Examples of the the word, villager , in a Sentence Context

The word ( villager ), is the 6903 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The villager s to line up in a spot in the northern part of the village. One, villager ,told Naval:" As we lined up, a few Jewish soldiers ordered four girls to
  2. An act of revenge. Another Arab publication speaks of Amina Muhammad Must,a, villager ,woman, who reported:: My husband and I left Kari the day before it fell ... At
  3. The most powerful in the area at that time, because they could turn an ordinary, villager ,or farmer into a soldier, ready for battle. This is because every male Inca had
  4. Mountains, lives the kindly Rip Van Winkle, a colonial British-American, villager ,of Dutch descent. Rip is an amiable though somewhat hermetic man who enjoys
  5. The home stay surrounded by rainforest. Learn to the way of life the, villager ,and nature. POR Ta Chongqing Summit (ยอดเขาพ่อตาโชงโดง) is about 1,000 meters
  6. S behalf; for instance, he participates in the bi-annual ninja exams as a, villager ,of Konohagakure to gather information on his fellow participants. Auto
  7. Of intervening, tells Limits to quickly fetch Zomba. Zomba arrives just as a, villager , a friend of the boy, tries to pull a knife and kill the widow. Zomba
  8. Then the peasants they speak for. * Nettle (Kerry Potter): a young female, villager , who is definitely the equal of Marian in intelligence. * Chickweed (Karen
  9. Bore him no children. In an arranged marriage, Chiang was married to a fellow, villager ,named Mao Fumes. While married to Mao, Chiang adopted two concubines (
  10. And is often used as a synonym for Χωριάτης (Chordates) which simply means, villager , Maniocs, for example, used the word to refer to lowland-dwelling Greeks, and
  11. In Sleet, a villein was an upper status villager , a border was a lower status, villager , http://www.ossettcivictrust.co.uk/history_romans.html Did the Romans colonize
  12. The cow, which,when seized by the giant man, was immediately broken. The poor, villager ,ran away terrified, but not without hearing Bernardo say:" Current men are not
  13. Of niter After making decision what type of rocket they will make,the, villager ,will make it by themselves or assign a specialist. In making a rocket, it
  14. Four villeins and three borders lived in Sleet, a villein was an upper status, villager , a border was a lower status villager .
  15. Museveni's men first came they acted very well – we welcomed them," said one, villager ," but then they started to arrest people and kill them. " In March 1989
  16. Neighborhood or community. Rural areas are organized into village committees or, villager ,groups. A" village" in this case can either be a natural village, one that
  17. Around him, he murmurs" Jesus, I got 'em all. " He is then attacked by another, villager ,and, losing the struggle, asks Amy to fetch the shotgun and shoot him. Amy
  18. A bit of carrot to help them out, so it gets added to the soup. Another, villager ,walks by, inquiring about the pot, and the travelers again mention their stone
  19. From Willow McGregor and observes a brutal confrontation between Oak and a, villager ,in The Green Man pub. These images might be featured in a revised edition of
  20. Having moved in 1958 from Salisbury to nearby Bowerchalke, he met his fellow, villager ,and walking companion James Love lock. The two discussed Lovelock's hypothesis
  21. Love to her and spent the night. The brief encounter comes at great cost. A, villager ,catches sight of them, and word spreads, until the young, local boy who is in
  22. The village of Mani. Here is a large pool of crocodiles that do not harm any, villager , However, a totem animal might exceptionally harm if one has done something
  23. Powerful, jungle medieval/fantasy land with weird and extensive fauna, a young, villager ,with an unknown-yet-powerful talent bound to become the hero, an arch-enemy
  24. May be viewed as an example of a multiplayer generalization of the PD: Each, villager ,makes a choice for personal gain or restraint. The collective reward for
  25. Buried in 1656. It was believed that he returned as a vampire, and at least one, villager ,tried to drive a stake through his heart, but failed in the attempt. Finally
  26. Decides it is best that they spare it until the harvest in several months. A, villager ,happens to overhear the discussion. The news leaves the villager s divided about
  27. Preparation" on his desk. *In the episode" Demons" of Stargate SG-1,A, villager ,on a planet visited by Jack O'Neill is about to perform a preparation on his
  28. Peasant girl. * Hayley (Carly Britney),another young intelligent female, villager , She had a comet named after her after she vomited as it shot across the sky. (
  29. These are Gordon, the prince of Keys'ion and a member of the rebellion; Josef,a, villager ,in the town of Salamander; Leila, a pirate; Minor (Mind in the PlayStation
  30. Actress Margot Kidder made a cameo appearance in the same film as a robbed, villager , Kidder starred as Lois Lane in Superman, also directed by Donner. In the 2003
  31. Manshiyya was captured by on 14 May 1948 during Operation Benjamin. One, villager ,recalled that the dawn attack came from the hill overlooking the village. The
  32. The village of Colons and sits down on a stone. They are approached by a, villager , who demands that they leave, because that ground is sacred to the Furies, or
  33. Hit I Love You Always Forever. *After receiving a frosty reception from a local, villager , Paul McGann's character in the film With nail and I say," That's not the
  34. Weinstein "," Fiddler on the Roof" is mentioned when William Shatner plays a, villager , The second episode of Muppets Tonight, in 1996,featured Garth Brooks doing a
  35. Aymara's started a hunger strike to protest against the state detention of a, villager , The man detained was one of the heads of the village, and was imprisoned for
  36. The central character in the films by living the lifestyle of an Ethiopian, villager ,and Sudanese refugee respectively; in doing this he tries to break the boundary
  37. Peasants),which in Saxon days would be the equivalent to generates or, villager , The yeoman was more military and bound to the manor or estate, comparable to
  38. And shoot him. Amy hesitates before retrieving the weapon and shooting the, villager , David is driving Nile's to town when the latter turns and says," I don't know
  39. Arrested by the Jordan police a few days later. 14 February 1954,an Israeli, villager ,on guard duty at Malaysia, near Caravan, ( approximate M. R. 1510-1282) in
  40. Also appeared as a trophy in Super Smash Bros. Melee. He was shown holding a, villager ,in his hands. He was called the Love Giant as the title of the Trophy, but
  41. Models propounded by the scientist is often no different from the young African, villager ,'s ground for accepting the models propounded by one of his elders. " Along
  42. A bit of garnish to improve the flavor, which they are missing. The, villager ,does not mind parting with just a bit of carrot to help them out, so it
  43. Some say the appearance of an aye-aye in a village predicts the death of a, villager , and the only way to prevent this is to kill it. The Baklava people go so far
  44. As a dining table. An inscription around the well claims that at least one, villager ,died after falling down it. Ave bury Priory, Manor and Garden Ave bury Manor and
  45. District Officer in Tai Po recalls, one of the claimed concerns of the, villager ,elders at the time was to be able to carry coffins across the tracks to the
  46. Mention their stone soup which has not reached its full potential yet. The, villager ,hands them a bit of seasoning to help them out. More and more villager s
  47. And repeatedly provoke against the advice of one wise, but frustrated, villager , * Wormy, the title character of the comic by David A. Tramper. * Delbert the
  48. To remove the dead bodies, they found the village strewn with mines. One former, villager ,recounted that her father returned to Al-Manshiyya about 10 days after the
  49. Of labor — not any individual's labor, but all of them together. If one, villager ,decided to take advantage of the now-created path by setting up a gate and
  50. An acre (about 0.2 hectares) or less. Under their commoner's rights, each, villager , was allocated a set number of strips in each field (traditionally about thirty

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