Examples of the the word, quad , in a Sentence Context

The word ( quad ), is the 12657 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Form of boot blocks which are protected from accidental overwrite or dual and, quad ,BIOS equipped systems which may, in the event of a crash, use a backup BIOS.
  2. Is modeled on the Roman Pantheon. The ensemble of buildings surrounding the, quad ,is an unmistakable architectural statement of the importance of secular public
  3. Long before inline skates were invented. Roller Hockey has been played on, quad ,skates, in sixty countries worldwide and so has many names worldwide. Sometimes
  4. Single scull (1x),double scull (2x),triple scull (3x) (very rare), quad , ( or quad ruple) scull (4x),octuple scull (8x) (always coxed, and mainly
  5. About a third longer than the Blue Bridge, and " connects the new north campus, quad ,to Gray Campus Center, the student union, the library, and academic buildings
  6. Hexagon (6-sided) and so on. The word quad rilateral is made of the words, quad ,(meaning" four" ) and lateral (meaning" of sides" ). The origin of the
  7. And staff can ride free of charge. Purdue Mall The Purdue Mall is the central, quad ,of Purdue University. It is also known as the Engineering Mall, due to its
  8. Down to (say) 5. All others are considered uncompensated. * Single, dual and, quad ,versions of many commercial op-amp IC are available, meaning 1,2 or 4
  9. On either side with the academic teaching units and their linking arcades. The, quad ,is enclosed at one end with the library, the repository of knowledge, at the
  10. Was born by the pranksters. South Dorm is in the northwest corner of the, quad , " East" was the first dorm, but it wasn't until" West" was built west of
  11. Awards, is immediately adjacent to the main quad . Further west lies a, quad ,surrounded by McNair Hall of the Jones Business School, the Baker Institute
  12. Is no longer played. Rugby lends its name to wheelchair rugby (also known as ", quad ,rugby" or" murder ball" ), but the sport is more strongly influenced by
  13. Two long sides and a lead spacing of 0.050 inches. In the late 1990s,plastic, quad ,flat pack (PQFP) and thin small-outline package (TOP) packages became the
  14. An odd-even number pair of double precision registers can be used as a, quad ,precision register, thus allowing 8 quad precision registers. SPARC Version 9
  15. A significant with 24 bits of precision, double precision format has 53,and, quad ,has 113. For example, it was shown above that π, rounded to 24 bits of
  16. For the campus, was dedicated in 1930,and installed in the central academic, quad , facing Love Hall. The residential college system proposed by President
  17. In this category range from having" simplex" one cylinder, to in some cases ", quad ," four cylinders or more. Most reciprocating-type pumps are" duplex" ( two)
  18. TEAM, and other missiles. All the Spruce destroyers carried two separate, quad ,Harpoon launchers. Other US ships with the Mk 41 can also accommodate VLASIC.
  19. Farm for instruction in agriculture in all its branches. " The original" inner, quad ," buildings (1887–91) were designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, Francis A.
