Examples of the the word, ostensibly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ostensibly ), is the 12663 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Students that attended Dartmouth experienced much difficulty in an institution, ostensibly ,dedicated to their education. The funds for the Charity School for Native
  2. Labyrinth was defeated by a simple ball of thread that its architect had, ostensibly ,failed to consider. Daedalus and his nephew Daedalus was so proud of his
  3. Love appeared as Caligula in a fake trailer for Gore Vidal's Caligula, ostensibly ,a remake of the 1979 film, but actually a parodic short film by conceptual
  4. Where he was executed after leading a failed coup. Mural was finally executed, ostensibly ,for the murder of his former divan Ali Nazi, in 1661. With Shula and Mural
  5. Only be performed by those who know the particular key used to encrypt. The key, ostensibly ,consists of 64 bits; however, only 56 of these are actually used by the
  6. Every writer who came afterwards what it was possible to achieve in novels, ostensibly ,published for children. " With his first book published, Garner abandoned his
  7. 1866,Hungarian politicians achieved the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867, ostensibly , creating equality between the Austrian and Hungarian halves of the empire. An
  8. Of Marvel Comics' company-crossover storyline" Civil War ", Steve Rogers was, ostensibly ,killed in Captain America vol. 5,#25 (March 2007). Series writer Ed Breaker
  9. Who had sued Audi after reporting unintended acceleration, showing an Audi 5000, ostensibly , suffering a problem when the brake pedal was pushed. Subsequent investigation
  10. The presence in Kabul in 1837 of a Russian agent, Captain P. Vitkevich, who was, ostensibly ,there, as was the British agent Alexander Burned, for commercial discussions.
  11. The delegation was shown a patient undergoing major surgery while fully awake, ostensibly ,receiving acupuncture rather than anesthesia. Later it was found that the
  12. Pretty much anyone who showed up. Each player's name was sewn on his uniform, ostensibly ,to prove that the tryouts were legitimate and not just a stunt. This approach
  13. Published by DC in November 1988 as a tie-in to the Invasion! Crossover event, ostensibly ,the same edition of the paper shown on the final page of Invasion! #1.
  14. MPA). This policy backfired when the MPA won in Angola, and then, acting, ostensibly , at least as the (Front for the National Liberation of the Congo),occupied
  15. Visual and performing arts is Hash Bash, held on the first Saturday of April, ostensibly ,in support of the reform of marijuana laws. Until (at least) the successful
  16. And the Dalai Lama sent to Beijing. He died on the way, near Yoko Our, ostensibly ,from illness. Lobbing Khan appointed a new Dalai Lama who, however was not
  17. Is prohibited by the rules). A bid specifies a level and denomination, and, ostensibly , denotes a willingness to play the corresponding contract. A player wishing to
  18. In 175 BCE, Antiochus IV Epiphanies, the son of Antioch us III invaded Judea, ostensibly ,at the request of the sons of Tobias. The Tobias, who led the Hellenizing
  19. Proved incompetent, and in 511 king Theodoric assumed the throne of the kingdom, ostensibly ,on behalf of Malaria -- Heather uses the word" hijacked" to describe his
  20. Their use is now strongly discouraged. While BIND 9 was a complete rewrite, ostensibly ,to mitigate these ongoing security issues, it has also experienced a large
  21. In non-specialist venues. In 1997,Harper's Magazine published an essay, ostensibly ,a book review of the DSM-IV, that criticized the lack of hard science and the
  22. Elevate themselves to positions of leadership and set aside special food items, ostensibly ,for their personal health. Napoleon takes the pups from the farm dogs and
  23. 9,1981,and ended four months later. Interpretation Although Blade Runner is, ostensibly ,an action film, it operates on multiple dramatic and narrative levels. It is
  24. His tenure was a period of repression of human rights and civil liberties, ostensibly ,to keep pro-Castro or pro-communist parties out of power. His rule was further
  25. 15 billion. This is in spite of total payments on the order of $19 billion, ostensibly ,enough to have paid off the debt entirely if interest repayment requirements
