Examples of the the word, residue , in a Sentence Context

The word ( residue ), is the 7315 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. General terms, they adopt dihedral angles such that the ψ dihedral angle of one, residue ,and the φ dihedral angle of the next residue sum to roughly -105°. As a
  2. The integral has a simple pole at z = a. In the second paper he presented the, residue ,theorem, : \franc \point_C f (z) dz = \sum_in \undersea f (z),where the sum
  3. Reserves, below ). Coking coal and use of coke is a solid carbonaceous, residue ,derived from low-ash, low-sulfur bituminous coal from which the volatile
  4. Contribution to mathematics. In 1826 Cauchy gave a formal definition of a, residue ,of a function. This concept regards functions that have poles—isolated
  5. Precipitated as the hydroxide using concentrated aqueous ammonia solution. The, residue ,was dissolved in perchloric acid. Further separation was carried out by ion
  6. If n = 1,the pole is called simple. The coefficient B1 is called by Cauchy the, residue ,of function f at a. If f is non-singular at a then the residue of f is zero at
  7. 0.8 % (46 teragrams Because only 5 % of US farmland currently uses no-till and, residue ,mulching, there is a large potential for carbon sequestration. Conversion to
  8. Recovery, recycling. Annex II lists other wastes such as household wastes and, residue ,that comes from incinerating household waste. Radioactive waste that is covered
  9. The lanthanides and remaining actinides are then separated from the aqueous, residue ,(rabbinate) by a diamide-based extraction, to give, after stripping, a
  10. Coal tar, ammonia,light oils, and " coal gas ". Petroleum coke is the solid, residue ,obtained in oil refining, which resembles coke but contains too many impurities
  11. Silicates to dissolve calcium, magnesium,alkalis and silica and leave a, residue ,of clay minerals. The dissolved calcium and magnesium react with bicarbonate to
  12. Showed Doherty was unarmed, and that forensic tests on his hands for gunshot, residue ,proved negative. * Bernard McGuigan (41). Shot in the back of the head when
  13. Of hemoglobin contains 146 amino acid residue s; substitution of the glutamate, residue ,at position 6 with a valine residue changes the behavior of hemoglobin so much
  14. Bonds to the residue s that flank the other (but not vice versa). For example, residue ,i may form hydrogen bonds to residue s j-1 and j+1; this is known as a wide pair
  15. As an eliminate (the Bayer process). After separation of vertiginous, residue ,(red mud) by filtering, pure gibbsite is precipitated when the liquid is
  16. The helix is roughly -130°. The general formula for the rotation angle Ω per, residue ,of any polypeptide helix with trans isomers is given by the equation: 3 \cos
  17. Enzymes on their corresponding ribonucleotides. These enzymes reduce the sugar, residue ,from ribose to deoxyribose by removing oxygen from the 2' hydroxyl group; the
  18. In the translation initiation factor EIF5A,through modification of a lysine, residue , Such modifications can also determine the localization of the protein, e. g.
