Examples of the the word, rename , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rename ), is the 7319 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Word program in response to user commands, but the user can also move, rename , or delete these files directly by using a file manager program such as Windows
  2. Open the second document, either close the document that is currently open, or, rename , one of the documents. The reason is for calculation ambiguity with linked cells
  3. Approved the sale to Selig's group. Selim had already announced plans to, rename ,the team the Brewers, a name that had been used by past Milwaukee baseball
  4. One of his first acts (1770) Patterson led the island's colonial assembly to, rename ,the island" New Ireland ", but the British Government promptly vetoed this as
  5. On files or groups of files are: create, open,edit, view,print, play, rename , move, copy,delete, search/find, and modify file attributes, properties and
  6. They have the same name and implementation. The class writer has the option to, rename ,the inherited features to separate them. Eiffel also allows explicit repeated
  7. Contains a given attribute value * Modify Distinguished Name (DN) — move or, rename ,an entry * Extended Operation — generic operation used to define other
  8. Then becomes passive. The active panel becomes the working area for delete and, rename ,operations, while the passive panel serves as a target for copy and move
  9. To create the PNG in a temp file MV JPG. To. PNG" PNG" # if it worked, rename ,the temporary PNG image to the correct name else # ... otherwise complain and
  10. Park in Milwaukee (2001). As part of the new stadium agreement, the team will, rename ,itself the Miami Marlins on November 11, 2011 along with the unveiling of new
  11. 30, 1966,Anton Lava founded the" The Satanic Church" ( which he would later, rename ," Church of Satan" ). After his death in 1997 the Church of Satan was taken
  12. Neither the legitimacy of the ruling military government nor its authority to, rename ,the country or towns in English. Various non-Burman ethnic groups choose not to
  13. MIME body structures and add mailbox management functionality (create, delete, rename , message upload) that was absent in IMAP2. This experimental revision was
  14. As informal forms of the IAU sanctioned provisional standard. They would, rename ,Tau Boots b formally as Tau Boots Ab, retaining the prior form as an informal
  15. Conquest of Rhodes. The knights establish their headquarters on the island and, rename ,themselves the Knights of Rhodes. *1430 – Francesco Fora, lord of Milan
  16. Will be interred at its base. Churchill Downs has also announced that it will, rename ,the La Provence Stakes (Gr. III) in honor of Eight Belles. There are also
  17. First to be fully transistorized),and in 1958,Morita and Ibiza decided to, rename ,their company Sony (songs is Latin for sound, and Sonny-boys is Japanese slang
  18. Replaced with play. Dll; games that rely on this DLL must duplicate it and, rename ,it to play. Dll. In order to achieve backwards compatibility, DirectX in
  19. S Supreme Legislature. The Central Provincial Council in Andy has decided to, rename ,the International Cricket Stadium in Allele after Mattia Muralitharan.
  20. And packaging specifications. A lighter Cube was produced, and Ideal decided to, rename ,it. " The Gordian Knot" and" Inca Gold" were considered, but the company
  21. People would think he had named it after himself, but King Charles would not, rename ,the grant. Penn established a government with two innovations that were much
  22. An error for" Avis" or" bird ". This confusion seems to have prompted a, rename ,of two constellations:" Avis Indica" to" Apes" and the constellation of the
  23. A Quebec member of the House of Commons, introduced a private member's bill to, rename ,Dominion Day as Canada Day. His bill was passed quickly by the House of Commons
  24. The event was broadcasted on CBC Radio. A movement was begun on Facebook to, rename ,the Lionel-Groulx Metro station, a transfer station between Montreal's Green
  25. To type 1 capture in the same way, because the macro expansion cannot, rename ,the interfering symbols in the surrounding code which capture its references.
  26. 1948; in a later war, the Lutherans conquer the NASA continent of G'year, rename ,it Sigurdssonia and establish settlements in it. There is in this context a
  27. Contents (instance I_36_1 (viewed view1 (celled DFF_4) )) (instance (, rename ,I_36_3" I$3" ) (viewed view1 (celled add sub_4) )) ... (net CLEAR (
  28. The bordersand the issue of citizenship. In August 2011,Sudan voted to, rename ,its country" North Sudan" reflecting that both" Sudan" countries are
  29. As the" captain's daughter ". Euphemisms can also be used by governments to, rename ,statutes to use a less offensive expression. For example, in Ontario, Canada
  30. Users to manipulate files directly. They allow you to move, create,delete and, rename ,files and folders, although they do not actually allow you to read the contents
  31. For the Square (Drug ZA Try),with an aim to force the city government to, rename ,it to its previous name, while a counter-protest by Citizens' Initiative
  32. Such as Gmail. Multiple mailboxes on the server IMAP4 clients can create, rename , and/or delete mailboxes (usually presented to the user as folders) on the
  33. Five-year,$16.6 million naming rights deal with Jacksonville-based Riverbank to, rename ,the stadium Riverbank Field. As a result the Jaguars' attendance increased
  34. Government acknowledged the" racist thinking" of Agassiz but declined to, rename ,the Agassiz horn summit. Works * History of the Freshwater Fishes of Central
  35. Has housed the German federal parliament, the Bundestag. The decision not to, rename ,the Reichstag building was taken only after long debate in the Bundestag; even
  36. Thing. " In a later running gag he lobbied his home state of Indiana to, rename ,the freeway circling Indianapolis (I-465) " The David Letterman Bypass. " He
  37. The word" chainsaw" itself was barred from movie titles, forcing imitators to, rename ,their films. In 1998,despite the BBFC ban, Camden London Borough Council
  38. Number of organizations; in 2011,the Sri Lankan government announced a plan to, rename ,all of those for which it is responsible. History Pre-historic Sri Lanka The
  39. Default under their original names. It may, however,change their names through, rename ,clauses. This is required in the case of multiple inheritance if there are name
  40. Since Emperor Meiji, it has been customary to have one era per emperor and to, rename ,each emperor after his death using the name of the era over which he presided
  41. 1990s took over responsibility for the IMAP2bis design. The IMA PWG decided to, rename ,IMAP2bis to IMAP4 to avoid confusion with a competing IMAP3 proposal from
  42. Have gone into hiding in the province. The Swami National Party sought to, rename ,the province" Pakhtunkhwa ", which translates to" Land of Pashtuns" in the
  43. And outer union, and various forms of division. Then there are operators to, rename ,columns, and summarizing or aggregating operators, and if you permit relation
  44. US Airways) On December 22, 2004,Jackson City Council members voted 6–0 to, rename ,Jackson International Airport in honor of slain civil rights leader and field
  45. Of access the language has to a user's computer, for example, being able to, rename ,and delete files, a number of abusive scripts have been made. Perhaps one of
  46. By 2012 if its merger with Duke Energy is completed. Red Hat also plans to, rename ,the building. Fedora Project Red Hat sponsors the Fedora Project, a
  47. Controversial nature of Hoover's legacy, there have been periodic proposals to, rename ,it. In 2001,Senator Harry Reid sponsored an amendment to strip Hoover's name
  48. Of" Mumbai" and an unwanted legacy of British colonial rule. The push to, rename ,Bombay was part of a larger movement to strengthen Marathi identity in the
  49. Independence of institutions of the autonomous provinces such as Kosovo, and, rename , Kosovo as the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Aetolia. On 3 March 1989 the
  50. Given these origins, there have been various suggestions over the years to, rename ,the town (for example, to " Inverness" ). These proposals have led to

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