Examples of the the word, cohort , in a Sentence Context
The word ( cohort ), is the 7326 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Hand. In this sense, errors occurring in the process of gathering the sample or, cohort ,cause sampling bias, while errors in any process thereafter cause selection
- A researcher observes many individuals born at or around the same time (a, cohort ,) and carries out new observations as members of the cohort age. This method
- Characterized by zero or declining growth, with an aging population and smaller, cohort ,of youths. The total fertility rate was 1.4 in 2011. Fertility was closely
- The same time (a cohort ) and carries out new observations as members of the, cohort ,age. This method can be used to draw conclusions about which types of
- Just as Roger Williams created a new polity in Rhode Island, Hooker and his, cohort ,did the same and established the Connecticut Colony at Hartford in 1636. This
- Funding, making them unfeasible in some situations. Also, because members of a, cohort ,all experience historical events unique to their generation, apparently
- Company with Marigold, Teach formed an alliance of pirates and with his, cohort ,blockaded the port of Charleston, South Carolina. He successfully ransomed its
- Study (United States) found that 39 % of the then currently enrolled 44,287, cohort , members reported using at least one CAM therapy. The National Science
- From their exposure to different historical events. A third study design,the, cohort ,study, combines both methodologies. Here, a researcher observes members of
- Normative developmental trends may in fact be universal only to their, cohort , In a cross-sectional study, a researcher observes differences between
- The maximum lifespan, sometimes called 'omega' ). For an extinct or completed, cohort ,(all people born in year 1850,for example),of course, it can simply be
- Of development are universal (or normative) and occur in most members of a, cohort , As an example a longitudinal study of early literacy development examined in
- Diet (LEARN diet, Ornish diet). The Nurses' Health Study, an observational, cohort ,study, found that low carbohydrate diets based on vegetable sources of fat and
- Are inhibited. Earlier case reports on sudden death prompted a study on a large, cohort ,that confirmed a link between erythromycin, ventricular tachycardia, and sudden
- Source of omega-3) to increased rates of depression, and case-control and, cohort ,studies of unipolar and postpartum depression indicating low blood levels of
- Has an enrollment of 360 students. In December 2010,it graduated the first, cohort ,of 30 students with Master's Degrees in Business and Higher Education. In June
- That" bulges" or recedes in relation to the number of persons in a given age, cohort , Many poor, developing countries have a broad base and steadily tapering higher
- The" Lost Generation" is a term used to refer to the generation, actually a, cohort , that came of age during World War I. The term was popularized by Ernest
- In the gene are associated with Brunner syndrome. A study based on the Dunedin, cohort ,concluded that maltreated children with a low-activity polymorphism in the
- An accessible graphical format. Another summary is called the life table. For a, cohort ,of persons born in the same year, it traces and projects their life experiences
- Recruited from among the non-citizens. Organized in smaller units of roughly, cohort ,strength, they were paid less than the legionaries, and after 25 years of
- It traces and projects their life experiences from birth to death. For a given, cohort , the proportion expected to survive each year (or decade in an abridged life
- Grace Lee Boggs, all of whom were members of a US based Trotsky intellectual, cohort , Nkrumah later credited James with teaching him 'how an underground movement
- D3 reduced aggregated cancers with a relative risk of 0.402. *An observational, cohort ,study found that high calcium and vitamin D intake was associated with" lower
- Alzheimer's disease. Nevertheless, some studies, such as those on the PAID, cohort , cite aluminum exposure as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. Some brain
- Until 1817. With Carrera in prison in Argentina, O'Higgins and anti-Carrera, cohort ,José de San Martín, hero of the Argentine War of Independence, led an army that
- The USSR should have supported revolution in developed countries. Stalin and, cohort ,labelled that counter-argument as Trotskyism, to connote that Socialism in One
- A good friend of Edison Carter, and saves him on more than one occasion. With, cohort ,Dominique, he operates and is the onscreen voice of Big Time television," All
- Early childhood – Basic, Infant and privately operated pre-school. Age, cohort ,– 2 – 5 years. * Primary – Publicly and privately owned (Privately owned being
- The demographic transition is still in progress, and Mexico still has a large, cohort ,of youths. The most populous city in the country is the capital city, Mexico
- S cancellation of the national building program for schools. There is also a, cohort ,of independent schools within the city – the oldest, founded in 1732,is The
- The fields of psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics, where models such as the, cohort ,model have been proposed to explain how words in the lexicon are retrieved.
- Positive, pro-social attributes. In monotheistic faiths there is an equivalent, cohort ,of malefic supra normal beings and powers, such as demons, devils,free, etc.
- Is associated with early pregnancy loss, a type of miscarriage. A prospective, cohort ,study of Chinese textile workers found" a positive, monotonic
- continent's southern region. Youths were organized into age groups, with each, cohort ,responsible for certain duties and tribal ceremonies. Periodically, the older
- a thousand years ago, prisoners of war were paraded before the king and his royal, cohort ,and subjected to ritual humiliation and torture. In pre-Islamic Arabia, upon
- The Lower Houses were restricted to upper year students but with the double, cohort ,of graduates from Ontario schools many of the rooms were transformed into
- By documenting over time how depression emerged among an initially normal, cohort ,of people. The researchers concluded that variation among the serotonin
- In a four-week period,18 days less than the control median of 21 days. The, cohort ,receiving 6 lessons had a reduction of ten days in days-of-pain reported.
- And harm studies: *Level A: Consistent Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial, cohort ,study, all or none (see note below),clinical decision rule validated in
- Containing all other birds. Although Lively and Zuni assigned them ", cohort ," rank. To 10,050. Dinosaurs and the origin of birds Based on fossil and
- Train and equip. After the initial enthusiasm faded, reliance on the, cohort ,of young men who came of age every year and wanted to join was not enough. Both
- Birth rate. # An increase in the adult population, as the earlier, larger, cohort , born in the" baby boom" of the 1960s and 1970s reach adulthood. This effect
- And breast cancer later in life. Unlike previous studies, this prospective, cohort ,study collected blood samples from young mothers in the 1960s while DDT was
- A complete Jan & Dean discography, biography,and a timeline of his career with, cohort ,Jan Berry. He currently resides in Huntington Beach, California with his wife
- Since the organism is dependent on the host cell for these nutrients. Long-term, cohort ,studies indicate that approximately 50 % of those infected clear within a year
- Party with the" Night of the Long Knives ". The purges of Ernst Room, his SA, cohort , the Strategist, left-wing Nazis, and other political enemies lasted from 30
- Trials without randomization. *Level II-2: Evidence obtained from well-designed, cohort ,or case-control analytic studies, preferably from more than one center or
- When love and sex were separate and unrelated notions. In 1989 an academic, cohort ,named the Lesbian History Group wrote: Because of society's reluctance to
- Using mortality experience in recent years. These estimates are called period, cohort ,life expectancies. It is important to note that this statistic is usually based
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