hubbard's approach. Although this model would eventually be extremely
- Four random individuals from generation 0 in Figure 4.1 produce outputs that, deviate ,by different amounts from the target function x*x+x+1. Figure 4.2 compares the
- With a 32 measure tune. Tunes of this form are called" square "; tunes that, deviate ,from this form are called" crooked ". Crooked tunes are more commonly used in
- Way radio systems such as Family Radio Service where the carrier is allowed to, deviate ,only 2.5 kHz above and below the center frequency, carrying speech signals of
- FRC. However, some states like California have civil procedure systems which, deviate ,significantly from the federal rules; the California Codes provide for four
- Where efficiency of the traditional classes is important, yet several aspects, deviate ,substantially from their ideal values. These classes use harmonic tuning of
- Alphabet began to appear about a century later. The Norwegian language began to, deviate ,from its neighbors around this time as well. Viking explorers had begun to
- Pérola Barron ", which means" irregular pearl ", and natural pearls that, deviate ,from the usual, regular forms, so they do not have an axis of rotation are known
- Have subsequently emerged, often labeling bands according to traits that, deviate ,from regular grind core, including go regrind, focused on themes of gore, and
- Father-in-law will pay the ransom. His plan goes wrong when the kidnappers, deviate ,from the plan and local cop Marge Gunderson (Command) starts to investigate
- Speaker enforces the rules of the House, and may warn and punish Members who, deviate ,from them. Disregarding the Speaker's instructions is considered a severe
- This is a property of a surface which describes how its thermal emissions, deviate ,from the ideal of a black body. To further explain, two objects at the same
- Processes within domestic law. This especially occurs when states violate or, deviate ,from the expected standards of conduct adhered to by all civilized nations. A
- That there is exactly one identity morphism for every object. Some authors, deviate ,from the definition just given by identifying each object with its identity
- Clinically because individuals can tell, at a glance, by what percentage they, deviate ,from their upper weight limits. For instance, a person with BMI 34 has a BMI
- Straight lines) also satisfy Newton's differential equations. The solutions, deviate ,from Kepler's laws in that #the focus of the conic section is at the center of
- To external fields, like an electrical field, the shape of an atom may, deviate ,from that of a sphere. The deformation depends on the field magnitude and the
- To air traffic control occurred at 08:50:51. At 08:54,Flight 77 began to, deviate ,from its normal, assigned flight path and turned south, Passenger Barbara Olson
- To emphasize the crash of Athena's thunderbolt. Virgil will occasionally, deviate ,from the strict rules of the meter to produce a special effect. One example
- On the entire play and from which not even the smallest detail was allowed to, deviate ,in rehearsals. Stanislavski's Othello (1896) made a strong impression on the
- Means," to be ", is used. Unlike the imperfection aspect, inflection does not, deviate ,from conjugation to conjugation. Perfect The perfect (Latin tempos perfectum)
- A silicon-sphere prototype made of only nearly pure 28Si would necessarily, deviate ,slightly from the defined number of moles of silicon to compensate for various
- To air traffic control occurred at 08:50:51. At 08:54,Flight 77 began to, deviate ,from its normal, assigned flight path and turned south, and then hijackers set
- Translators like Stephen Mitchell produce readings of the Tao Te Ching that, deviate ,from the text and are incompatible with the history of Chinese thought. Russell
- Flight 77 departed on time At 08:54,American Airlines Flight 77 began to, deviate ,from its normal, assigned flight path and turned south. By 08:56,the flight
- Local traffic objective that Tram link ought to serve, despite the need to, deviate ,from the direct route into Sutton via Angel Hill. A number of variants in
- Of exceeding slowness. Do not look for the impossible, but do not let your path, deviate ,from the quiet and steadfast insistence on full opportunities for your powers.
- Anyway, there is no double-stepping. This double-stepping caused the rotors to, deviate ,from odometer-style regular motion. Derivatives The Enigma was influential in
- The strategies in a Nash equilibrium, they have no unilateral incentive to, deviate , since their strategy is the best they can do give what others are doing. The
- To the player compared to other casino games. The loss rate of players who, deviate ,from basic strategy through ignorance is in general expected to be greater.:
- On the spot, as in a normal discussion among people),speakers tend to, deviate ,somewhat from the strict literary language in the direction of the colloquial
- The most observed geometries are listed below, but there are many cases which, deviate ,from a regular geometry,e.g. due to the use of ligands of different types (
- Environment on PCs – help the DM to make these decisions. The DM may choose to, deviate ,from the published rules The most recent versions of the game's rules are
- To air traffic control occurred at 08:50:51. At 08:54,Flight 77 began to, deviate ,from its normal, assigned flight path and turned south, Passenger Barbara Olson
- The climate in the Norwegian Sea, and the regional climate can significantly, deviate ,from average. There is also a difference of about 10 °C between the sea and the
- Form a useful starting point for calculating the orbits of planets that do not, deviate ,too much from these restrictions. Isaac Newton solidified Kepler's laws by
- Driven random collision. However, many biochemical or cellular processes, deviate ,significantly from these conditions, because of macromolecular crowding
- Fleet. Fleet ships were expected to obey movement orders precisely and not, deviate ,from them. Beatty's standing instructions expected his officers to use
- Eleventh-order polynomial approximation to the normal distribution. This random, deviate ,will have a limited range of (−6,6). The Box–Muller method uses two
- It is always more elegant to be consistent with local patterns of usage than to, deviate ,from them. Honorary doctorates An honorary doctorate is a doctoral degree
- To provide in a reasonable time a" good enough" plan which typically does not, deviate ,much (percentage-wise) from the exact optimum. This approach is effective and
- Are not grouped into a particular conjugation (such as else and posse),or, deviate ,slightly from a conjugation (such as ferry, īre, and dare). It consists of
- And tens left in the deck, in the hope of hitting a blackjack * The players can, deviate ,from basic strategy according to the composition of their dealt cards. For
- differently. In a number of countries, school and university matches, deviate ,slightly from the FIE format. Weapons Three weapons survive in modern
- In order to maneuver. An aircraft with negative stability is designed to, deviate ,from controlled flight, and is thus more maneuverable. At supersonic speeds
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