Examples of the the word, scoop , in a Sentence Context

The word ( scoop ), is the 7313 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Royal Navy. The Polaris, a much better weapon system for the UK, was a major ", scoop ," and has been referred to as“ almost the bargain of the century” The RAF
  2. Engine in place of the normal Allison, and thus did not have the carburetor, scoop ,on top of the nose. Performance for these models at higher altitudes was better
  3. Curtis's moved the glycol coolant radiator forward to the chin; its new air, scoop ,also accommodated the oil cooler air intake. Other improvements to the landing
  4. Robert W. Mustard proposed the Mustard ramjet, a fusion rocket in which a huge, scoop ,would collect the diffuse hydrogen in interstellar space," burn" it is on the
  5. The designs that use the collected hydrogen as fuel. The mass of the ion ram, scoop ,must be minimized on an interstellar ramjet. The size of the scoop is large
  6. Ranging from kilometers to many thousands of kilometers in diameter) as a ram, scoop ,to collect and compress hydrogen from the interstellar medium. High speeds
  7. The crystallization solution (the mother liquor),a modern approach is to, scoop ,the crystal up in a tiny loop, made of nylon or plastic and attached to a solid
  8. Once a diver is completely under the water they may choose to roll or, scoop ,in the same direction their dive was rotating to pull the splash away from the
  9. Commercial harvesting is typically done with large potato harvesters, which, scoop , up the plant and surrounding earth. This is transported up an apron chain
  10. Turbo models were equipped with an ordinary hood, markedly losing the turbo ", scoop ," on the drivers side. In order to keep up with quickly aging aesthetics
  11. Are dressed to a particular transverse curve, and have a small lengthwise ", scoop ," or concavity, slightly more pronounced on the lower strings, especially when
  12. Uses, and evolved from a concept of the Mustard ramjet which used a magnetic, scoop ,to collect interstellar material. Magnetic sails could also be used with
  13. His audience," This is a real decent, fine boy. " Sullivan's failure to, scoop ,the TV industry with Presley made him determined to get the next big sensation
  14. Uses trickery to prevent Clark from pursuing a lead (giving her the chance to, scoop ,him). Nevertheless, his journalistic skills are useful as he pursues stories
  15. Performance" saddening ":" They left their swimming pools at home only to, scoop ,up some money here. Really,they're nothing more than that. " They later
  16. Snowcones taken from Snowman B, who is lying on the ground with an ice-cream, scoop ,in his back, a group of snowmen surrounding another snowman with his head on
  17. Which angers NATO because she realizes he only helped her in order to get the, scoop , * The meeting between the Japanese prime minister and the Russian and North
  18. United States, the phrase is used to describe a dessert with an accompanying, scoop ,of ice cream (example: apple pie à la mode). However, in French, it is a
  19. Later redesignated RP-40G. *P-40K,an Allison-engined P-40L,with the nose top, scoop ,retained and the Allison configured scoop and cowl flaps. Supplied to the
  20. Ended abruptly as a result. Hicks once told an interviewer:" I have a, scoop ,for you. I stole his Leary's act. I camouflaged it with punchlines, and to
  21. Journalist discovers the Orion ship. Wrestling with whether to reveal the, scoop ,of the century to the world (and therefore alerting the alien invaders as well
  22. P-40L,with the nose top scoop retained, and the Allison configured, scoop ,and cowl flaps. Supplied to the Commonwealth air forces as the Kitty hawk Mk III
  23. And flow/anti-clumping agents. It is most commonly hand-applied, with a, scoop , Other extreme fire extinguishing materials include With+, a graphite based dry
  24. As a young boy dancing for pennies in the streets of New Orleans, who would, scoop ,up the coins off of the streets and stick them into his mouth to avoid having
  25. Length. He further suggests the inward bend of the soundboard (the" belly, scoop ,") is a deliberate adaptation by ancient builders to afford the lutenist's
  26. Base US-spec Legacy and a single-port exhaust. Some WRX models have an STI hood, scoop ,that is much larger than other WRX scoop s. The suspension has also received a
  27. Sri Lanka. The open pit mines usually employ equipment (i.e. bulldozers) to, scoop ,up the ore, which is usually put in trucks and moved to the plant. Since the
  28. Inside the head that eliminate excess salt out of the nostrils. Most birds, scoop ,water in their beaks and raise their head to let water run down the throat.
  29. Antennomeres 3-11 shortened, globularly compacted, and partly enclosed in a, scoop ,shaped antennomere 2,as is also found in Trinidad and Dryopidae. Other
  30. Chased from one end of this country to the other, and I've attempted to, scoop ,up a few diamonds of this magic that I see. In 1975,Waits moved to the
  31. Sued Mystique in court over the release of the game. Atari Inc. continued to, scoop ,up licenses during the shelf life of the 2600,the most prominent of which
  32. All-Star Game at Yankee Stadium, going 1–3 with an RBI. Gonzalez made a nice, scoop ,on a throw from catcher Russell Martin during a tense moment late in the game
  33. Science and Engineering degree in Engineering Stock exchanges Other * Baby, scoop ,era, a period in United States history from the end of World War II to 1972 *
  34. That the thrust generated would be less than the drag caused by any conceivable, scoop ,design, the idea is attractive because, as the fuel would be collected en route
  35. Because its seven brightest stars seem to form the shape of a dipper (ladle or, scoop ,). The star at the end of the dipper handle is Polaris, the North Star. Polaris
  36. On five things: #The rate at which mass is collected from space by the ion, scoop , #The ramjet's exhaust velocity, and the net thrust level obtained from the
  37. Lunar gravity, but later estimated it actually went. Mitchell then used a lunar, scoop ,handle as a javelin, creating the first 'Lunar Olympics '. Before the flight
  38. Pads to better protect the goaltender's legs. They also introduced the ", scoop ," shot, later known as the wrist shot. Goal nets became a standard feature of
  39. Stay on the table and illegal shots such as double-hitting the cue ball or a ", scoop ,jump shot" should still be called a foul. The main purpose of the push-out
  40. And rear flared guards, a polyurethane plastic front spoiler, a top mounted air, scoop ,for the intercooler, a much larger rubber rear spoiler and a flush mounted
  41. A new intercooler design with a turbo air inlet now going through the bonnet, scoop , The FIA's rules about aerodynamics have led to the removal of several
  42. Through the ball while the stick head is in contact with it; the" flick" or ", scoop ,", similar to the push but with an additional arm and leg and rotational
  43. Also. If the first shot at goal in a short corner situation is a push, flick or, scoop , in particular the drag flick (which has become popular at international and
  44. Helium, and no significant amounts of other gasses. This means that the ramjet, scoop ,must sweep 1018 cubic meters of space to collect one gram of hydrogen. A large
  45. dive's rotation. This is a technique to produce a clean entry. * attempting to, scoop ,the trajectory underwater against the rotation is extremely inadvisable as it
  46. Was the winner. 1997 First Cambodian Championship In 1997 Cambodia had the, scoop ,to be the first Asian country in which its national Classic Strategy
  47. Using an electrostatic field to build the ion ram scoop . Such an ion, scoop ,will use electromagnetic funnels, or electrostatic fields to collect ionized
  48. Field, or alternatively using an electrostatic field to build the ion ram, scoop , Such an ion scoop will use electromagnetic funnels, or electrostatic fields to
  49. On an interstellar ramjet. The size of the scoop is large enough that the, scoop ,cannot be solid. This is best accomplished by using an electromagnetic field
  50. The ion ram scoop must be minimized on an interstellar ramjet. The size of the, scoop ,is large enough that the scoop cannot be solid. This is best accomplished by

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