Examples of the the word, hostage , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hostage ), is the 7317 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The villain to his death. Robin shows mercy and aids Two-Face, but is taken, hostage ,when the villain pulls a gun. Batman is able to successfully infiltrate the
  2. Their act on a mountain. The Russians took around forty women and children, hostage ,while the men were not in the village. The Aleuts surrendered. Four higher
  3. Journalist, all visiting Abu SAAF on Solo, were also taken hostage . One, hostage ,reported other female captives being raped. Abu SAAF conducted a second raid
  4. And a German journalist, all visiting Abu SAAF on Solo, were also taken, hostage , One hostage reported other female captives being raped. Abu SAAF conducted a
  5. Libya also offered money for ‘ livelihood projects’ in its role in the 2000, hostage , negotiations ... this raises the possibility that Libyan money gets channeled
  6. U. S. servicemen die in Operation Eagle Claw as they attempt to end the Iran, hostage ,crisis. * 1990 – Guitar Island, Scotland,is officially declared free of the
  7. Journalist Terry A. Anderson is released after 7 years in captivity as a, hostage ,in Beirut. He is the last and longest-held American hostage in Lebanon. * 1991
  8. The crowning star atop the Tree in 1979 in honor of the Americans being held, hostage ,in Iran. The term Charlie Brown Christmas tree is used in the United States and
  9. Killing an enemy, being the first to instruct a hostage to follow, rescuing a, hostage ,or planting (Terrorist)/defusing (Counterterrorist) the bomb. The
  10. In Dubai, landing at Tripoli for refueling before flying on to Tunis. One, hostage ,was murdered before the hijackers eventually surrendered after 84 hours.
  11. A local elementary school in the village of Ma'a lot. Taking the school-kids for, hostage , 22 children aged 14–16 years-old were killed when an army commando engaged
  12. Massacre in Algeria – 93 villagers killed. * 1997 – The Japanese embassy, hostage ,crisis ends in Lima, Peru. *1998 – Disney's Animal Kingdom opens at Walt
  13. Himself in NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas before killing a male, hostage ,and himself. *2008 – Danica Patrick wins the Indy Japan 300 becoming the first
  14. To Roman Catholicism and remain in Spain for a year after the wedding as, hostage ,to ensure England's compliance with all the terms of the treaty. Moreover, a
  15. In captivity as a hostage in Beirut. He is the last and longest-held American, hostage ,in Lebanon. * 1991 – Captain Mark Pyle pilots Clipper Goodwill, a Pan American
  16. Stormed the Colombian Palace of Justice and held the Supreme Court magistrates, hostage , intending to put president Betancourt on trial. In the ensuing crossfire that
  17. S leadership, according to locals in the areas associated with Abu SAAF. The, hostage ,money is probably the method of financing of the group. A commander named Abu
  18. Militants could begin executing American Embassy personnel who had been taken, hostage ,on 4 November. One early option considered AC-130H retaliatory punitive strikes
  19. From the First United Front in 1927,Ching-kuo was forced to stay there, as a, hostage , until 1937. Chiang wrote in his diary," It is not worth it to sacrifice the
  20. And becoming the second-highest grossing film of 1995. Plot Batman stops a, hostage ,situation in a bank caused by Two-Face, the alter ego of the disfigured former
  21. To march on Rome, intent on overthrowing Tho. Not wanting to risk being taken, hostage ,by one side or the other, Titus abandoned the journey to Rome and rejoined his
  22. Arrests and atrocities followed, culminating in 63 Jewish children being held, hostage ,and mob attacks on Jewish communities throughout the Middle East. International
  23. To the Harrington's. Wary of Stanley, Richard took his son, Lord Strange, as, hostage , to discourage him from joining Henry. Prelude Henry's crossing of the English
  24. Abu SAAF leader Abu Malaya tells Radio Mindanao Network that United States, hostage ,Martin Burnham sustained a gunshot wound on the back during a recent exchange
  25. Fully trusted their colleagues — Constantine was held as something of a, hostage , a tool to ensure Constantius' best behavior. Constantine was nonetheless a
