Examples of the the word, mistakenly , in a Sentence Context
The word ( mistakenly ), is the 12655 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Squawk 7600 anyway. On 9/11,the hijacker-pilot of Flight 11,Mohamed Atta, mistakenly ,transmitted announcements to ATC, meaning to go through the Boeing 767. Also
- Spring Grove (now Bright water),near Nelson, New Zealand. His first name was, mistakenly ,spelled Earnest when his birth was registered. He studied at Havelock School
- Galilee becomes the first astronomer to observe the planet Neptune, although he, mistakenly ,cataloged it as a fixed star. *1768 – King Taksin's coronation achieved
- Sequences of the telomere region to prevent degradation. Telomerase can become, mistakenly ,active in somatic cells, sometimes leading to cancer formation. Because
- Into a doe) and jumped out between them. The Cloacae threw their spears and so, mistakenly ,killed each other. Callisto was the daughter of Lyon, King of
- In itself as antisemitic ... The Israeli government itself may, at times, have, mistakenly , perceived criticism of its policies and actions to be motivated by antisemitism
- Include the La Area Tar Pits and the Canadian Tar Sands. Pitch is another term, mistakenly ,used at times to refer to asphalt/bitumen, as in Pitch Lake. Natural deposits
- Geometry, where lines and edges are interchanged; in fact it is often, mistakenly ,taken to be a particular version of the same. Projective polarity works well
- Field goal attempt only to see the block brought back by a time-out Denver had, mistakenly ,called. Thomas tries a second attempt and this try is also blocked by Smith and
- And worse, mix-ups over parallel world doubles. This culminated in the Gestapo, mistakenly ,arresting a man from the mainstream world and people from both worlds uniting
- Allowed the German battlecruisers to withdraw, as most of Beatty's squadron, mistakenly ,concentrated on the crippled armored cruiser Blucher, sinking her with great
- But used" boomerang" to refer to a returning throw-stick. They were also, mistakenly ,referred to as a boomerang, in confusion with the spear-thrower boomers.
- K-2 women's final race. The organizers of the event caused outrage when they, mistakenly ,played the first stanza of the anthem during the medal ceremony. In a
- Deflects the moving magnet. Since the ammeter shunt has a very low resistance, mistakenly ,wiring the ammeter in parallel with a voltage source will cause a short circuit
- Anemometer; in 1664 it was re-invented by Robert Hooke (who is often, mistakenly ,considered the inventor of the first anemometer). Later versions of this form
- Great faculty of the mind—intellectual reflection (Buddha/Marat) -- without, mistakenly ,identifying it with the Purus ha, and then the effects of such entanglement will
- Shoot-down two United States Army helicopters, killing 26 people. *1999 – NATO, mistakenly ,bombs a convoy of ethnic Albanian refugees – Yugoslav officials say 75 people
- The flag being planted in front of Bishop Theodorik's tent, which the enemy, mistakenly ,attacks believing it to be the tent of the King. All these theories center on
- First published standard was (about tapered pins) in 1918. Many people still, mistakenly ,associate DIN with the old naming convention. One of the earliest, and probably
- Scandinavia since April 1939. Eveline returned to France without him. Was was, mistakenly ,arrested in Finland at the outbreak of the Winter War suspected of spying;
- Status of her personal relationships. But in May 2007,Enrique Iglesias was (, mistakenly , as he would clarify later) quoted in the New York Sun that he had no
- Or the need to reduce ambiguity in spoken English (so that pilots do not, mistakenly ,make navigational decisions based on instructions issued to a different
- In Lib ice NAD Idling, Bohemia. The Chambers Biographical Dictionary, mistakenly ,gives his year of birth as 939. His father was a rich and independent ruler of
- Hospitable in Livonia, the enemy thought this was the King's symbol and, mistakenly ,stormed Bishop Theodoric tent. He claims that the origin of the legend of the
- Snarls, and low gurgles colloquially known as death growls. Death growling is, mistakenly ,thought to be a form of screaming using the lowest vocal register known as
