Examples of the the word, bobby , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bobby ), is the 7327 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Contract was bought out by MCA founder Jules Stein for $75,000. His appeal to, bobby ,boxers, as teenage girls of that time were called, revealed a whole new
  2. Were separated when their pond was destroyed. They leave after a faerie named, bobby ,fills Nick's father's car with sand to look for Talya's sisters at her old
  3. To hold head coverings, such as a yarmulke, securely to their hair. To use a, bobby ,pin, simply push hair into the desired position and push the bobby pin into
  4. To use a bobby pin, simply push hair into the desired position and push the, bobby ,pin into place. There is no need to open the clip first. Bobby pins may also be
  5. A bullet holes. He told the story to Michael Mortimer, the son of the village, bobby ,who also attended the school. On hearing this, Mike Mortimer said 'It was a
  6. The mRNA from the PL promoter forms a stable secondary structure with a, bobby ,pin loop in the SIB section of the mRNA. This targets the 3' ( SIB) end of
  7. In his pocket. His favorite sign of good luck was finding a pin, especially a, bobby ,pin, particularly on a game day. The depth of his superstitious nature was
  8. To pull back front sections of hair while looking more decorative than a plain, bobby ,pin. Ballet dancers often use bobby pins to keep their hair in place for class
  9. Kids wholeheartedly embraced American culture (right down to foot suits and, bobby ,socks),Exist generally wanted to show that they could think for themselves, as
  10. S character became, for many, the living embodiment of what every British ", bobby ," was supposed to be. As the series progressed, Dixon went through several
  11. Successful solo artist in the early to mid-1940s,being the idol of the ", bobby ,boxers ". His professional career had stalled by the 1950s,but it was reborn
  12. Policemen ', and is the origin of UK signalmen being referred to as" bob ",", bobby ," or" officer ", when train-crew are speaking to them via a signal telephone)
  13. To give him recognition for his accomplishments. His position as" local, bobby ," sees him sometimes left out of official investigations, and he must often
  14. Seven Networks during the summer of 1977-78. Name" memorable" /> The term, bobby ,dazzler is a dialect term for someone who is strikingly-dressed. Name "
  15. Usually of metal or plastic, used in coiffure to hold hair in place. Typical, bobby ,pins are plain and unobtrusively colored, but some are elaborately decorated or
  16. While looking more decorative than a plain bobby pin. Ballet dancers often use, bobby ,pins to keep their hair in place for class or performances. Recently, due to
  17. DON’T LOVE MUSIC EVER IT’LL ONLY BREAK YR. HEART o. k.?; (for Mr., bobby ,Darin) - An essay by Ephraim Menu ck
  18. The bobby 's beat and the medical connotations of the word 'heart' " (", bobby ," being British slang for a police officer, and " medical connotations "
  19. The attack. After suffering heavy casualties in what Derrick described as" a, bobby ,dazzler of a fire fight ", Derrick was immediately promoted to corporal
  20. One or more crimes take place, which are investigated by the Aidensfield, bobby ,and the other policemen from the Ashford police station. The villains are
  21. Have attacked coalition forces with their usual retinue of rockets, mines,and, bobby ,traps. Hekmatyar has been organizing alliances between the remaining
  22. By the Doctor when he was Jon Per twee. Dickinson described it as" a bit of a, bobby ,dazzler ". Personal life Dickinson met his wife-to-be, Lorne Lesley, a cabaret
  23. Constable George Dixon, played by Jack Warner, was an old-style British ", bobby ," (policeman). The character first appeared in a 1950 British film by Dealing
  24. In the Northern Hemisphere, and the summer in the Southern Hemisphere. Notes A, bobby ,pin is a type of hairpin. In British English, it is known as a hair clip, grip
  25. Known by a number of names which vary by area, such as" knock and Nash" and ", bobby ,knocking ", and often involves the joint pursuit of" hedge hopping ", whereby