  26. Within the theoretical Verna scheme for the purposes of the decennial Census, ostensibly ,to test a theory of racial basis of Indian society. The 1901 Census was led by
  27. Army elements requested U. S. military intervention and U. S. forces landed, ostensibly ,to protect U. S. citizens and to evacuate U. S. and other foreign nationals. In
  28. The Ostrogoths sent an army, led by his sword-bearer Thesis, against Resale, ostensibly ,on behalf of Malaria; Resale fled to Africa, and the Ostrogoths drove back
  29. By musical instruments and dance. Even the private reflections of Antaeus, ostensibly ,sung at dinner parties, still retain a public function. Critics often seek to
  30. Development projects. In 1995,the United States closed its embassy, ostensibly ,for budget reasons, though the ambassador of the time had been accused of
  31. Augustus was the only individual able to receive a triumph as he was, ostensibly ,the head of every Roman army. In 19 BC, Lucius Cornelius Albus, governor of
  32. Was convinced by Pennsylvania Governor Sir William Keith to go to London, ostensibly ,to acquire the equipment necessary for establishing another newspaper in
  33. In negotiations with Frederick Haldane, the governor of Quebec, that were, ostensibly ,about prisoner exchanges, but were really about establishing Vermont as a new
  34. Airline and shipping line; deducted 10 % of all public employees' salaries (, ostensibly ,for his party); and received a portion of prostitution revenues. World War II
  35. Castle, Cornwall. At first his treatment was poor, but Allen wrote a letter, ostensibly ,to the Continental Congress, describing his conditions and suggesting that
  36. The Colonies mobilized their militias, and fighting broke out in 1775. First, ostensibly ,loyal to King George III and desiring to govern themselves while remaining in
  37. Napoleon Bonaparte proclaimed himself Emperor of the French in what was, ostensibly ,a constitutional monarchy, though modern historians often class his reign as a
  38. That Soviet espionage efforts had resulted in the theft of Concorde blueprints, ostensibly ,to assist in the design of the Tu-144. As a result of a rushed development
  39. Control across the country, Joseph Kamila has deployed the GR at key airports, ostensibly ,in preparation for an impending presidential visit. At the end of 2005,there
  40. South of Portland. The next day flight 305 was hijacked, and though the uncles, ostensibly ,were turkey hunting, one,L. D. Cooper, came home wearing a bloody shirt—the
  41. II and the Patriarch of Alexandria, Dioscorus, rejected this decision, ostensibly ,because Etches had repented and confessed his orthodoxy. Discords then held
  42. A suburban area south of Portland). Eventually she recanted her entire story, ostensibly ,after learning that she could still be charged with the hijacking. The FBI has
  43. And to bring the debate before the public. One of its principal claims is that, ostensibly ,objective orthodox science is actually a dogmatically atheistic religion.
  44. Long delayed military glory. As early as 82,or possibly 83,he went to Gaul, ostensibly ,to conduct a census, and suddenly ordered an attack on the Chatty. For this
  45. Debate over the comparative strengths of the fleets, although they were, ostensibly ,evenly matched in size, each containing 13 ships of the line. However, the loss
  46. Plague was spread by fleas carried by infected rats, and the killing of cats, ostensibly ,caused an increase in the rat population. The killing of cats in Medieval Ypres
  47. He become a minister. He was turned down by the Bishop of York in 1758, ostensibly , for having no university degree, although the more likely reasons were his
  48. Run time by an amount (in this example,25,000 NS). Even though Computer A is, ostensibly ,a faster machine, Computer B will inevitably surpass Computer A in run-time
  49. Was, despite papal excommunication, diverted in 1203 against Constantinople, ostensibly ,promoting the claims of Alexis son of the deposed emperor Isaac. The reigning
  50. Lack thereof, of its creator, regardless of its apparent purpose. A cup, which, ostensibly , can be used as a container, may be considered art if intended solely as an

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