  20. All rooms are fully furnished and residents reside in double, triple,or, quad ,rooms and use shared common bathrooms cleaned daily by janitorial staff. By
  21. Cannot overlap each other; each character's color may be set independently **4, quad , characters; groups of four characters displayed in a row **NOTE: There is only
  22. Departments, respectively. Duncan Hall is the latest addition to this, quad , providing new offices for the Computer Science, Computational and Applied Math
  23. Audio- and video-frequency pre-amplifiers and buffers Most single, dual and, quad ,op-amps available have a standardized pin-out which permits one type to be
  24. 100,000 BTU—but the U. S. uses the BTU59 °F whilst the EU uses the BRUIT. * 1, quad , ( energy) (short for quad rillion BTU) is defined as 1015 BTU, which is about
  25. By the type of skate used. There is traditional" Roller Hockey," played with, quad ,roller skates, and " Inline Hockey ", played with inline skates. Combined
  26. Look in both sedan and hatchback, similar to the STI and the addition of, quad ,muffler tips with diffuser which changes the look of the rear end, while the
  27. BTU. Alternatively a therm is used representing 100,000 or 105 BTU, and a, quad ,as 1015 BTU. Some companies also use BTUE6 in order to reduce confusion between
  28. Centered around the Eastman Quadrangle (generally referred to as the academic, quad ,) which is formed by Rush Rhee's Library and Dewey, Bausch & Bomb, Morey,and
  29. East ". When the fourth dorm (Marks) was built, there was one corner of the, quad ,available (the northwest) and one directional name," South ", remaining. To
  30. Was hinged in the center, so it could be folded up and hung in the Lunar Module, quad ,1 bay. It had two side-by-side foldable seats made of tubular aluminum with
  31. The name Roller Hockey. Roller hockey (Quad) is played using traditional, quad ,roller skates, affording greater maneuverability to the player - this results
  32. Steven Chu, and Sanjay Gupta. *A Pillow Fight occurs annually on the academic, quad ,at the conclusion of the spring semester. *Wilson Day is day of community
  33. The transition to the LGA1366 and LGA1156 socket and the Intel i7 and i5 chips, quad ,core is now considered mainstream, but with the release of the i7-980x,six
  34. Of CAD tools he used for the Cray-1,Cray said that he liked #3 pencils with, quad ,paper pads. Cray recommended using the backs of the pages so that the lines
  35. Winner of several architectural awards, is immediately adjacent to the main, quad , Further west lies a quad surrounded by McNair Hall of the Jones Business
  36. Istanbul" Operon parts. This will use a new G34 socket for dual and, quad ,socket processors and thus will be marketed as Operon 61xx series processors.
  37. Then 0.5 W at 100 MHz and 2.5 W at 300 MHz. It was packaged in a 240-pin metal, quad ,flat package or a 256-ball plastic ball grid array. Lt. General (Res. ) Shall
  38. To release the double-disc album of hits entitled Red, White & True, which went, quad ,platinum and launched a monumental reunion tour to support it, The Red, White &
  39. Railgun and BFG10K. Some power-ups from Quake are still present, including, quad , damage. Single-player game The single-player game features a number of changes
  40. Is −126,127 for single precision,−1022,1023 for double, or −16382,16383 for, quad , Normalized numbers exclude subnormal values, zeros,infinities, and Fans. In
  41. And 15 times larger than, minutes and seconds of arc. 1 hour 15° π/12 rad 1/6, quad , 1/24 turn ≈ 16.667 grad. *The point, used in navigation, is 1/32 of a turn. 1
  42. Double scull, single scull, eight,coxless four, and coxless pair * Women:, quad ,scull, double scull, single scull, eight,and coxless pair At the end of each
  43. Of a turn,i.e. a right angle. It is the unit used in Euclid's Elements. 1, quad , 90° π/2 rad 1/4 turn 100 grad. In German the symbol ∟ has been used to denote
  44. Power supply. The LM324 (released in 1972) was one such op-amp that came in a, quad ,package (four separate op-amps in one package) and became an industry
  45. Polk graduated with honors in May 1818. The University later named it's lower, quad , Polk Place, on the main campus after Polk. After graduation, Polk traveled to
  46. Sharp rails and up to four fins set up as either a three fin thruster or a, quad ,fin. This enables them to move at high speed and maneuver dynamically. IC boats
  47. Of an Internet-enabled smartphone and iPod. The original iPhone combined a 2.5G, quad , band GSM and EDGE cellular phone with features found in hand held devices
  48. Manner is known as a quad ruped, meaning " four feet" ( from the Latin, quad ,for" four" and PED for" foot" ). The majority of quad rupeds are vertebrate
  49. Central fin mounted further back (e.g. a" Thruster" ), or four fins (a ", quad ,"). Rail fins are more or less engaged by the rider's heel and toes as they
  50. Four years, where only select boat classes are raced (14 in total): * Men:, quad ,scull, double scull, single scull, eight,coxless four, and coxless pair *

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