Examples of the the word, attacker , in a Sentence Context

The word ( attacker ), is the 7318 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the target program crashing and could alert the system administrator to the, attacker ,'s activities. Another problem is that the Nosed requires a much larger
  2. Returns, execution will resume at the return address as specified by the, attacker , usually a user input filled buffer. * By overwriting a function pointer, or
  3. With minimal effort. One applies by understanding the rhythm and intent of the, attacker ,to find the optimal position and timing to apply a counter-technique. This then
  4. In black and good fairies in white. * In computer security, a black hat is an, attacker ,with evil intentions, while a white hat bears no such ill will. (This is
  5. Attack. *Related-key attack: Like a chosen-plaintext attack, except the, attacker ,can obtain ciphertexts encrypted under two different keys. The keys are unknown
  6. Variation designed to be worn by women. It is designed to cause pain to the, attacker , hopefully allowing the victim a chance to escape. A collection condom is used
  7. And quality of secret information that was discovered: *Global deduction — the, attacker ,discovers a functionally equivalent algorithm for encryption and decryption
  8. Techniques learned from Yeshiva and most have concern for the well-being of the, attacker , Etymology and basic philosophy The word" aikido" is formed of three kanji: *
  9. Picking up a fresh turd instead. He is then envisioned hurling the turd at his, attacker , missing and accidentally hitting Ratings, a lyric poet not admired by
  10. To access vulnerable Bluetooth devices from a distance beyond expectation. The, attacker ,must also be able to receive information from the victim to set up a connection
  11. Adaptive chosen-plaintext: like a chosen-plaintext attack, except the, attacker ,can choose subsequent plaintexts based on information learned from previous
  12. Triggering encryption, in a total of 65 milliseconds. This attack requires the, attacker ,to be able to run programs on the same system or platform that is performing
  13. Bipedalism when threatened, rearing up on its forelimbs while facing the, attacker ,so its anal glands, capable of spraying an offensive oil, face its attacker .
  14. Produced a large knife and began stabbing McLean in the neck and chest. The, attacker ,then decapitated McLean, severed other body parts, and consumed some of McLean
  15. The actual malicious code by the jump at the end. This technique requires the, attacker ,to guess where on the stack the Nosed is instead of the comparatively small
  16. Knows the corresponding plaintext. *Chosen-plaintext (chosen-ciphertext): the, attacker ,can obtain the ciphertexts (plaintexts) corresponding to an arbitrary set of
  17. Protection which prevents execution of code on the stack or the heap. An, attacker ,may use buffer overflows to insert arbitrary code into the memory of a program
  18. Or ciphertexts) not previously known. *Information deduction — the, attacker ,gains some Shannon information about plaintexts (or ciphertexts) not
  19. Access only to a collection of ciphertexts or code texts. *Known-plaintext: the, attacker ,has a set of ciphertexts to which he knows the corresponding plaintext.
  20. Be able to do things many real-world attacker s can't: for example,the, attacker ,may need to choose particular plaintexts to be encrypted or even to ask for
  21. Can be performed under a number of assumptions about how much access the, attacker ,has to the system under attack. As a basic starting point it is normally
  22. Jmp esp instruction, and will then jump to the top of the stack and execute the, attacker ,'s code. When this technique is possible the severity of the vulnerability
  23. Amounts of time, memory,or known plaintexts. It also might require the, attacker ,be able to do things many real-world attacker s can't: for example, the
  24. On the programmer to know when it is necessary. Because XOR is linear,an, attacker ,may be able to manipulate an encoded pointer by overwriting only the lower
  25. The targetand by shielding the target during any attack. To neutralize an, attacker , bodyguards are typically armed as much as legal and practical concerns permit.
  26. From the start of the instruction call Print at address 0x7C941EED. If an, attacker ,overwrites the program return address with this address the program will first
  27. Little physical strength, as the aikido (aikido practitioner) " leads" the, attacker ,'s momentum using entering and turning movements. The techniques are completed
  28. Of a buffer overflow more difficult, but not impossible. It also forces the, attacker ,to tailor the exploitation attempt to the individual system, which foils the
  29. Decryption, but without learning the key. *Instance (local) deduction — the, attacker ,discovers additional plaintexts (or ciphertexts) not previously known.
  30. General enemy unpreparedness and an inability to react swiftly enough to the, attacker ,'s offensive operations. During the Battle of France, the French, who made
  31. Amok is typically preceded by a period of reflection and brooding, and if the, attacker ,wasn’t killed or killed themselves in the process, they would collapse and upon
  32. It. In an ideal resolution, not only is the receiver unharmed, but so is the, attacker , In addition to the effect on his spiritual growth, the connection with Delhi
  33. Automatically XOR-encode pointers before and after they are used. Because the, attacker ,(theoretically) does not know what value will be used to encode/decode the
  34. Is a goal situation. These offenses include a defender holding or hooking an, attacker , or blocking a goal situation with a lifted skate, thrown stick or glove and so
  35. A suitably equipped attacker to eavesdrop on communications and spoof, if the, attacker ,was present at the time of initial pairing. The active method makes use of a
  36. To the following four questions: #What knowledge and capabilities does the, attacker ,need? #How much additional secret information is deduced? #How much computation
  37. The attacker so its anal glands, capable of spraying an offensive oil, face its, attacker , Limited bipedalism in non-mammals Bipedalism is unknown among the amphibians.
  38. Posted as sharpshooters. This position presented a formidable challenge to an, attacker , Any attempt to turn Wellington's right would entail taking the entrenched
  39. Up a connection. No attack can be made against a Bluetooth device unless the, attacker ,knows its Bluetooth address and which channels to transmit on. 2005 In January
  40. The term refers to the martial arts principle or tactic of blending with an, attacker ,'s movements for the purpose of controlling their actions with minimal effort.
  41. The PIN for a Bluetooth link. The passive attack allows a suitably equipped, attacker ,to eavesdrop on communications and spoof, if the attacker was present at the
  42. Take place in accord with internationally agreed prize rules, which required an, attacker ,to give a warning and allow the crews of vessels time to escape, and not to
  43. And law books support the use of violence in self-defense against an armed, attacker , They make it clear that criminals are not protected by the rule of AHIMA.
  44. Companies offer unlocking services, so while the disk lock will deter a casual, attacker , it is not secure against a qualified adversary. External parallel ATA devices
  45. On the stack to change the behavior of the program which may benefit the, attacker , * By overwriting the return address in a stack frame. Once the function
  46. Or ciphertexts) not previously known. *Distinguishing algorithm — the, attacker ,can distinguish the cipher from a random permutation. Similar considerations
  47. That practitioners could use to defend themselves while also protecting their, attacker ,from injury. Aikido is performed by blending with the motion of the attacker
  48. Attacker from injury. Aikido is performed by blending with the motion of the, attacker ,and redirecting the force of the attack rather than opposing it head-on. This
  49. Populated or crowded area. Amok episodes of this kind normally end with the, attacker ,being killed by bystanders, or committing suicide, citing theories that amok
  50. Only the lower bytes of an address. This can allow an attack to succeed if the, attacker ,is able to attempt the exploit multiple times and/or is able to complete an

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