Examples of the the word, pity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pity ), is the 7329 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Up by Henry Kissinger when the American statesman remarked that" it's a, pity ,they Iran and Iraq both can't lose. " Richard Murphy, the Assistant Secretary
  2. Shut her eyes so that she would forever obsess over her dead children. Taking, pity ,on Lamina, Zeus gave her the ability to remove and replace her eyes from their
  3. This small man is described by Pirandello with great vivacity in a mist of, pity ,and disdain. Faustino is just made that way. He needs to bend everything, even
  4. Then, and stolen 30 horses. Carson and fellow mountain man Alex Soda took, pity ,on the two survivors. They tracked the Native band for two days, and upon
  5. He never gets home until late, and he has to distance himself from the natural, pity ,that he feels for the victims; otherwise, he would not be able to go on. It is
  6. From the audience than Messaging and Britannic us did. Many people began to show, pity ,and sympathy to Agrippina, due to the unfortunate circumstances in her life.
  7. Of all things sinful. Furthermore, the Qur'an speaks of John's gentle, pity ,and love for all creatures and his humble attitude towards life, for which he
  8. Since their longing to be together was so great. Once Zeus saw this, he stuck, pity ,on them and created intercourse as to allow the two halves get the satisfaction
  9. As protected of heroes. Hera did not recognize Heracles and nursed him out of, pity , Heracles suckled so strongly that he caused Hera pain, and she pushed him away
  10. Had sent the Harpies to steal the food put out for Phineas each day. Jason took, pity ,on the emaciated king and killed the Harpies when they returned; in other
  11. In a letter:" When I learned Greek at Cheap and heard of other gods a great, pity ,came on me for those beautiful marble people that had become forsaken and this
  12. Scholar 121) The following definition remains even more mysterious::" In, pity ,of their errors, our archbishop ordained as their diocesan capital Burka, which
  13. Is made that someday this will all be changed, that God will indeed have, pity ,on Israel. Chapter two describes a divorce. This divorce seems to be the end of
  14. Boy named Adonis. Aphrodite happens by the Myrrh tree and, seeing him, takes, pity , on the infant. She places Adonis in a box, and takes him down to Hades so that
  15. The author follows them into the entangled chaos with that" ruthless, pity ," which represents the ungrateful wealth of his humanistic vision in which pain
  16. Painful flatulence, and other gastric problems, saying," Since he showed no, pity , let us bring suffering upon him ". The story remarks that when Judah hands
  17. Destruction of her loom leads Arachne to hang herself in despair; Athena takes, pity ,on her, and transforms her into a spider. The fable suggests that the origin of
  18. Appeal to law Appeal to motive Appeal to nature Appeal to novelty Appeal to, pity ,Appeal to probability Appeal to ridicule Appeal to spite Appeal to tradition
  19. This is possibly a confusion between the Aramaic words Graham (he had, pity ,) and era 'em (he was enraged). Since it is easier to understand why a
  20. Birth on" terra firma ", or the mainland, or any island at sea. Poseidon gave, pity ,to Let and guided her to the floating island of Demos, which was neither
  21. To a more biological account of intelligence and taste; finally in the place of, pity ,and asceticism (Schopenhauer's two principles of morals) Nietzsche would set
  22. Sucking on the front teeth. A simple dental click is used in English to express, pity ,or to shame someone, and sometimes to call an animal, and is written TSK! In
  23. Men noted for their fighting ability who died natural deaths. " ... out of, pity ,and consideration for the body. " Early history Cannibalism is mentioned many
  24. As in the day she was born” ( Hosea 2:3). “ Upon her children I will have no, pity , because they are children of boredom” ( Hosea 2:4). “ For she said, I will
  25. Is easier to understand why a scribe would change" rage" to" pity " than ", pity ," to" rage," the earlier version is probably original. Ending Starting in the
  26. Themselves to lend to the poor and to aid them and to favor them, then is there, pity ,and no isolation but companionship and mutual defense and concord among the
  27. Was a sculptor who had never found a woman worthy of his love. Aphrodite took, pity ,on him and decided to show him the wonders of love. One day, Pygmalion was
  28. The story where he tried to rape Artemis' attendant Aretha. The goddess felt, pity ,for her and saved her by transforming Aretha into a spring in Artemis '
  29. Eyes, and he ordered his few remaining followers to go, because " it would be a, pity ,if any man lost his life or limb on my account. " The resigned emperor was
  30. Hitler had committed suicide, he was very depressed and said: 'It is a great, pity ,that such a man is not with us any longer. But there is nothing to be done. For
  31. Since it is easier to understand why a scribe would change" rage" to ", pity ," than" pity " to" rage," the earlier version is probably original. Ending
  32. Aphrodite to turn him into a statue, so he could be with her. Aphrodite took, pity ,on him and brought the statue to life instead. Consorts and children #
  33. Is the chief focus of tragedy. Tragedy is the imitation of action arousing, pity ,and fear, and is meant to effect the catharsis of those same emotions.
  34. Are a powerful race bent on universal conquest and domination, utterly without, pity , compassion or remorse. Various storylines portray them as having had every
  35. His conclusion, Stockdale quoted Epictetus as saying," The emotions of grief, pity , and even affection are well-known disturbers of the soul. Grief is the most
  36. Of roses, she met him on the platform and found herself" seized by terror and, pity ," as she beheld his gaunt, pale form. Neither was able to speak; they returned
  37. And we will be pitied before the Lord. " God does not change His mind; He shows, pity , Dead Sea Scrolls Fragments of the book were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls (
  38. Artemis in her temple ('played the bear for the goddess' ). Artemis felt, pity ,for the Meleagrids as they mourned for their lost brother, Meleagor, so she
  39. Witnessing past and future events. " She evokes the same awe, horror and, pity ,as do schizophrenics ", an observer has noted," who often combine deep, true
  40. In chains, the spectators admired her dignified bearing and were moved to, pity , Triumphal games were held, with beast-hunts involving 400 lions, and gladiator
  41. Spelling) or tut-tut (British spelling) used to express disapproval or, pity , the thick! Used to spur on a horse, and the clip-clop! Sound children make to
  42. A bear. Areas almost killed the bear, but Zeus stopped him just in time. Out of, pity , Zeus placed Callisto the bear into the heavens, thus the origin of Callisto
  43. That it would be better if he were dead. God then points out:" Thou hast had, pity ,on the gourd, for the which thou hast not labored, neither maddest it grow;
  44. Because of an obligation they may have to the partner or because of sympathy or, pity ,they may feel for the partner. Also, a person may engage in sexual activity for
  45. And without measure or end and that they die in their misery without the, pity ,of anyone. " Selected works Calvin's first published work was a commentary of
  46. Itself and its ideals. It is the French National Day.; fuel!:" What a, pity , "; quell!: What a horrible thing! (can be used sarcastically).; quell
  47. That Swift’s rhetorical style persuades the reader to detest the speaker and, pity ,the Irish. Swift’s specific strategy is twofold, using a" trap" to create
  48. Solely on financial support, it would not seem a goal, but more like an act of, pity , The creation of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in 1910 was
  49. The world offered" ( Jerusalem Talmud Ilyushin end). *"Whosoever hath not, pity ,upon his fellow man is no child of Abraham" ( Batch 32b). *"It is better to
  50. A basic drive for self-preservation and a natural disposition to compassion or, pity , They differed from animals, however,in their capacity for free will and their

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