  26. Show evolved into an ensemble drama. The motorcycle-riding Aidensfield village, bobby , the role originally played by Berry, continued to be central to the storylines
  27. 1989. The works currently undertakes the processing of lamb, sheep,cattle and, bobby ,calves and due to intensive development and expansion throughout its history
  28. Typically along a beach (as that of Atlantic City) (UK: promenade);, bobby ,pin: hair grip, Kirby grip; bodega: a Spanish term for a winery, used in some
  29. Transmitter switch, was added to the steering column. The sight of a six-foot, bobby ,getting into the mini greatly amused the locals. The vehicles were trialed for
  30. In the 1920s to hold the new bobbed hairstyles. Uses Like barrettes, decorated, bobby , pins are sometimes used to be noticed in hair. A decorated bobby pin can have
  31. And unobtrusively colored, but some are elaborately decorated or jeweled. A, bobby ,pin is a double-pronged hair pin that slides into hair with the prongs open and
  32. For surfing or beachwear (US and UK also: board shorts or swimming trunks);, bobby ,: police officer, named after Sir Robert Peel, the instigator of the world's
  33. As junior members (" fourth hats "," third hats "," kill hats ",", bobby ,", or " bulldogs" ) of drill instructor teams. His or her job consists of
  34. Bobbed hair" took hold. This trend gained popularity in the 1920s,and the, bobby ,pins kept the bobbed hair in place. A trademark on the term" bobby pin" was
  35. In the North Riding of Yorkshire, the motorcycle-riding Aidensfield village, bobby ,was originally played by Nick Berry. * Law & Order: UK (2009–present) is an
  36. T-shirts in his direction, but Homer bends down at the last second to pick up a, bobby ,pin on the ground. Maude returns from the concession stand at that exact moment
  37. By growing his hair long, dyeing it platinum blonde, and putting gold-plated, bobby ,pins in it (which he deemed“ Georgie Pins” while distributing them to the
  38. Decorated bobby pins are sometimes used to be noticed in hair. A decorated, bobby ,pin can have beads, ribbons or other details on it and is usually worn to pull
  39. Also be used to hold cloth headbands or bandannas in the hair. Many Jews use, bobby ,pins to hold head coverings, such as a yarmulke, securely to their hair. To use
  40. Department, which portrayed a more traditional image of the British London, bobby , The main writers included Johns Hopkins (who succeeded John Barr and also
  41. And films made between 1948 and 1953. In Dixon of Dock Green, Dixon is a ", bobby ," on the beat – lowest-ranking policeman on foot patrol. With the inevitable
  42. Floors, the students were required to remove their shoes and dance in their, bobby ,socks--thus the phrase 'sock hop '. The adolescent actress Shirley Temple
  43. Company longer. The crooning craze was at its height during this time and the ", bobby ,boxer" and" sooner" teenage girls who were wild about Sinatra added Como to
  44. Still often used. Roles In many areas the panda car replaced the traditional ", bobby ,on the beat" when it was seen that larger suburban or rural areas could be
  45. The pen-name Nicholas Rhea. The title Heartbeat was chosen to represent" the, bobby ,'s beat and the medical connotations of the word 'heart' " (" bobby " being
  46. Was probably Frank Sinatra, whose early career is often linked to his appeal to, bobby ,boxers, Post-war teens were able to buy relatively inexpensive phonographs —
  47. And the bobby pins kept the bobbed hair in place. A trademark on the term ", bobby ,pin" was held for some decades by Bob Levine Corporation of Buffalo, New York.
  48. And launched numerous trends. The first teen stars arose, beginning with the, bobby ,boxer idol Frank Sinatra; this opened up new audiences for popular music, which
  49. Began to expand to include a younger age group. During the Swing era, when a, bobby ,boxer went looking for a recorded tune, say " In the Mood ", typically she
  50. Clip first. Bobby pins may also be used as makeshift lock picks. History The ", bobby ,pin" came into wide use as the hairstyle known as the" bob cut" or" bobbed

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