Examples of the the word, vaccinate , in a Sentence Context
The word ( vaccinate ), is the 12660 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Induce humoral and T-cell immune responses. They could therefore be used to, vaccinate ,against viral, bacterial,protozoan, and tumor antigens. William O. Steele (
- Disturbances during this period. In order to more closely manage the births, vaccinate ,lambs, and protect them from predators, shepherds will often have the ewes give
- The beautiful Venezuelan physician Dr. Mayra Torres, who is coming along to, vaccinate ,natives, and Cesar Santos, their Brazilian guide. Alex soon befriends Nadia, a
- Sometimes used for more specialized purposes. One example is number needed to, vaccinate , NNT values are time-specific. For example, if a study ran for 5 years and it
- Root survives only in the noun kitab, meaning " amulet ", and the verb" to, vaccinate ,". Ethiopic-derived languages use a completely different root () for the verb
- Mink typically breed in March, and give birth to their litters in May. Farmers, vaccinate ,the young kits for botulism, distemper,enteritis, and,if needed, pneumonia.
- Smallpox, he organized for a French surgeon to live in a palatial residence and, vaccinate ,the royal family against the disease. He was learned in Eastern philosophy and
- Major one during an 'accident' at Orthorbbae. During a tainting ceremony, to, vaccinate , them against Demons, something happened within the chambers that left many
- On him. Finding a growing number of smallpox victims, city officials decide to, vaccinate ,everyone in New York to prevent an epidemic, but quickly run out of serum. This
- Effectively vaccinate against the more deadly smallpox, a worldwide effort to, vaccinate ,everyone against smallpox began with the ultimate goal to rid the world of the
- For children. He himself was prosecuted and fined thirteen times for refusal to, vaccinate ,his third daughter. In 1880,he co-founded the London Society for the Abolition
- Infected are often killed. In the United States, veterinarians are required to, vaccinate ,all young stock, thereby further reducing the chance of zoonotic transmission.
- 60 countries, mostly in Africa and Asia. Since 2001,the initiative has helped, vaccinate ,one billion children in more than 60 developing countries. The Initiative
- He is prominently featured) is his shouted advice to Pam and Jim –" Don't, vaccinate ,it" – when they reveal that Pam is pregnant. Also, Ryan seemingly has no
- Without water, electricity or basic sanitation. An initial response was to, vaccinate ,residents for typhoid and cholera. Approximately 30,000 people were homeless
- Students, faculty,and administration at UC Berkeley in an effort to screen, vaccinate , and treat high-risk ethnic groups, particularly individuals of Asian and
- Their wagons for the vaccines, and once the date was set, it took ten days to, vaccinate ,the whole country. Not bad. " In October, Hepburn went to South America. In
- And resulted in fatalities. At the same time, many parents have declined to, vaccinate ,their children against the disease for fear of side effects; which is now
- Also has to deal with the demands of the moment. The most urgent matter is to, vaccinate ,the troops against the typhoid fever, easily contracted by the soldiers who
- Argentine cattle near the border with Paraguay (whose authorities refuse to, vaccinate ,cattle against highly contagious hoof and mouth disease) were discovered to
- The challenge of" rational" exemption,i.e. the family's decision to not, vaccinate ,children as a consequence of a" rational" comparison between the perceived
- The airports and train stations, restrict movement in and out of the city, and, vaccinate , anybody exposed to the virus, and quarantine anybody who had contracted
- Success in fighting rinderpest were later replicated by his colleagues to, vaccinate ,against sheep pox and lumpy skin disease. In 1964,Plow right returned to the
- Can take that long for symptoms to start. This is an incentive to dog-owners to, vaccinate ,their dogs even if they feel the risk of their dog contracting rabies is low
- Disease whose basic reproduction number may be as high as 18 one should have to, vaccinate ,94.4 % of newborns in order to eradicate the disease. Vaccination and
- Will only cover one species and not others. So far the best practice is to, vaccinate ,the chicks once they hatch from the egg, so they are immune for life. Host range
- Vaccine. Romania In November 2008,Romanian authorities launched a campaign to, vaccinate ,110,000 girls aged 10 and 11. The Ministry of Health acquired 330,000 vaccine
- Technology in Health (PATH),received a donation of US$27 million to help, vaccinate ,against Japanese encephalitis on December 9,2003.; University of Washington
- Interview with Cookie, Peet stated:" Frankly, I feel that parents who don't, vaccinate ,their children are parasites," referring to the benefit un vaccinate d children
- 12–13 across the UK. A two-year catch-up campaign started in Autumn 2009 to, vaccinate ,all girls up to 18 years of age. Catch up vaccination will be offered to: *
- That day. To contain the virus, the authorities had to locate everyone at risk, vaccinate ,them within four days of exposure and persuade them to stay at home for 17 days
- Sharon, Lois and Bram also appeared in advertisements encouraging parents to, vaccinate ,their children against harmful diseases such as Polio, Rubella and Mumps. Each
- Mink typically breed in March, and give birth to their litters in May. Farmers, vaccinate ,the young kits for botulism, distemper,enteritis, and,if needed, pneumonia.
- Of flu to older siblings and raised the chances that their parents would, vaccinate ,older children as well, since there were also 18 percents fewer emergency room
- Popular, being used to try to develop new vaccines for difficult to, vaccinate ,viruses such as Ebola and HIV. Vi capsular polysaccharide vaccine (Vices) is
- To kill everyone else, Schofield uses the vaccine that Botha processed to, vaccinate ,himself and his team. Schofield then pursues Caesar and the 7th Squadron's
- Produce up to 2 million doses to be stockpiled for emergency use, if needed, to, vaccinate , health workers, researchers,and, if indicated, the public in affected areas.
- Javier de Balmis (1753–1819),physician who headed the Balms expedition to, vaccinate ,the Spanish-colonies population against smallpox. International relations The
- Information about the size of the UK vaccine stockpile. They had only enough to, vaccinate ,14 million people, yet the UK had a population of 60 million people, which
- For these reasons the vaccine is considered" non-core ", and the decision to, vaccinate ,should be made after discussion with a veterinarian and consideration of the
- Imbalance. A program initiated in 2002 will attempt over the next 5 years to, vaccinate ,all newborns in mainland China. Strains of avian flu outbreaks in recent years
- Edward Jenner showed that the less potent cow pox could be used to effectively, vaccinate ,against the more deadly smallpox, a worldwide effort to vaccinate everyone
- Alison promoted preventive social medicine and initiated a program to, vaccinate ,children against smallpox, and he established Edinburgh’s Fever Board to combat
- Zoo. Recent news Due to the aviary epidemic of influenza, it was considered to, vaccinate , as a precautionary measure, the 600 birds boarders of the zoo. Certain rare
- Toxoids are for microorganisms; for example, Crotalus matrix toxic is used to, vaccinate ,dogs against rattlesnake bites. Subunit Protein subunit – rather than
- This unprecedented 2-year-long campaign beginning April 2007 will screen, vaccinate ,and treat all San Francisco Asian and Pacific Islander (API) residents of
- Pustules had appeared on their arms, material from these lesions was used to, vaccinate ,two more children. Jetty did not publicize his findings, however,credit was
- Infections in close and not-so-close contacts can ensue. The current plan to, vaccinate ,first responders has the potential to cause infection in the most vulnerable
- Antigenic similarity between the three viruses the other two have been used to, vaccinate ,against Marek’s disease. These viruses have double-stranded DNA genomes with no
- A or B, but can be severe and can cause local epidemics. Yearly vaccines do not, vaccinate ,against type C. Portland United F. C. are a football club based in Portland
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