Examples of the the word, stern , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stern ), is the 7328 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Nimble USS Monitor. The case mate had 14 gun ports, three each in the bow and, stern , one firing along the ship's centerline and the other two angled 45° off the
  2. LBP or LPP) is the length of the summer load waterline from the, stern ,post to the point where it crosses the stem. (see also p/p): :* Beam or
  3. On even more water in the evening of 1 June, had to be assisted in to port, stern ,first, where she dropped anchor at 07:30 on the morning of 2 June. The Germans
  4. Their destination, a journey of around seven miles (11 km). On Sir Galahads, stern ,ramp there was an argument about what to do. The officers on board were told
  5. Should be 4:1,10:1 if the eventual scope should be 5:1,etc.) to lower a, stern ,anchor. By taking up on the bow cable the stern anchor can be set. After both
  6. Orders were issued for each ship to attach strong cables to the bow and, stern ,of their neighbors, which would effectively turn the line into a long battery
  7. Steamer on the Columbia and Fraser Rivers * Enterprise (1862),pioneer, stern ,wheeler on the upper Fraser River * Enterprise, a sailing ship caught in a
  8. O defender of Olympus, father of warlike Nike (Victory),ally of Themes, stern ,governor of the rebellious, leader of the righteous men, sceptred King of
  9. Counter flooding by the battleship's crew, and hitting preferably the bow or, stern , where armor was believed to be the thinnest. Of Yamato screening force, the
  10. S" Farewell Address" was an influential primer on republican virtue and a, stern ,warning against partisanship, sectionalism,and involvement in foreign wars.
  11. From the front of the bows. The rear (or aft end) of the boat is called the, stern , The right side (facing forward) is starboard, and the left side is port.
  12. Lambert, and Narrow, the religious perspective is given in the sermons of the, stern ,Jesuit priest, Father Panel. While the other main characters believe there
  13. Players and returned to Venice. In 1723 his father matriculated him into the, stern ,Colegio Grislier in Pa via, which imposed the tonsure and monastic habits on
  14. Vessels will not swing down on the boat due to the limited swing range. Bow and, stern ,Not to be mistaken with the Bahamian moor, below. In the Bow and Stern
  15. Palace but his projects were ultimately turned down in favor of the more, stern ,and classic proposals of the French doctor and amateur architect Claude
  16. Chopra's box-office to hit, Mohabbatein, directed by Aditya Chopra. He played a, stern , older figure that rivaled the character of Shark Khan. His role won him
  17. First portrayed as a" kind, dignified,old country doctor' " and later than ", stern ,and forbidding ". " His figure ... stands for all time as that of the ideal
  18. Armament—aside from their aircraft—was a single dual-purpose gun mounted on the, stern , but the pursuing Japanese cruisers closed to within range of these guns. One
  19. Peter, future tsar Peter II. On the day of the funeral, Peter sent Alexei a, stern ,letter, urging him to take interest in the affairs of the state. Peter
  20. S (Iliad, ix ). He was not, however,an evil god, for although he was, stern , cruel, and unpitying, he was still just. Hades ruled the Underworld and was
  21. One scornful look from Casey and the audience was awed.: They saw his face grow, stern ,and cold, they saw his muscles strain, : And they knew that Casey wouldn't let
  22. A tapered abdomen and waist and a short, slightly curved tail (known as the ", stern ,") tipped with white. The white tip, known as the flag has been selectively
  23. In the Bow and Stern technique, an anchor is set off each the bow and the, stern , which can severely limit a vessel's swing range and also align it to steady
  24. Billionaire with a net worth of 3.5 billion dollars. Presenting the image of a, stern ,teacher, Xavier makes his students endure a rigorous training regime. Xavier's
  25. Whose compassion and sense of humor breaks and disarms the wrath of his, stern ,half-brother, Enlil, king of the gods. He is the Challenger who tests the
  26. Aiding authorities in the capture of Gulag inmates. Camp guards were also given, stern ,incentive to keep their inmates in line at all costs; if a prisoner escaped
  27. Be 5:1,etc.) to lower a stern anchor. By taking up on the bow cable the, stern ,anchor can be set. After both anchors are set, tension is taken up on both
  28. Captains had followed his orders to attach cables to their neighbour's bow and, stern , which would have prevented such a maneuver. The problem was exacerbated by
  29. Altarpieces were far too costly. In this relief, the two principal figures,the, stern ,and courageous pope and the dismayed and frightened Attila, surge forward from
  30. The posters were replaced with pictures of the son (who looked imposing and, stern ,in contrast to his father's kindly demeanor) with the text" Let me be your
  31. Brooke rifles and six smooth bore Dahlgren guns. Two of the rifles, the bow and, stern ,pivot guns, were caliber and weighed each. They fired a shell. The other two
  32. And set up a parliamentarian government, Ireland suffered severely. With a, stern ,regime in absolute control needing to pay its armies and friends, the need to
  33. Blaze. Sustained British cannon fire spread the flames throughout the ship's, stern , and prevented all efforts to extinguish it. At 22:00 the fire reached the
  34. With brotherhood: From sea to shining sea!: O beautiful for pilgrim feet: Whose, stern ,impassion'd stress: A thoroughfare for freedom beat: Across the wilderness.:
  35. Raising the Bronte children. She did it from a sense of duty, but she was a, stern ,woman who expected respect, rather than love. There was little affection
  36. On the enlarged lines of a Baltimore clipper, with sharply raked stem, counter, stern , and square rig. She was built in Baltimore in 1833 by Dennard & Williamson.
  37. Was near. The city collapsed when the top of the Targets split like the, stern ,of a ship. Pliny the Elder also mentions this anecdote (II,81),suggesting
  38. Powers over the territorial integrity of the Ottoman Empire, which led to a, stern ,warning to the Balkan states, unofficially each of them took a different
  39. Making resistance drag and thus increase fuel efficiency. Bulbs fitted at the, stern ,are less common but accomplish a similar task. (see also: Naval architecture)
  40. The land in which poets and minstrels rejoice; The land whose, stern ,warriors were true to the core, While bleeding for freedom of yore.:
  41. Was not yet dark enough to escape and that his fleet would suffer terribly in a, stern ,chase, doubled back to the east at 18:55. In his memoirs he wrote," the
  42. Spinning around on his heels and clicking his fingers. Despite his famous, stern ,countenance and iron-handed discipline (he was said to disapprove of soldiers
  43. Strength, especially when long woven strands are laid, sometimes from bow to, stern , and then soaked in epoxy or polyester resin to form the hull of the boat.
  44. Of his congregation as with rulers such as Philip of Hesse. His reputation as a, stern , stolid reformer is counterbalanced by the fact that he had an excellent sense
  45. Young doctor, Yasumoto, is forced to become an intern at the clinic under the, stern ,tutelage of Doctor Nice, known as" Archive" (" Red Beard" ), played by
  46. Scale long boat, Miranda III. Driven by an engine, it rode on a bow foil and flat, stern , The subsequent Miranda IV was credited with a speed of. A March 1906
  47. Ship, his men firing at the small group formed by Maynard and his men, at the, stern , The rest of Maynard's men then burst from the hold, shouting and firing. The
  48. Lugosi playing a straight character role in a major motion picture: he was a, stern ,commissar in MGM's comedy Anouchka, starring Greta Garbo. This is small but
  49. People, there went up a muffled roar, : Like the beating of the storm-waves on a, stern ,and distant shore.:" Kill him! Kill the umpire! " Shouted someone on the stand
  50. Certain groups from others. These images are meant to show outsiders a, stern ,look at whose turf is whose. The subject of gang related graffiti

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