- The poem describes the rape of a Polish woman whom the Red Army soldiers, mistakenly ,thought to be a German. Stalinism In his The Gulag Archipelago Solzhenitsyn
- Of the Cultural Revolution away from Mao (although it did state that" Mao, mistakenly ,began the Cultural Revolution" ) to the" counter-revolutionary cliques" of
- Was deemed to have been produced, and the fact that today many people still, mistakenly ,believe Johnson to have written the first English Dictionary is a testimony to
- Who owned approval rights for video releases of the series. Many copies were, mistakenly ,put on store shelves on the scheduled release date, only to be immediately
- For Jersey; Narnia for Guernsey, Riduna for Alderney) derive (possibly, mistakenly ,) from the Antonine Itinerary. Gallo-Roman culture was adopted to an unknown
- In its interpretation of message formats and timers. It is also sometimes, mistakenly ,believed that DPNSS is semi proprietary and that it is only possible to connect
- The French chemist de Lass one produced CO by heating zinc oxide with coke, but, mistakenly , concluded that the gaseous product was hydrogen, as it burned with a blue flame
- Epithet Marines on an illustration by Dutch zoologist Albert us Sea, who, mistakenly , believed the cane toad to inhabit both terrestrial and marine environments.
- Two series and four films. In The Next Generation episode" Conundrum ", Worf, mistakenly ,believes that the baldric indicates his rank or authority, so he briefly
- And although he successfully made landfall on the coast of Newfoundland (, mistakenly ,believing, like Christopher Columbus, that he had reached Asia),there was no
- Village filmmaking scene. De Niro was unknown at the time; the credits, mistakenly ,display his name as" Robert Dinero. " The film is noteworthy for its
- Lands of the Demonic was believed to be wrong, in that the ancient author had, mistakenly ,copied the data for Inca Sistrum in South Wales; however, recent finds seem to
- Which may be unknown until later discovery by account holder). *Many merchants, mistakenly ,believe that amounts owed can be" taken" from a customer's account after a
- Speech that has assimilated some coastal Southern forms (outsiders often, mistakenly ,believe South Midland speech and coastal South speech to be the same). The
- And stimulant effects 10 times less potent than amphetamine (though it was, mistakenly ,said to be 10 times more addictive than amphetamine at the drug's schedule
- Voltage. These are electrically very similar to Zenger diodes, and are often, mistakenly ,called Zenger diodes, but break down by a different mechanism, the avalanche
- Member and later president of the Theosophical Society. Doubleday is often, mistakenly ,credited with inventing baseball, although he never made such a claim, and
- Nation. Because" chauvinism" is most often heard in this context, it is often, mistakenly ,believed to refer exclusively to" male chauvinism" such as anti-feminism and
- The 2000 Bollywood film Hera Cheri shows men sunbathing in bikinis, who were, mistakenly ,believed to be girls from a distance by the protagonist. Swimsuits shown in men
- Also a science fiction writer, in 1936 when he wrote her a fan letter (, mistakenly ,thinking that" C. L. Moore" was a man),and they married in 1940. Afterwards
- Plan fails when the henchmen unexpectedly disappear into Antimatter when Penguin, mistakenly ,rehydrates them with heavy water contaminated with radioactive waste, regularly
- Credit for the kill were given to his wingman, Eddie Simpson. (Yeager later, mistakenly ,recalled that the credit had given Simpson his fifth kill. ) In his 1986
- Provide Comfort in northern Iraq, two United States Air Force aircraft, mistakenly ,shoot-down two United States Army helicopters, killing 26 people. *1999 – NATO
- Debts to the IRS for back taxes that caused him to sell many assets including, mistakenly , the rights to" New San Antonio Rose. " It wrecked him financially. In 1950
- Mid-18th century onwards, there was an upsurge in the public's fear of being, mistakenly ,buried alive, and much debate about the uncertainty of the signs of death.
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