  19. By a circle with a letter to indicate its single character code: a hydrophobic, residue ,is denoted by a filled circle with a white code symbol, whereas a hydrophilic
  20. At a. If f is non-singular at a then the residue of f is zero at a. Clearly the, residue ,is in the case of a simple pole equal to, : \undersea f (z) = \LIM_ (z-a) f
  21. An additional method of long-term ocean-based sequestration is to gather crop, residue ,such as corn stalks or excess hay into large weighted bales of biomass and
  22. To a sulfuric acid by the peroxide substrate. Over-oxidation of this cysteine, residue ,in peroxiredoxins inactivates these enzymes, but this can be reversed by the
  23. Is denoted by a filled circle with a white code symbol, whereas a hydrophilic, residue ,is denoted by an open circle with a black code symbol. As a 2D representation
  24. Amber suffers decomposition, yielding an" oil of amber ", and leaving a black, residue ,which is known as" amber colophon ", or " amber pitch "; when dissolved in
  25. By Cauchy the residue of function f at a. If f is non-singular at a then the, residue ,of f is zero at a. Clearly the residue is in the case of a simple pole equal to
  26. Binding also requires that alpha subunits contain a histamine amino acid, residue , (i.e.,α1,α2,α3,and α5 containing GA BAA receptors). For this reason
  27. z) = \LIM_ (z-a) f (z),where we replaced B1 by the modern notation of the, residue , In 1831,while in Turin, Cauchy submitted two papers to the Academy of
  28. That the ψ dihedral angle of one residue and the φ dihedral angle of the next, residue ,sum to roughly -105°. As a consequence, α-helical dihedral angles, in general
  29. Blow up" and have no finite boundary, then one can compute the function's, residue ,at that pole. These residue s can be used to compute path integrals involving
  30. The lanthanides and the remaining actinides are then separated from the aqueous, residue ,(rabbinate) by a diamide-based extraction to give, after stripping, a mixture
  31. Β strands, then they do not hydrogen bond to each other; rather, one, residue , forms hydrogen bonds to the residue s that flank the other (but not vice versa
  32. Have been made. For example James's will might say:" I give all the rest, residue ,and remainder of my estate to my daughter Lilly. " Lilly would be the residual
  33. An acetylating agent where an acetyl group is covalently attached to a serine, residue ,in the active site of the PTGS enzyme. This makes aspirin different from other
  34. Of a peptide or protein cannot conclusively determine the identity of a, residue , UK is sometimes used instead of CAA, but is less standard. In addition, many
  35. Opening of the chain to the aldehyde or keto form and renders the modified, residue ,non-reducing. Lactose contains a reducing end at its glucose moiety, whereas
  36. S conclusions and regarded it as a whitewash. It has been argued that firearms, residue ,on some deceased may have come from contact with the soldiers who themselves
  37. On a platinum foil of about 0.5 cm2 area, the solution was evaporated and the, residue ,was converted into plutonium dioxide (PuO2) by annealing. After cyclotron
  38. The origins of the European myths. Applications In the applied sciences Blood, residue ,can help forensic investigators identify weapons, reconstruct a criminal action
  39. J-1 and j+1; this is known as a wide pair of hydrogen bonds. By contrast, residue ,j may hydrogen-bond to different residue s altogether, or to none at all.
  40. Pronounced as“ Wenliang” ). In the Wenliang diagram each amino acid, residue ,is represented by a circle with a letter to indicate its single character code:
  41. Residues; substitution of the glutamate residue at position 6 with a valine, residue ,changes the behavior of hemoglobin so much that it results in sickle-cell
  42. Carefully the areal factor has been investigated, the smaller the size of the, residue ,open to the genetic explanation has tended to become. According to many
  43. Guard cited a lack of proper training for the cleaning of volatile benzene, residue ,as a reason for the loss of the tanker SS V. A. Fog in 1972. Human
  44. Α helix are arranged in a right-handed helical structure where each amino acid, residue ,corresponds to a 100° turn in the helix (i.e., the helix has 3.6 residue s per
  45. Path integrals involving the function; this is the content of the powerful, residue ,theorem. The remarkable behavior of homomorphic functions near essential
  46. At every third position because the assembly of the triple helix puts this, residue ,at the interior (axis) of the helix, where there is no space for a larger
  47. Bond, and ideally can be removed after months or years without leaving, residue ,on the adhered. Removable adhesives are used in applications such as surface
  48. In American English, asphalt (or asphalt cement) is the carefully refined, residue ,from the distillation process of selected crude oils. Outside the U. S., the
  49. Can also be gained from the spatial distribution of bloodstains. Blood, residue ,analysis is also a technique used in archeology. In art Blood is one of the
  50. Receptors containing α4 and α6 subunits with an arginine instead of a histamine, residue , Once bound to the benzodiazepine receptor, the benzodiazepine ligand locks the

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