Examples of the the word, vomit , in a Sentence Context
The word ( vomit ), is the 12656 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Present. The most common odors are unpleasant smells such as rotting flesh, vomit , urine, feces,smoke, or others. Phantasma often results from damage to the
- If botulinum toxin is identified in the food, stomach or intestinal contents, vomit ,or feces. The toxin is occasionally found in the blood in per acute cases.
- Describing the work as" 57 seconds of growth and fire, and three seconds of, vomit ,", Lynch played the film on a loop at the Academy's annual end-of-year exhibit
- Master Women commented," It is like swallowing a red-hot iron ball. You try to, vomit ,it out, but you can't. " A koan may be used as a test of a Zen student's
- Spirits. He had such an antipathy to milk, that seeing anyone take it made him, vomit , He died about the year 1316 in the sixty-sixth year of his age. Notes Rachel
- Drinking a large portion of alcohol, she was forced to sleep face-down in the, vomit , Search and investigation A massive regional search effort, organized by the
- And John Paul Jones found him dead. The cause of death was asphyxiation from, vomit , and a verdict of accidental death was returned at an inquest held on 27
- This is today called waterboarding). After some time, they were taken down to, vomit ,up the water, only to repeat the experience. The Dutch also allegedly placed
- Current stereotype of the Dutch as" drunken and profane ":" This undigested, vomit ,of the Sea, / Fell to the Dutch by Just Propriety ". He became a tutor to
- Number of deaths attributed to heroin overdose are caused by aspiration of, vomit ,by an unconscious victim. Some sources quote the median lethal dose (for an
- The disease was in 1648 in Yucatán, where the illness was termed Erik (black, vomit ,). At least 25 major outbreaks followed. In colonial times and during the
- His warning not to. After the head vampire bites the bald demon he begins to, vomit ,as the demon tells him that he has become very sick and then proceeds to kill
- To thanksgiving and to paying what he has vowed. God commands the fish to, vomit ,Jonah out. God again orders Jonah to visit Nineveh and to prophesy to its
- Is bile. (The color of bile is often likened to" fresh-cut grass ", but in, vomit ,it may be mixed with other components in the stomach to look greenish yellow or
- Stole" was significant amounts of precious ambergris that comprised the, vomit ,and had clung to his clothing. In" Lead 'Em and Weep ", an episode of The
- Tree. Later that evening, Novalee feels sick and runs into the bathroom to, vomit , and when she comes out again she discovers that the store is closed, locked
- An episode of Fukuyama, Kif is arrested after retrieving a watch from the, vomit ,of a sperm whale and being deemed a thief. He finds out later that what he in
- Insult of Holland," The Character of Holland," reprinted (" This undigested, vomit ,of the Sea, / Fell to the Dutch by Just Propriety" ). When De Outer
- Karambit, who taught him how to seize a nāga by the tail and force him to, vomit ,up his stone (Pandora Jataka, J.518). The Garuda were among the beings
- Feces),klismaphilia (enemas),neophilia (urine),hemophilia (, vomit ,). The DSM's Paraphilia NOS is equivalent to the ICD-9's Sexual Disorder NOS.
- Short term, death from solvent abuse occurs most commonly from aspiration of, vomit ,while unconscious or from a combination of respiratory depression and hypoxia
- Feasts, weaving webs of shadow; for all living things were her food, and her, vomit ,darkness. " She occupied Torch Until beneath Irish Until (" Pass of the
- Can be lethal by inducing respiratory failure or unguarded inhalation of, vomit ,by a comatose drunk person. In addition, the effects of alcohol are responsible
- On an empty stomach – after repeated vomit ing, for example – a person's, vomit ,may be green or dark yellow, and very bitter. The bitter and greenish component
- Responded by saying," I really hate him bad. When he looks at me, I want to, vomit , I am going to give him the worst beating of his life; I am going to make him
- Goes through before reaching the large intestine. Unlike humans, horses cannot, vomit , so digestion problems can quickly cause colic, a leading cause of death.
- Sorts of mendicants ". To Dr. G. Campbell Morgan, Pentecostalism was" the last, vomit ,of Satan ", while Dr. R. A. Terra thought it was" emphatically not of God
- His reasons for writing the book:" I wanted to rub the human face in its own, vomit , and force it to look in the mirror. " References in popular music * The Normal
- Then emergency medical treatment. Commonly, comatose patients aspirate their, vomit ,(resulting in vomit s in the lungs, which may cause" drowning" and later
- If the motion causing nausea is not resolved, the sufferer will frequently, vomit , Unlike ordinary sickness, vomit ing in motion sickness tends not to relieve the
- Toxins. Predators that eat poisonous butterflies and moths may become sick and, vomit ,violently, learning not to eat those types of species. A predator who has
- Socially withdrawn to avoid situations which in their perception may make them, vomit , Many who suffer from xenophobia are diagnosed with anorexia or
- The doctor who initially attended to him, Hendrix had asphyxiated in his own, vomit , mainly red wine which had filled his airways. This statement, though,was
- Of chemicals that render the mushroom inedible, either causing the consumer to, vomit ,the meal (see emetics),or to learn to avoid consumption altogether. In
- Show on May 1. Rock critic Richard Seltzer cofounded COM (short for ", vomit ,") in Los Angeles. In Washington’D. C., raucous roots-rockers The Razz helped
- Athenian character. Métis was the one who gave Zeus a potion to cause Cronus to, vomit ,out Zeus' siblings. Métis was both a threat to Zeus and an indispensable aid (
- And Honey grow uneasy; George reacts violently. Honey runs to the bathroom to, vomit , Act Two -" Walpurgisnacht" Nick and George are then alone. Nick talks about
- Later, Metis gave Cronus a mixture of mustard and wine which would cause him to, vomit ,up his swallowed children. Zeus then led his released brothers and sisters in
- Butanoic acid (also known as butyric acid) and smells like rancid butter or, vomit ,when fallen. Beneath the sarcotesta is the hard scleroses (the" shell" of
- Tract can cause vomit s containing blood (giving the name black, vomit ,). The toxic phase is fatal in approximately 20 % of cases, making the overall
- And repeated retching that resembles repetitive non-productive attempts to, vomit , GDV is a condition that is distinct from another condition referred to as
- Mouth, leading to the reputation of ambergris as primarily coming from whale, vomit , Ambergris can be found in the Atlantic Ocean and on the coasts of Brazil
- Lack of oxygen),pneumonia, cardiac failure or arrest, or aspiration of, vomit , Administration and effects Inhalant users inhale vapors or aerosol propellant
- Disembodied Poetics) at Program Trungpa's Europa University when he began to, vomit ,blood. Burroughs senior had not seen his son for over a year and was alarmed at
- Is not well tolerated (quinine is exceedingly bitter, and many patients will, vomit ,after ingesting quinine tablets): Other drugs such as Consider (sulfoxide (
- A Variety reporter invited to sit in on a second take left the room to, vomit , She said Griffith himself was sickened while directing her in the closet scene
- The students looked at the package, and were shocked. Two of them wanted to, vomit , put their hands in front of their mouths, and ran out of the lecture hall to
- In venues (pubs) which had carpet floors that had alcohol, sweat and, vomit ,spilled over it on a regular basis. Change Changes to entertainment options have
- Delighted in Wentworth's attacks on Boyle and wrote:" No physic better than a, vomit ,if it is given in time, and therefore you have taken a very judicious course to
- Lack of oxygen),pneumonia, cardiac failure or arrest, or aspiration of, vomit , Examples include: * solvents and propellants (including propane, butane
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