Examples of the the word, wither , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wither ), is the 12675 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Clusters above ground. Following self-pollination, the flowers fade and, wither , The stalk at the base of the ovary, called the pedicle, elongates rapidly, and
  2. As laborers in the Chuck islands. Nauru, which had been bypassed and left to ", wither ,on the vine" by American forces, was finally set free from the Japanese on 13
  3. She touches turns sour including wine and meat. Seeds turn sterile and plants, wither , If she strips naked and walks around the field, caterpillars,worms and
  4. The ban on alibiing caused quizzes, game shows and amateur hours to, wither ,for the duration. The vaudevillians and musicians who were huge after the war
  5. Dictatorship of the proletariat is merely temporary - the state will eventually, wither ,away like a snark hunter, leaving us all free as birds this is a Marxist
  6. On either bank, will grow every kind of fruit tree with leaves that never, wither ,and fruit that never fails; they will bear new fruit every month, because this
  7. Batman kills for blood, the vampire Batman's presence causing her plants to, wither ,around him as he gives Ivy the kiss she always wanted, commenting that he could
  8. Tola'ATH," maggot" ) bites the shade-giving plant's root causing it to, wither , while in the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh plucks his plant from the floor of
  9. County of Essex, the name of which derived from whether, or in Old English, wither , meaning a castrated lamb. In England, wethers were trained to lead flocks of
  10. The welland sprinkle it over the Ash, to the end that its limbs shall not, wither ,nor rot; for that water is so holy that all things which come there into the
  11. The classes dissolve. As class boundaries broke down, the state apparatus would, wither ,away. According to Marx, the main task of any state apparatus is to uphold the
  12. Tree is ready to produce flowers, the ant abodes on certain branches begin to, wither ,and shrink, forcing the occupants to flee, leaving the tree’s flowers to
  13. This left hundreds unemployed and the once prosperous town of Star began to, wither ,away. The buildings that once employed many hard-working people now mostly sit
  14. Years of evaporation to remove. Many streams descend from the ravines only to, wither ,away on the desert basin floors before uniting in a trunk river along the axis
  15. Have been hopelessly borne: Despair shall no longer our spirits dismay: Nor, wither ,the arms when upraised for the fray;: The conflict for freedom is gathering
  16. Fathers had tolerated slavery with the expectation that it would ultimately, wither ,away. Lincoln, however,thought that the language of the Declaration was
  17. Offerings are to remind followers that just as the beautiful flowers would, wither ,away after a short while and the candles and joss-sticks would soon burn out
  18. won't let me go: I'm like a tree that, grown in Germany, : Will likely, wither ,there also. The Gestapo interrogated Master several times, and the writers '
  19. Trees throughout winter. In acute cases, root decay make the trees dry out and, wither ,away. *Sudden oak death, or phytophthora disease, is the longest-known chestnut
  20. Keats," La Belle Dame sans Merci ", which contained the lines" The sedge is, wither ,'d from the lake, And no birds sing. " Support History professor Gary Roll
  21. She touches turns sour including wine and meat. Seeds turn sterile, and plants, wither , If she strips naked and walks around the field, caterpillars,worms and
  22. Are used up, the cotyledons may turn green and begin photosynthesis, or may, wither ,as the first true leaves take over food production for the seedling. Epigram
  23. Communist authorities. Around 1956 this firm stand against the regime began to, wither ,in favor of a more neutral stance and conditional loyalty. The regime was no
  24. Her stuff, that she makes, I think, is silly and very soon her career will, wither ,away and disappear. " Lena responded to this interview via her YouTube Page,"
  25. So that their flowers only open at night when the sun's intense heat can't, wither ,and destroy their delicate, moist blossoms. These flowers are pollinated by
  26. Role of infantry was not to expend itself upon heroic physical effort, not to, wither ,away under merciless machine-gun fire, not to impale itself on hostile bayonets
  27. Book of Zechariah, saying:" May my hand, which is forced to sign such a paper, wither , " His right arm was paralyzed the following summer, and he was forced switch
  28. The Grand Hotel, located on top of Grand Hill. The hotel business began to, wither ,with the development of the automobile, which allowed tourists to reach places
  29. Were said to have been cursed to go insane, die,and/or to have had their penis, wither , The tradition of female priestesses tending sacred, naturally-occurring "
  30. Africans The hopes of the abolitionists notwithstanding, slavery did not, wither ,with the end of the slave trade in the British Empire, nor did the living
  31. S charms in paradoxical terms (rhetorical antithesis):" Age cannot, wither ,her, nor custom stale / Her infinite variety: other women cloy / The appetites
  32. The plant. Flowers on the plant last for a short period of time before they, wither ,and are replaced by newer flowers. Cultivation and uses It is cultivated in
  33. Class leads eventually to a classless society in which the state would, wither ,away. Marx wrote:" It is not the consciousness of people that determines their
  34. Crab, And when she drinks, against her lips I bob And on her, wither ,'d dewlap pour the ale. The wisest aunt, telling the saddest tale
  35. Form of sprayed marks along the back. Thus, two tooth cattle are marked on the, wither , four teeth in the middle of the back and six teeth on their high bone (near
  36. Deny themselves all sorts of things. They do this to win a crown of leaves that, wither , but we a crown that is imperishable" 1 Cor 9:25. Christian authors of late
  37. And Capt. J. G. Story. But much like the small towns of the 1940s that would, wither ,when bypassed by the interstate, Mountain City’s fate depended on the railroad
  38. To destroy" ), ga- Burstein" to dry up, wither away" ( GA- airman" to, wither ,"),civilian" to be magnified" ( civilian" to magnify" ), us-háuhnan" to
  39. The cassava mosaic virus causes the leaves of the cassava plant to, wither , limiting the growth of the root. The virus caused a major African famine in
  40. S own intent::" I can set a braggart quailing with a quip, : The upstart I can, wither ,with a whim;: He may wear a merry laugh upon his lip, : But his laughter has an
  41. In her voice, : " Ah, my dear friend, I bloom but for a time:: my petals soon, wither ,and fall, and then I die.: But your flowers never fade, even if they are cut;:
  42. To perish" ( fra-liusan" to destroy" ), ga- Burstein" to dry up, wither ,away" ( GA- airman" to wither " ), mikilnan" to be magnified" ( civilian "
  43. Righteous deeds or else his level of Man chokes and shrinks and eventually can, wither ,away if one does not practice Islam long enough, hence the depth of practicing
  44. Such as the revolutionary state could ever (as Engels put it elsewhere) ", wither ,away. " In a related dispute, later Marxists make a separation between "
  45. Much attention to just one of them, Rohini. Dasha subsequently cursed SOMA to, wither ,and die, but the wives intervened, and the death became periodic and temporary
  46. Of fame, of sure success, : Of love that comes to cheer and bless;: And how they, wither , how they fade, : The waning wealth, the jilting jade —: The fame that for a
  47. Adeunt proper gents inhumanities (“ Beach the gold-bearing province, wither ,few go from other countries because of the inhumanity of its people” ) with
  48. Marketing seems totally ineffective: Outside businesses are allowed in, but, wither , quickly for lack of business. Sanitarians aren't hostile, they just won't
  49. Spots may appear on leaf surfaces, and severely affected leaves turn brown and, wither , Prevention can be achieved by improving soil structure. Do not over-lime.:
  50. Both North and South assumed that if slavery could not expand, it would, wither ,and die. Name" McPherson"/> name" declarations"/> name "

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