Examples of the the word, geek , in a Sentence Context

The word ( geek ), is the 6907 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Appearance, interests,and opinions. The idea is that everything that makes a, geek ,individual and different from all the other geek s in the world can be written
  2. Related to TV, film,music, celebrity gossip, fashion,sports, politics, geek , culture,and humor. The social platform, My. Logy, enables users to share
  3. Appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle, Daily Telegraph, Wired and some other, geek ,magazines, was recognized by Google in May 2010. Ian Mills, president of the
  4. The letter G (for Geek) followed by the Geek's occupation (s): GMU for a, geek ,of music, then the geek code proper begins. For geek s with multiple occupations
  5. Key is cast as kind of pathetic little guy. He's not quite a dork or a, geek ,but definitely would not be considered popular. However, he is likely the most
  6. Intelligence. * The RIAA, MPAA,Microsoft, SCO Group, and other targets of, geek ,ire. * The disconnect between Stef's market speak and the geek lingo of the
  7. In computing and technology * 1980,FAR appears in an apparent example of, geek ,humor, as the acronym for the Failed Units Address Register in the Digital
  8. Dennis (bass) and Steve Sherlock (drums). They describe themselves as a ", geek ,rock" band, and are known for simplistic modern punk-style songs with
  9. Of friends (all of them being take, too: a female illustrator, an information, geek , a martial artist, a weapons collector ...),Bubo soon makes the wish to
  10. Postmodern Culture (2003),Jay Clayton calls Stephenson’s book the“ ultimate, geek ,novel” and draws attention to the “
  11. Most geek s have an undeniable love for the Star Trek television show. Because, geek ,is often synonymous with Trekkie, it is important that all geek s list their
  12. Internet. The strip's humor tends to be centered around technology jokes and, geek ,humor. Drawn and authored by J. D. Fraser, a. k. a. " Iliad ", it has been
  13. Riley (Rose McGowan),Sidney's boyfriend Billy Looms (Skeet Ulrich),film, geek ,Randy Meek's (Jamie Kennedy),deputy sheriff Dewey Riley (Marquette),and
  14. Q. Ar buckle) is Garfield's owner, usually depicted as an awkward clumsy, geek ,who has trouble finding a date. Jon also had a crush on Liz (Garfield's
  15. Represent a category. So, the lower-case letter t represents Star Trek. The, geek ,code's author has this to say about Star Trek::" Most geek s have an
  16. The latter may still be accurate, the former certainly isn't. Hayden's own, geek ,code is: -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- GED/J d-- s: ++>: a-- C++ (++++)
  17. Creating shared fictional worlds may be associated with a broader burgeoning ", geek ," culture in developed societies that is in turn associated with prolonged
  18. This broadened the audience from primarily business users to the technical ", geek ," crowd, some of which migrated over from the Byte Magazine's BIX online
  19. Belonging to the Internet, such as the domain name slurs or the ", geek ," or" hacker" humor (i.e., humor that would not exist if not for the
  20. The pejorative noun anorak (similar to the Japanese" take ", meaning a, geek ,or enthusiast) is often applied to people who obsessively pursue a particular
  21. For those who can do anything. Categories There are a number of letters in the, geek ,code, each of which represent a category. So, the lower-case letter t
  22. In his own five-part comic book, in which his death influenced a nerd and, geek ,gang war. The Simpsons Library of Wisdom includes a volume entitled" Comic
  23. Students and teachers alike, later telling Rolling Stone Magazine:" I was a, geek , a span. I was horribly, painfully,terribly shy. At the same time, I was the
  24. The narrator),Susan, Todd,Bug, Michael,and Abe—are living together in a ", geek ,house ", and their lives are dedicated to their projects and the company.
  25. Consequences of being so old in such a fast-moving field is that much of the, geek ,code now looks rather dated. The World Wide Web is described as" relatively
  26. Has ebbed and flowed over time, at first resembling more the typical Slashdot, geek ,fare. Following the Dot-Com Crash, the election of George W. Bush and the Iraq
  27. Followed by the Geek's occupation (s): GMU for a geek of music, then the, geek ,code proper begins. For geek s with multiple occupations, a slash or slashes is
  28. Classes). In some parts of the net, it was once common practice to use a, geek ,code as one's signature, though those times are now long past. One of the
  29. According to critic Jay Clayton, the book is written for a technical or, geek ,audience. In his book Charles Dickens in Cyberspace: The Afterlife of the
  30. MacKenzie Sharon's other best friend who plays the show's stereotypical, geek , He lives in her neighborhood and treats Josh as a surrogate little brother
  31. His closet that" two hundred moths committed suicide "; in another, the ", geek ,police" ordered Jon to" throw out his tie" ), and his eccentric interests
  32. Lee Norris),is the smartest student in Cory’s 6th grade class. He is a, geek , and rival to Cory and Shawn. He has a crush on Topanga, and is often made fun
  33. While take in English-speaking contexts is generally understood to mean, geek ,or even fan, this usage is not widely known in Japan and hence casual use of
  34. Characters. He has characteristics associated with many negative nerd and, geek ,stereotypes. While possessing great technical skill and sincere enthusiasm
  35. Efficient in some sufficiently geek y manner. Once created, geek s can use their, geek ,codes anywhere they please. Previous places include emails, websites,letters
  36. Looking Good Dead has a character (nicknamed" The Weatherman" ), a computer, geek ,savant type, who memorizes the Shipping Forecast four times a day. In
  37. Was a lady' man who constantly flirted and danced, while Dirac—'an Edwardian, geek ,', as biographer Graham Carmelo puts it—suffered agonies if forced into any
  38. Life is included in the article American Magnate: Michael Dell: How a homegrown, geek ,outsourced, downsized,and tax-breaked his way to the top. The article
  39. It's All Geek To Me ". Op-Ed piece on the film 300 and, geek ,culture, The New York Times, March 18, 2007. *" Atoms of Cognition:
  40. Often a convincing but artificial monstrosity like the Fiji Mermaid) or a, geek ,show often billed as" See the Victim of Drug Abuse. " A" Museum Show" which
  41. Down (encoded) in this very compact format. Then other geek s can read the, geek ,code and work back from that to discover what the writer looks like, what
  42. Because she was too affectionate. Influences Microsoft, Silicon Valley, and, geek , culture Copland lived in Redmond, Washington for six weeks and Palo Alto
  43. In it. Such watches have also had the reputation as unsightly and thus mainly, geek ,toys. Several companies have however attempted to develop a computer contained
  44. Portrayed as the epitome of freedom, and have become the basis of much, geek ,and gamer humor and satire. Famous D&D players include professional basketball
  45. Or simply Judge),Larry is portrayed as the stereotype of the school, geek , He is treated like an outcast by everyone except Lizzie and her friends. He
  46. Occupations, a slash or slashes is or are used: GMD/TW, for instance, for a, geek ,of medicine and technical writing. There are 24 occupations that can be
  47. Skill and knowledge base. Sometimes, hacker also is simply used synonymous to, geek ,:" A true hacker is not a group person. He's a person who loves to stay up all
  48. Jovanovich into an" A-list action star. " Her action roles have given her a, geek ,following for which MTV said she was" Every Geek's Dream Girl. " In 2004
  49. Other targets of geek ire. * The disconnect between Stef's market speak and the, geek ,lingo of the rest of the cast Plagiarism In February 2009,Mike Mas nick wrote
  50. Looking Hicks men. In Mall rats (1995),actor Jason Lee plays comic book, geek ,Brodie Bruce, and later closeted Bank Edwards in Chasing Amy; in Jay and

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