Examples of the the word, poignant , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Of her own artistic skills, making the honor from the institute particularly, poignant ,for Smith 43 years later. Smith is currently working on a crime novel set in
  2. This Past Must Address Its Present," judged to be very revealing, revelling, poignant , eloquent, is an eye-opener to the misdeeds of the Apartheid South Africa. The
  3. The Streets ". The video to the song was shot in black and white and displays, poignant ,footage of children and the destruction of the bombing. The Irish language
  4. Portrayed in Mahler's Symphony No. 6 (" The Tragic" ) and in Alan Berg's, poignant ,Violin Concerto dedicated," To the memory of an angel ". In popular music
  5. States that Scribe A and Scribe B are the authors and that Scribe B is the more, poignant ,of the two. The celebration of deeds of ancient Danish and Swedish heroes, but
  6. Reception in London, where The Times called Puccini" a master in the art of, poignant ,expression ", and praised the" wonderful skill and sustained power" of the
  7. For which she does not know the lines or understand. The dream presents, poignant ,anxieties about how she appears to others, not belonging, and the consequences
  8. 40,David’s cries to God were heartfelt though not necessarily impatient; the, poignant ,combination of a cry for help with a confident expression of faith echo today
  9. Album is a blend of occasionally upbeat, accessible music coupled with blunt, poignant ,lyrics. During the summer of 1989,New Order supported Technique by touring
  10. Passed to Bears who returned to the side, a responsibility that become more, poignant ,when Spirea was killed in a car accident aged 36,only months before Italy was
  11. Disrupt both the electrical and the mechanical properties of the heart. A more, poignant ,disorder is that of a myocardial infarction (MI) or heart attack. An MI
  12. There are often commonalities and agreement on many topics, others often create, poignant ,areas of conflict and variation of opinion. For example, no one has provided a
  13. Of Prokofiev's best-known works, and it contains some of the most inspired and, poignant ,passages in his body of work. However, the ballet's original happy ending (
  14. 1949) directed by Robert Hammer. Italian neorealism of the 1940s produced, poignant ,movies made in post-war Italy. Roma, città apart directed by Roberto
  15. Last day for a seven-wicket victory. The 1948 series ended with one of the most, poignant ,moments in cricket history, as Brahman played his final innings for Australia
  16. The play for antisemitic propaganda purposes, the quote is seen as particularly, poignant ,and symbolic. Steven Spielberg's Schindler's List depicts SS Lieutenant Among
  17. It is best known as improve or improve, which is often comedic, and sometimes, poignant ,or dramatic. In this popular, often topical art form improvisational
  18. In 1976,he starred in The Front (directed by Martin Riot) a humorous and, poignant ,account of Hollywood blacklisting during the 1950s. Annie Hall won four Academies
  19. In particular, the work Wheat field with Crows serves as a compelling and, poignant ,expression of the artist's state of mind in his final days, a painting Husker
  20. Places, not eating your own food, and not wearing clean clothes. This is, poignant ,because the character is, at that point, lying on the floor, refusing to eat
  21. Good and representative fairy story is marked by joy:" Far more powerful and, poignant ,is the effect of joy in a serious tale of Faerie. In such stories, when the
  22. Either techno-optimists or techno-pessimists tend to allow. Some of the most, poignant ,criticisms of technology are found in what are now considered to be dystopian
  23. In Little Orbit),this idealism serves only to highlight Dickens's goal of, poignant ,social commentary. Many of his novels are concerned with social realism
  24. Grace and charm - both in his playing days and in retirement - serve as a, poignant ,reminder to many of today's footballers about what true greatness really means
  25. Final episode of this series," Goodbye ", is known for being extraordinarily, poignant ,for a comedy – especially the final scene, which sees the main characters (
  26. Family, suggested that the wartime situation made Carousels ending especially, poignant ,to its original viewers," Every American grieved the loss of a brother, son
  27. Loewe continued to have heart troubles. Camelot was a hit nonetheless, with a, poignant ,coda; immediately following the assassination of John F. Kennedy, his widow
  28. The film explored late sixties New York and the development of an unlikely, but, poignant , friendship between the two main characters. Directed by John Schlesinger and
  29. Hereafter fails to generate much compelling drama, straddling the line between, poignant ,sentimentality and hokey tedium. " In the same year, Eastwood served as
  30. The tiny monk in the Friedrich and the fisher in the Turner establish a, poignant ,contrast between the infinite vastness of a pantheistic God and the infinite
  31. Effects. " John Keenan, who praised the collection Endpoint as" beautiful and, poignant ,", notes that his poetry's engagement with" the everyday world in a
  32. Afternoon, and wonders what he really" will do nights. " This episode is a, poignant ,depiction of racial prejudice in America. However, it was eliminated from the
  33. Relationship and Grand remained Peterson's manager for most of his career. One, poignant ,illustration: in the last two years of his life, Peterson doted on a boxer dog
  34. Towards the Goths (many of them his own descendants, following a brief and, poignant ,liaison with a Gothic girl who died in childbirth) — and they identify him as
  35. With Hutton (they're both existential searchers),she's the movie's most, poignant ,and witty presence ". However, Jack Mathews, in the Los Angeles Times, wrote
  36. Oboe is frequently featured in film music, often to underscore a particularly, poignant ,or sad scene, for example in the motion picture Born on the Fourth of July
  37. Agents, the most famous being the one he gave to the agent Violetta Slab,the, poignant ,The Life That I Have, which gained popularity when it was used in the 1958 film
  38. Album four stars, calling The System Has Failed" Megadeth's most vengeful, poignant ,and musically complex offering since Countdown to Extinction. " The album
  39. The episodes set during wartime, and those located in India are particularly, poignant , highlighting the absurdist humor played out against the realistic backdrops
  40. Faith with his academic interests as a paleontologist. One particularly, poignant ,observation in Teilhard's book entails the notion that evolution is becoming
  41. Novel flawed by weaknesses in plot, style and characterization but praised" a, poignant ,and moving quality - that comes from Orwell's perceptive portrayal of the
  42. Novels of Tobias Smollett and Henry Fielding. He spoke, later in life, of his, poignant ,memories of childhood, and of his near-photographic memory of the people and
  43. RETURNS: The Buddha returns as a beggar and meets the wife and child in a, poignant ,mood Caves eighteen and nineteen Cave 18: Princess looking in mirror: The
  44. Points out that the pivotal romantic interlude between Betty and Rita is so, poignant ,and tender by Betty's" understanding for the first time, with self-surprise
  45. High for black gospel recordings of the song by H. R. Tomlin and J. M. Gates. A, poignant ,sense of nostalgia accompanied the recordings of several gospels and blues
  46. Pauli, Heisenberg,and Dirac took part in it. Dirac's contribution was a, poignant ,and clear criticism of the political manipulation of religion, that was much
  47. By the muted, glowing colors, the character of many orchestral solos and the, poignant ,emphasis on bass instruments ". In 2009 and 2010,Glass returned to the
  48. To save it but fails. He is then shown crying. The scene is made even more, poignant ,by Calvin asking Hobbes not to" go anywhere ", and Hobbes solemnly promising
  49. From that used in SERE training because it is ‘ for real’ and is ‘ more, poignant ,and convincing. ’” The Inspector General further reported that“ OMS contends
  50. Evocative homage to the classic noir mode (Scott would subsequently direct the, poignant ,noir crime melodrama Someone to Watch Over Me 1987). Scholar Jamaluddin Bin

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