Examples of the the word, deepen , in a Sentence Context

The word ( deepen ), is the 6906 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In Quebec, Canada,at which a" Third Border Initiative" was launched to, deepen ,U. S. cooperation with Caribbean nations and enhance economic development and
  2. Cloud, there might be instability at the cirrus level. When the cirrus clouds, deepen ,and spread, especially when they are of the cirrus radiates or cirrus fibrous
  3. Discrete and veiled; they reveal themselves only progressively to those who, deepen ,their connection with his work. He intended his forms (which he subtly
  4. The two countries also held several military exercises together to further, deepen ,and enhance cooperation between the two armed forces. Also, China is the largest
  5. As using" atmospheric medium as to bring out or mellow the lights and, deepen ,and enrich the shadows of the picture. " Hawthorne also wrote nonfiction. In
  6. And the Mississippi was given a series of locks and dams to avoid rocks and, deepen ,the river. St. Louis is a major destination for barge traffic on the
  7. Continued through Hell's Canyon. The flood widened Hell's Canyon but did not, deepen ,it. As the Bonneville Floods rushed down the Snake River, the Missoula Floods
  8. Interaction, triangular cliffs called truncated spurs are formed. Many glaciers, deepen ,their valleys more than their smaller tributaries. Therefore, when the glaciers
  9. Work for the 'common good' led Alfred and his court scholars to strengthen and, deepen ,the conception of Christian kingship that he had inherited by building upon the
  10. For similar designs in following years. This chance also allowed Wright to, deepen ,his relationship with Mama Cheney. Wright and Cheney left the United States in
  11. Felipe Calderón visited Brazilian President Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva, to, deepen , the dialogue and cooperation between the two countries. Thus, the Brazil-Mexico
  12. Is the result of heat-treated amethyst. Carnelian is widely heat-treated to, deepen ,its color. History The word" quartz" is derived from the German word" quartz
  13. The existing narrow shelf sea between Norway and Greenland began to widen and, deepen , The present continental slope in the Norwegian Sea marks the border between
  14. Religious pluralism which enriches and ennobles our faith, we are inspired to, deepen ,our understanding and expand our vision. As free congregations we enter into
  15. Floods. The Lake Bonneville floods and the Missoula Floods helped widen and, deepen ,the Columbia River Gorge, a giant water gap which allows water from the
  16. Thomas Brewing of All music called Britney" the record where she strives to, deepen ,her persona, making it more adult while still recognizably Britney. ... It does
  17. Much greater dredging of the Clyde, removing millions of cubic feet of silt to, deepen ,and widen the channel. The major stumbling block in the project was a massive
  18. Government during the reign of Claudius, we must look at four inscriptions that, deepen ,our understanding of a new, truncated empire. The first is a dedication to
  19. Developing countries in the institution’s decision-making process and steps to, deepen ,the effectiveness of its core mandate, which is known as economic surveillance
  20. To help people in other countries to understand Japanese anime better and to, deepen ,their interest in Japanese culture. " The Foreign Ministry action confirms that
  21. CARICOM/CUBA summit held in Barbados, heads of CARICOM and Cuba agreed to, deepen ,their ties in the areas of socio-economic and political cooperation in addition
  22. Which became more pronounced as time went on. Such processes continued to, deepen ,throughout the early Show period, when State Shinto became a main force of
  23. Being fully allegorical, however,a poem may contain symbols or allusions that, deepen ,the meaning or effect of its words without constructing a full allegory.
  24. Predominantly Muslim populations in order to open channels of communication, deepen ,cross-cultural understanding, expand people-to-people contacts, and generate
  25. Downward erosion by water. However, during glaciation, these valleys widen and, deepen , forming a" U"-shaped glacial valley. Besides the deepen ing and widening of
  26. Forum towards the end of 2008 ". The newspaper reported that Italy wished to ", deepen ,its bilateral relations with Pacific Island countries ". Italy has applied to
  27. At the eastern tip of Lake Erie. Buffalo expended great energy to widen and, deepen ,Buffalo Creek to make it navigable and to create a harbor at its mouth. Buffalo
  28. New item of information that came to light, his work continued to widen and, deepen ,in the making. Witness his monographs on the vowel system in the Teutonic
  29. Under the rule of dictator Francisco Franco. And signed a declaration to, deepen ,the strategic association between the two countries. After the European
  30. PAPS) are open to countries that have the political will and ability to, deepen ,their relationship with NATO. Currently, PAPS are in implementation with the
  31. Suffered heavy losses. That afternoon, Egyptian forces advanced once more to, deepen ,their bridgeheads, and as a result the Israelis lost several strategics
  32. Religious pluralism which enriches and ennobles our faith, we are inspired to, deepen ,our understanding and expand our vision. As free congregations we enter into
  33. In recent years, the Egyptian government's announcement of its intentions to, deepen ,and widen the canal have raised concerns from marine biologists, fearing that
  34. Made a number of very popular short silent films, used the arrival of sound to, deepen ,their well-formed screen characterizations and enhance their visual humor, and
  35. IWC meeting for catches in 2003 and 2004. The primary aim of the study was to, deepen ,the understanding of fish–whale interactions. Amid disagreement within the IWC
  36. Nonnutritive commodity for a widely fluctuating world market—only served to, deepen ,this hostility and to motivate Kit titian laborers to seek greater control over
  37. Second Caldera administration, to " cement ties with friendly countries, and to, deepen ,cooperation in areas of mutual benefit ". Venezuela's Foreign Minister noted
  38. Axis of penetration, so that the successive particles tend to widen rather than, deepen ,the hole. At very long standoffs, velocity is lost to air drag, further
  39. Rely on the repeated use of mantras, but are intended to stimulate thought and, deepen ,meaning. Christian meditation aims to heighten the personal relationship based
  40. Are potentially afoot, particularly the Swan swell Project, which is intended to, deepen ,Swan swell Pool and link it to Coventry Canal Basin, coupled with the creation
  41. And international students are encouraged to apply. The master's students will, deepen ,their knowledge of the core subject in the specialization during the first year
  42. To 1966,when he began his studies at Beloit College, as a vehicle for him to, deepen ,his own understanding of mythology by creating his own mythology, and also (so
  43. Tourism in the region; improve airlines between New Zealand and the region;, deepen ,education and research and science links. There are significant flows of
  44. Intensification process. Developing tropical disturbances can help create or, deepen ,upper troughs or upper lows in their wake due to the outflow jet emanating from
  45. Reconstruction. Tensions with Kuwait The end of the war with Iran served to, deepen ,latent tensions between Iraq and its wealthy neighbor Kuwait. Saddam urged the
  46. To a very high altitude. When a warm front approaches, cirrostratus clouds, deepen ,and lower into altostratus, Near the end of its mission, the Phoenix Lander
  47. Tolkienesque influence. Stafford began imagining Glorantha in 1966 as a way to, deepen ,his own understanding of mythology. He founded the company Chromium to publish
  48. By the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, this liberation theology seeks to, deepen ,the faith of Palestinian Christians, to promote unity among them toward social
  49. Phase to basic education. Brazilian high school lasts 3 years, attempting to, deepen ,what students have learned in the Engine Fundamental. Brazilian high school
  50. Is a program for those countries that have the political will and ability to, deepen ,their relationship with NATO. Cooperative Best Effort exercise (the first

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