Examples of the the word, viii , in a Sentence Context
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- And fastening hardware v. Gasket vi. Normandy There Silencer vii. Valve seat, viii , Ball (5) Pneumatic Cylinder: i. Smart Cylinder Assembly with Internal
- Historian Romance Breviaries, viii ,19.1 He had his most recent war in Britain, and to fortify the conquered
- Been as much the work of the Aegean contingent as of the Athenian (Herod., viii , 91). There are other indications, too,of the importance of the Aegean
- Body were to be more especially touched upon (v. 23. §8; Charles. Ad Far. Vol., viii , p. 65; comp. Loss. De Hist. Gr. p. 312). If the work was thus left incomplete
- Hopes, and poem xxvi. May have been one of the Heroines; elegiacs are found in, viii , 33—60,and the spurious epitaph on Bin may have been one of the Dirges. The
- After his victory over the Saxon forces of Hen gist (Historian Begum Britannia, viii , 7),that the captive Saxon leader Hen gist was hacked to pieces by Eldon
- Of speech, foreign words, and compound words; in ch. vi, analogy,and in ch., viii , orthography” ( Lying). Regarding the age at which the orator’s training
- By federal regulations, rounded to precisely 5 mL, per 21CFR101.9 (b) (5) (, viii ,). Common teaspoons such as bar spoons for measuring ingredients and stirring
- Or theft, both of which were rife in his days (Tan., Behar, ed. Buber, viii ,.; Ruth Rabbi to iii. 7). Name JE/> Glad in his heart that the famine was
- Her best endeavors for the conversion of her consort (Bede, H. E., II,vii, viii , x, xi ). He was buried in St. Peter's on October 25,625. Pope Boniface VI
- Stuart (or 'Bonnie Prince Charlie' ). * The opening paragraph of chapter, viii ,is frequently considered one of the major attempts at describing the
- Phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance" * (, viii ,)" is an outstanding example representing major stages of Earth's history
- S guidance he gave the Greek-speaking Jews a rabbinical Bible (Jerome on ISA., viii , 14,Yer. Ḳid. i. 59a). Akita probably also provided for a revised text of the
- Vol. i. p. 574,BC. ). They are also contained in Walz's Rhetoric Greece, vol., viii , The genuine work of Alexander Numerous has also been edited, together with
- School, Gesch. d. Grinch. Lit. Vol. Iii, p. 232; Fabric. Bill. Grace. Vol., viii , p. 62. ) The single good manuscript, in the Vatican Library (MS Vat. Gr. 156
- Operations, vol. 1: Linear operations),Warsaw, Kasa I'm. Mianowskiego,1931, viii , + 236 pp. * Theories DES operations lineages, Monografie Matematyczne 1 (
- Ve Courier,1817. 2 volumes; vol. 1,lxii,556 pp.,1 folded plate; vol. 2, viii , 639 pp.,1,16 folded plates. Reprinted by New York and London:
- From his editions of 1841,1849,1859 (ed. vii),and 1869–72 (ed., viii ,). The edition of 1849 may be regarded as historically the most important, from
- iv) Sonic (Chinese),(v) Hindu, ( vi) Orthodox, ( vii) Japanese, and (, viii ,) the African. This cultural organization contrasts the contemporary world with
- The text and apparatus appeared in 1869 and 1872,was called by himself edition, viii ,; but this number is raised to twenty or twenty-one, if mere reprints from
- iv) Potsdam, ( v) Frankfurt (Oder),(vi) Magdeburg, ( vii) Cottbus, (, viii , ) Halle, ( ix) Leipzig, ( x) Erfurt, ( xi) Dresden, ( xii) Karl-Marx-Stadt
- The older term, prosábbaton 'pre-sabbath ', used in the translation of Judith, viii , 6,and in the title – not to be found in Hebrew – of Psalm 92 (93). It
- Miles, Aegina founded no colonies. The settlements to which Strabo refers (, viii , 376) cannot be regarded as any real exceptions to this statement. Rivalry
- Noticing that Martial selects Nemesis as the source of Tibullus's reputation (, viii , 73,7; cf. xiv. 193). Style of writing Though the character of Bibulous the
- Assistants. Nevertheless, it is pleasing and historically valuable. Ananias (, viii , 9,I) thus describes the base," on the base which supports the statues there
- The Chariot of the story has been identified by August Long non (Romania vol., viii ,) with Charles l'Enfant, one of the sons of Charles the Bald and Ermentrude
- Liii and following; the willow and its branches, Hermas," Similitude,", viii , End of the age In John's apocalypse, the Book of Revelation, he refers to the
- So that God commanded him to appoint his successor (Anna debt Elijah Zeta, viii , ). The vision in which God revealed Himself to Elijah gave him at the same
- And reprinted in Francis James Child's English and Scotch Ballads (1st ed., viii , 77) — there is a drama entitled The Wandering Jew, or Love's Masquerade
- Lived for some time at Siphon (Sum. xxxiv. 9),the modern Zofran (Z. P. V., viii , 28),near Namath (see Sire, Num. iv., and the parallel passages quoted in
- Editions * Melville, H. The Whale. London: Richard Bentley,1851 3 vols. (, viii , 312; iv,303; iv,328 pp.) Published October 18, 1851. * Melville, H.
