Examples of the the word, complainant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( complainant ), is the 7322 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Invoked only under very limited circumstances (with a heavy burden on the, complainant ,to show discrimination),the Common Benefit Clause is read to require that "
  2. Is incapable of consenting to the activity; (c) the accused induces the, complainant ,to engage in the activity by abusing a position of trust, power or authority; (
  3. Be such that to take the ordinary course by appeal would have itself subject the, complainant ,to irreparable loss, the writ should issue notwithstanding no objection was
  4. That intercourse took place. A medical report from the examination of the, complainant ,indicated redness on the inner labia, consistent with consensual or
  5. For the purposes of sections 271,272 and 273,the voluntary agreement of the, complainant ,to engage in the sexual activity in question. Where no consent obtained (2)
  6. The jury. Even more importantly, such a shield may also send a message that the, complainant ,is upset by the sight of the accused, once again because guilt is seen to have
  7. This process of choosing an analogue market is subject to the influence of the, complainant , which has led to some criticism that it is an inherent bias in the process.
  8. Then the complainant ; (b) threats or fear of the application of force to the, complainant ,or to a person other than the complainant ; (c) fraud; or (d) the exercise
  9. Consented to the sexual act, or that the defendant reasonably believed that the, complainant ,was consenting. These circumstances include, for example, where the complainant
  10. 45,48 (Tex. 1972).: :Example: It is a form of" discrimination" because the, complainant ,is being subjected to differential treatment. See generally Olmstead v. L. C.
  11. By the words or conduct of a person other than the complainant ; (b) the, complainant ,is incapable of consenting to the activity; (c) the accused induces the
  12. Matters of doctrine, ritual or ceremonial) after the bishop has given the, complainant ,and the accused an opportunity of seeing him. The bishop may decide not to
  13. Words or conduct, a lack of agreement to engage in the activity; or (e) the, complainant , having consented to engage in sexual activity, expresses,by words or conduct
  14. Sexual advances during the sacrament of Penance, repeatedly referring to the, complainant ,or injured party as" the penitent" ( the person confessing sins); the final
  15. The accused must show that he took reasonable steps in order to ascertain the, complainant ,'s consent, also 273.2 (a) states that if the accused's belief steams from
  16. Where the defendant has an obligation to adduce some evidence that the, complainant ,consented to the sexual act, or that the defendant reasonably believed that the
  17. Complainant was consenting. These circumstances include, for example, where the, complainant ,was unconscious, unlawfully detained, or subjected to violence. * Scottish law
  18. A belief that the FDA acted in response to industry pressure. To protect the, complainant , the FDA deleted names in the original complaint in its responses to requests
  19. Is achieved A plaintiff (Π in legal shorthand),also known as a claimant or, complainant , is the term used in some jurisdictions for the party who initiates a lawsuit (
  20. The agreement is expressed by the words or conduct of a person other than the, complainant ,; (b) the complainant is incapable of consenting to the activity; (c) the
  21. Revocation (see FCC MB Docket 04-232). Burden of proof would be on the, complainant ,in a petition to deny. Fewer than 1 % of station renewals are not immediately
  22. Who was suspended for three years in January 2010 on the basis of a report by a, complainant ,who was subsequently charged with filing a false report by state police, a
  23. Railway Co. v. White, the standard for retaliation against a sexual harassment, complainant ,was revised to include any adverse employment decision or treatment that would
  24. But mistaken belief that he had consent to engage in sexual relations with the, complainant ,– and the role of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in relation to
  25. Retaliation and backlash against a victim are very common, particularly a, complainant , Victims who speak out against sexual harassment are often labeled
  26. Was no sexual activity. On the day of the incident, the accused called the, complainant ,early in the morning; she agreed that he could come over. He arrived shortly
  27. Of the Charter, the complaint must be written and contain the identity of the, complainant , The Office does however ensure privacy of information as per the Act
  28. Standard" which allowed for cases to be analyzed from the perspective of the, complainant ,and not the defendant. Also in 1991,Benson v. Everett Aconite Co. became the
  29. The accused was charged with sexual assault. Two weeks before the incident,the, complainant ,and the accused had dated for the first time. Park testified that at her
  30. Forced him to perform oral sex upon him. These charges were dropped after the, complainant ,attempted to blackmail Gary into his dropping the charges in exchange for money
  31. With 265 (4) an accused may use the defense that he believed that the, complainant ,consented, but such a defense may be used only when" a judge, if satisfied
  32. In the room did not provide evidence confirming the version given by the, complainant , ” Furthermore he accused UN officials of leaking information to the press and
  33. Submits or does not resist by reason of (a) the application of force to the, complainant ,or to a person other than the complainant ; (b) threats or fear of the
  34. Of the application of force to the complainant or to a person other than the, complainant ,; (c) fraud; or (d) the exercise of authority. In accordance with 265 (4)
  35. Victim, may encourage some women to react with as much hostility towards the, complainant ,as some male colleagues. Fear of being targeted for harassment or retaliation
  36. Due. (The PULL represented by its General Secy., Dr. Y. P. Chiba was also a, complainant ,in the case. Key persons * Jug Surabaya (associate editor, columnist," Jugular
  37. Is also harassment. United States There are a number of legal options for a, complainant ,in the U. S.: mediation, filing with the EEOC or filing a claim under a state
  38. Complaint fails to establish that the respondent acted in bad faith, that the, complainant ,regularly asserted its domain name rights, or that the primary purpose of the
  39. A club dance floor and the two later had consensual sex in his hotel room. The, complainant ,claimed sexual assault after her second visit to Shakur's hotel room; she
  40. Substantiated in that Lubbers did engage in unwanted physical contact with the, complainant , a subordinate female staff member. New allegations that came to OILS ’
  41. With assaulting the mother of his child. According to the Jamaica Star," The, complainant ,was allegedly punched in the face several times, dragged some distance away and
  42. a) the application of force to the complainant or to a person other than the, complainant ,; (b) threats or fear of the application of force to the complainant or to a
  43. Reported in THE DAILY FREEMAN of Kingston in its March 21, 1874 edition. The, complainant ,was an unmarried girl name Jenny Tenure (more likely, the proper spelling is
  44. In the activity by abusing a position of trust, power or authority; (d) the, complainant ,expresses, by words or conduct, a lack of agreement to engage in the activity;
  45. Consent is defined in section 273.1 (1) as" the voluntary agreement of the, complainant ,to engage in the sexual activity in question ". Section 265 of the Criminal
  46. Kingdom with a remedy against suppliers of consumer products even where the, complainant ,had no privily of contract with those individual or company toreadors, but to
  47. Use in some sexual assault cases of a screen, which is set up to prevent the, complainant ,from being distressed at the sight of the accused. Where a victim was in fact
  48. 3) For the purposes of this section, no consent is obtained where the, complainant ,submits or does not resist by reason of (a) the application of force to the
  49. Police arrived. The court found that his confession was admissible because the, complainant ,and her parents were not deemed to be 'persons in authority '. The subject was
  50. Of court is called a" contemn or. " To prove contempt, the prosecutor or, complainant ,must prove the four elements of contempt: Australia In Australia a judge may

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