Examples of the the word, polling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( polling ), is the 7331 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. TDI briefly proclaimed himself president before the government released the, polling ,figures. ) In contrast, the March 1,1992, legislative election was considered
  2. Got a huge and sustained round of applause … when he got up at the end of the, polling ,and asked ‘ And who here believes the laws of physics are decided by a
  3. Were introduced as a way to avoid wasting the processor's valuable time in, polling ,loops, waiting for external events. They may be implemented in hardware as a
  4. Important monopolies, notably BC Hydro and BC Ferries. In an April 2008 poll by, polling ,firm Ipsos-Reid, the BC Liberals were shown as having the support of 49 % of
  5. And presidential elections and constitutional referendum since 1995,citing, polling ,deficiencies, lack of cooperation by the Electoral Commission, and poor
  6. Accused it of giving the ruling party the power to decide polling districts and, polling ,sites through electoral engineering, based on poll results in previous election
  7. And the party's support is less among households with lower incomes. The same, polling ,research also concluded that the Greens received fewer votes from the
  8. Tabulation of results, and use of physical force or verbal intimation at, polling ,places. Enniskillen () is a town in County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. It is
  9. Labor. Whitlam's campaign disbelieved the results at first, but additional, polling ,were clear: the electorate was turning against the ALP. The Coalition attacked
  10. Contest the seat in order to confuse voters and split his potential vote. SDP, polling ,agents were given special dispensation by the Returning Officer to have
  11. In the Chicago area's long history, with voters threatened by thugs at, polling ,stations. Capone's mayoral candidate won by a huge margin and weeks later
  12. Observers from the People's Republic of China, responsible in overseeing 25, polling , stations in Astana, found that voting in those polls was conducted in a "
  13. International observers representing six international missions witnessed the, polling , The observers pronounced the elections fair and open although marred by some
  14. 2006 found 65 percent in favor of capital punishment, consistent with other, polling ,since 2000. About half the American public says the death penalty is not
  15. But the results are not announced until after the World Series. The BBW AA began, polling ,three writers in each League City in 1938,reducing that number to two per
  16. Adults approve of how Lynch is handling his job as governor. April 2010, polling , by Rasmussen reports that Lynch's approval ratings stand at 59 %. Work as
  17. In 2011,the NDP again failed to win a seat in Saskatchewan, despite, polling , nearly a third of the popular vote in the province (above the national average
  18. As of 00:45 local time in Kyrgyzstan on 25 July 2009 (with 2058 of 2330, polling , districts reporting),Baker had won the election with 83.8 % of the vote. In
  19. Top Ten" - the best ten films in ten" classic" American film genres - after, polling ,over 1,500 people from the creative community. Harold and Maude was
  20. To see which switches are pressed. Data will be lost if, within a single, polling ,interval, two switches are pressed, or a switch is pressed, released,and
  21. The White House was encouraged by the relatively low levels of violence during, polling , with one insurgent group making good on a promised election day moratorium on
  22. Body. Critics have accused it of giving the ruling party the power to decide, polling ,districts and polling sites through electoral engineering, based on poll
  23. Citing ballot stuffing and problems with the counting of votes. On, polling ,day Atambayev withdrew his candidacy claiming widespread fraud, stating " due
  24. Center for Public Opinion Research (VC IOM) — the most prominent of several, polling ,organizations that were started then — was opened. State archives became more
  25. Attacks and spam). It uses published lists of trusted users with outbox, polling ,: each user only downloads messages from identities they trust, or identities
  26. Atchison led 5,000 Border Ruffians into Kansas. They seized control of all, polling ,places at gunpoint, cast tens of thousands of fraudulent votes for pro-slavery
  27. Given special dispensation by the Returning Officer to have placards outside, polling ,stations to state which one on the ballot papers was the 'real Roy '.
  28. In the recent past, although concerns remained regarding the accessibility of, polling ,places in rural areas. Alfonso Portillo's landslide victory combined with a
  29. News Agency reported that Chinese observers, responsible in overseeing 25, polling , stations in Astana, found that voting in those polls was conducted in a "
  30. Coalition also failed to get a majority, with the SPD losing votes, but, polling ,34.2 % and the greens staying at 8.1 %. The left party alliance reached 8.7 %
  31. By the Electoral Commission, and poor maintenance of electoral lists and, polling ,places. For the most part however, Armenia is considered one of the more
  32. Voting method in the first round of voting. In this case the two highest, polling ,candidates that cross the line progress to the second round Run-off ballot. In
  33. Ten top Ten"—the best ten films in ten" classic" American film genres—after, polling ,over 1,500 people from the creative community. Blue Velvet was acknowledged as
  34. The Liberals regained the status of a serious third force in British politics, polling ,up to 20 % of the vote but unable to break the duopoly of Labor and
  35. Conferences, or of various classes being offered. After interviewing and, polling ,thousands of youth across America, evangelical statistician Christian Smith
  36. Concluded that" the majority of the constituency results based on the May 15, polling , and tabulation are credible and reflect competitive conditions ". Current
  37. 1970. She was a teacher and a member of the Young Conservatives. They met on, polling ,day for the Greater London Council elections in London. He and his wife are one
  38. Authorities in England and Scotland. The party won a total of 13 council seats, polling ,over 101,221 votes and averaging 17 % of the vote in those wards where it
  39. Switches are pressed, or a switch is pressed, released,and pressed again. This, polling ,can be done by a specialized processor in the device to prevent burdening the
  40. Of the Secretary-General of the United Nations has involved rounds of approval, polling ,to help discover and build a consensus before a formal vote is held in the
  41. C. Green, a senior fellow at the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, used, polling , data to separate evangelicals into three camps which he labels as
  42. Study of statistics, to study the subjects of the state, has been applied to, polling ,and voting. Modern Political Science In the 20th century, the study of ideology
  43. For the House of Representatives for 2 December 1972. Whitley noted that the, polling ,day was the anniversary of the Battle of Austerlitz—at which another "
  44. Were refused access to some vote counts and that tallies from many, polling ,places were altered. As a result of the fraud allegations, the European Union
  45. And quantization as in analog-to-digital conversion, such techniques as, polling ,and encoding are used. A symbol input device usually consists of a number of
  46. Admiring biography of Hawks. His popularity with the public was unaffected, and, polling , suggested that he was a far more popular politician than either Bill Hayden
  47. To prevent citizens from voting. Some voters were 'turned away' from, polling ,station despite having proper identification, further guaranteeing that the
  48. Rage and enthusiasm for the campaign for the election now to be held and until, polling ,day. Out of office Return to Opposition As the ALP began the 1975 race, it
  49. Parties and candidates have been able to mount credible campaigns and proper, polling ,procedures have been generally followed. Elections since 1998 have represented
  50. In September, Nick Germ won the Grays Riverside ward of Thur rock council, polling ,552 votes (38 %). *In 2006,the BNP polled a total of 229,389 votes, having

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