- Practise, and that polluted things, seen and touched, pollute (De spectacular, viii , xvii),he declared a Christian should abstain from the theater and the
- Michael) being given in the last case only. The Book of Enoch (vi. 3,7;, viii , 1) names 20" arc hons of the" 200" watcher" angels who sinned with the "
- And a daughter of Aries named Nineties (Herod. 3.2,Dion for. II, Polyaen., viii , 29),whose death he avenges on the successor of the usurper Amass.
- Of Judgment, when he will be cast into the fire to be consumed forever (Enoch, viii , 1,ix. 6,x. 4-6,Liv. 5,xxx viii . 1; see Geiger," Mud. Wait. " 1864,pp.
- Personally acquainted with Magna Graecia. Suspicion has been cast upon poems, viii ,and ix on various grounds. An extreme view holds that in ix. we have two
- Miracle which underlies Babbage's ideas of Singular Points on Curves (Chap, viii ,) – from European Theology or Hindu Metaphysic? Oh! How the English clergy of
- Paris,1569). A study of his life and writings by H. Hazard, forming vol., viii , Of the Travail et memoirs de l'university de Lille (Lute,1900),contains
- Was not a fashionable game. The Hon. Danes Harrington (Archaeological, vol., viii , ) says it was the game of the servants' hall. Contemporary writers refer to
- Before Albinos and Odysseus with ball play,accompanied by dancing (OD., viii , 370). The Hebrews have no mention of the ball in their scriptures. Ancient
- Only the just can be" sons of God" and" heirs of heaven" ( cf. Rom., viii , 17). In the parable of the vine Christ expressly declares the" abiding in
- xv., end ), as well as the" great Mishna of Akita" in the Mid. Can't. R., viii , 2,Eccl. R. vi. 2,are probably not to be understood as independent Mishna
- By which the development takes place. In his Nee Psychologies (essays iii., viii , And ix. ), he defined his position with regard to his predecessors and
- Evaluations; (vii) develop evaluation capacity, both in ADB and in DMC; (, viii ,) promote portfolio performance; (ix) evaluate business processes; and (x)
- Pp 132–79 *‘Cavazzoni-Cabezón ’, Journal of the American Musicological Society, viii ,(1955),pp 81–5 *‘Fine free Orgelmesse AUS Castell’Arvato ’, Archiv fur
- Who came to Troy, next to Achilles. " Sources *Apollodorus. Bibliophile I, viii , 2 and ix 16; II, vi,4; III, xii,6-7. Notes In Greek mythology and later art
- The large assembly gathered on the occasion from every quarter, he said (SEM., viii ,.’M. ḳ. 21b): Akiva and Gabriel II Modesty is a favorite theme with Akiva, and
- Soon conquered (241 BC) and lost half their territory. According to Sonatas (, viii , 18),the ancient city, built upon a precipitous hill, was destroyed and
- Etc. (2001). First meeting of the Joint Committee held in Zagreb (2004). (, viii ,) Agreement on Agricultural Cooperation (2002). (ix) Agreement on exemption
- To their lineaments. " (Estes et opinions Du Doctor Faust roll, II, viii , ). Raymond Juneau has described 'pataphysics as resting" on the truth of
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