Examples of the the word, timetable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( timetable ), is the 6908 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The modularization also allows for separate features to develop on their own, timetable , So for example, XHTML 1.1 will allow quicker migration to emerge XML
  2. Country to achieving full equality for women. In the late 1980s,there was a, timetable ,listing specific goals to be achieved during the remainder of the twentieth
  3. Logo was introduced by ATOM in 1999,and was used on the Great Britain public, timetable ,for the first time in the edition valid from 26 September in that year. Rules
  4. Regulate comings and goings, and to punish and excommunicate. A tight communal, timetable ,(honorarium) is meant to ensure that the time given by God is not wasted but in
  5. Towns not served by the train. The bus timetable coordinates with the train, timetable ,and the bus terminal is right beside the station. Notable residents *Yves
  6. The conflict between services to Stratford and from Bank. Following this, a new, timetable ,has been introduced with improved frequencies in peak hours. The new
  7. Unavailable. ) For each group, including group ST, the treaty provides a, timetable ,on which the production of those substances must be phased out and eventually
  8. Is their domestic training regime that each commando is subjected to a training, timetable ,consisting of 20 hours per day for 3 months, which is divided into different
  9. Rule. General Mohammed replaced thousands of civil servants and announced a, timetable ,for the resumption of civilian rule by October 1,1979. He was assassinated on
  10. Operated AMPS networks in Canada, announced that they would observe the same, timetable ,as outlined by the FCC in the United States, and as a result would not begin to
  11. Other NHL clubs, was expected to take over the GM position, although no public, timetable ,was given. Owner Meany decided to offer Buckler another position in the
  12. Odin was born (in 200 according to the traditional, but untrustworthy TC date, timetable ,; realistically sometime in the late 4th century) in Sushi on the return of
  13. Bomb," complained about Gilliam's" American" table manners, and threw a bus, timetable ,at another guest after they dared to ask the time of the next bus to town. The
  14. Companies, Inc. was to build Boulder City to house the workers. The original, timetable ,called for Boulder City to be built before the dam project began, but President
  15. At Euro tunnel suggested that Deutsche Bahn could enter the market at the next, timetable ,change, which would be December 2012. On 28 July 2010 Deutsche Bahn (DB)
  16. Of the road. They depart once enough passengers have been secured and have no, timetable , Generally they operate between outlying villages and the main town on each
  17. Launched an embargo against Cuba, and Lawndale presented a 26-page,top-secret, timetable ,for implementation of the overthrow of the Cuban Government, mandating that
  18. And then to the border between Syria and Lebanon. Assad did not provide a, timetable ,for a complete withdrawal of Syrian forces from Lebanon – 14,000 soldiers and
  19. And also an independent publisher. A digital version of the formerly printed, timetable ,as a PDF (portable document format) file is available without charge on the
  20. Before the Human Rights Campaign that he would end the ban, but he offered no, timetable , In January 2010,the White House and congressional officials started work on
  21. Rude man I've ever met. " This behavior included Sinclair throwing a, timetable ,at a guest who asked when the next bus to town would arrive; and placing Eric
  22. Are decided a day in advance according to passenger needs and the next day's, timetable ,is published every evening. The schedules are based on three routes - a
  23. Is how to find their timetable s. Recently the project" bgrazpisanie" ( BG, timetable ,in English) succeeded to collect all Bulgarian civil transportation timetable s
  24. Concurrently with the three-car upgrade work and the flounder, and the improved, timetable ,came into use on 24 August 2009. Current system Overview The DLR is now long
  25. Before the Human Rights Campaign that he will end the ban, but offered no, timetable , This statement was quickly followed up by Defense Secretary Robert Gates and
  26. 400th anniversary of Ottoman traveler and scholar Eliza Celebi's birth to its, timetable ,for celebration of anniversaries. Bibliography For a recently published
  27. Phase out However, in Portugal, which is a mere one hour behind Spain,the, timetable ,is quite different. * Most of France, including the cities of Paris, Marseilles
  28. Promising restoration of civilian rule he refused to announce a transitional, timetable ,until 1995. Following the annulment of the June 12 election the United States
  29. The mediator may do so (evaluative mediation). Mediation has a structure, timetable ,and dynamics that" ordinary" negotiation lacks. The process is private and
  30. And these adjustments allow for neural plasticity along a fairly quick, timetable , Reentry The last part of the theory attempts to explain how we experience
  31. The poorly fed population),the German invasion had disastrous effects in the, timetable ,of the planned invasion in Russia causing a significant delay which had key
  32. Were executed on November 10, 1995. On October 1,1995, Apache announced the, timetable ,for a 3-year transition to civilian rule. Only five political parties were
  33. Served by frequent summer services to and from Liverpool with a more restricted, timetable ,operating in winter. There are also limited summer-only services to and from
  34. Flow backward. While the potential for these structures is amazing, there is no, timetable ,for when they will be available. Medical applications of molecular
  35. S a nice gesture but 'next few months' is quite vague – we need a clear-cut, timetable ,". On March 5 Syrian leader Assad declared in a televised speech that Syria
  36. Jose Mayor Chuck Reed sent a letter to Bud Selim asking the commissioner for a, timetable ,of when he might decide whether the A’s can pursue this new ballpark, but Selim
  37. Of the Office of Rail Regulation (allocation of paths) and Network Rail (, timetable ,production and publication). Design and marketing Since the privatization of
  38. And coach services often operate to a pre-determined published public transport, timetable ,defining the route and the timing, however smaller vehicles may be used on more
  39. The host country under this rotating system. As of now, we haven't set a, timetable ,for starting this system ". Rogue also said that he would like the IOC to give
  40. Until November 2007,they have continued to be shown in the National Rail, timetable ,and are still considered for some purposes to be a part of National Rail. Two
  41. A council to guide the modernization program (CME) was established and a, timetable ,was drawn up to modernize nine key parasails. Although the state-owned
  42. Well count as being part of the previous day (also for the arrangement of the, timetable ,). For services depending on the day (" closed on Sundays "," does not run on
  43. Teaching methods despite the participants being located remotely. It requires a, timetable ,to be organized. Web conferencing, videoconferencing,Educational television
  44. Country to achieving full equality for women. In the late 1980s,there was a, timetable ,listing specific goals to be achieved during the remainder of the twentieth
  45. Link, a new Thames river crossing that has been proposed but currently has no, timetable ,for implementation. Conn aught Road/Silver town Interchange station: Status –
  46. Uncrowned Supra tours bus company serves towns not served by the train. The bus, timetable ,coordinates with the train timetable and the bus terminal is right beside the
  47. And publishing a fully costed Work Plan with measurable targets,a, timetable ,for implementation and an assessment of capacity constraints. However, when
  48. Was the first in which he definitively committed to repealing the law on a set, timetable , On November 30, 2010,the Department of Defense's Comprehensive Review
  49. As inherently discriminatory in favor of the nuclear-weapon States, and a, timetable ,for complete nuclear weapons disarmament. It endorsed early proposals for a
  50. The travel facilities for railway staff. It does not compile the national, timetable , however, which is the joint responsibility of the Office of Rail Regulation (

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