  26. Head Doctor of Arkham Asylum. * Joe Grass as The Bank Guard: Two-Face's, hostage ,during the opening scene. * Ed Bella, Jr. as Fred Stickler: Edward Nygma's
  27. Led by Campers Alliance, laid siege to the Imperial Palace and took Nerve, hostage , He was forced to submit to their demands, agreeing to hand over those
  28. Who trawls the ocean with a net. On arrival at the island School takes Whaling, hostage , and then provides Forum with two artifacts to replace his lost hand and eye:
  29. A round, losing a round, killing an enemy, being the first to instruct a, hostage ,to follow, rescuing a hostage or planting (Terrorist)/defusing (Counter
  30. Of Columbia for his alleged involvement in terrorist attacks, including, hostage , taking by Abu SAAF and murder, against United States nationals and other
  31. Rebel group named" Simba" took white residents of the city of Stoneville, hostage , the US and Belgian developed a joint rescue mission that used the C-130s to
  32. In the guise of expelling the student. In Ultimate X-Men #58,he defuses a, hostage ,situation by hiring the mutant bank robbers for a mission in which the X-Men
  33. Of women, either for marriage or enslavement ** Tiger kidnapping, taking a, hostage ,to force a loved one or associate of the victim to do something Sciences *
  34. Area due to many successful Chechen guerrilla raids. The Budyonnovsk hospital, hostage ,crisis in 1995 shocked the Russian public and discredited Chechen guerrillas.
  35. Released by the Front de liberation Du Québec terrorist group after being held, hostage ,for 60 days. Police negotiate his release and in return the Canadian government
  36. Begins. *1973 – A bank robbery gone wrong in Stockholm, Sweden,turns into a, hostage ,crisis; over the next five days the hostage s begin to sympathize with their
  37. And his sister Anastasia are found near Yekaterinburg, Russia. *2010 – Manila, hostage ,crisis, in which 8 hostage s were killed *2011 – A 5.8 earthquake occurred in
  38. Of aid in the form of a grant. *1970 – California judge Harold Haley is taken, hostage ,in his courtroom and killed during in an effort to free George Jackson from
  39. Last five planes, ruled by Mabel ode, the King of the Swords. Whaling is taken, hostage ,by the forces of Chaos and Forum has several encounters with the forces of
  40. About three weeks before, the police said. *July 12 - The Italian Red Cross, hostage , Eugenio Agni, was released. *August 12 - A group of Abu SAAF soldiers and
  41. In St. Peters, the crowd revolted in anger. Henry took the pope and cardinals, hostage ,until the pope granted Henry V the right of investiture. Then he returned to
  42. Themselves, exploiting their power to make the head of state a virtual, hostage ,or killing the very leaders they were supposed to protect. The fidelity of
  43. And Chase are both held hostage . The Riddler tells Batman he may only save one, hostage , but realizing that they are likely all doomed regardless of whom he chooses, he
  44. He asked for four parachutes to force the assumption that he might compel a, hostage ,to jump with him, thus ensuring he would not be deliberately supplied with
  45. Matters: according to John of Worcester, a son of Constantine was given as a, hostage ,to Æthelstan and Constantin himself accompanied the English king on his return
  46. Danger in remaining at Galleries' court, where he was held as a virtual, hostage , His career depended on being rescued by his father in the west. Constantius
  47. 2003). R&D Magazine,45 (6),44. * Webb, N. (2003). The Berkeley Hotel, hostage , Bookseller, ( 5069),25. * The author who toured the universe. (2003).
  48. 3). *1975 – Holcombe Street Siege: An IRA Active Service Unit takes a couple, hostage ,in Holcombe Street, London. *1977 – South Africa grants independence to
  49. YMC-130H – Three modified under Operation Credible Sport for second Iran, hostage ,crisis rescue attempt; NC-130: Permanent conversion for flight test operations;
  50. The tower, whereupon the Riddle reveals Robin and Chase are both held, hostage , The Riddler tells Batman he may only save one hostage , but realizing that they

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