Examples of the the word, vat , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Brought to Rome during the reign of the Emperor Domitian, and was thrown in a, vat ,of boiling oil, from which he was miraculously preserved unharmed. A church (
  2. Such as René Descartes' evil genius, the Allegory of the Cave, the brain in a, vat ,thought experiment; and homages to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Hong Kong
  3. He is a brain in a vat . But in the simulated reality, he is not a brain in a, vat , Apart from disputes over the success of the argument or the plausibility of
  4. In some breweries, the hopped wort may pass through a hogback, which is a small, vat ,filled with hops, to add aromatic hop flavoring and to act as a filter; but
  5. Of epistemology, he is known for his critique of the well known" brain in a, vat ," thought experiment. This thought experiment appears to provide a powerful
  6. At least that we cannot prove it is not. Examples include: - * The" Brain in a, vat ," hypothesis is cast in scientific terms. It supposes that one might be a
  7. Brahma Samar Brain Brain-in-a- vat theory Brain dump Brain event Brain in a, vat ,Brainstorm machine Brainstorms Brand Blanchard Brandon Darby Brando Bosniak
  8. Caused by something other than what he thinks is causing it is the brain in a, vat ,scenario. On a more abstract level, model theoretic arguments hold that a given
  9. The original insoluble dye. The color of denim is due to indigo, the original, vat ,dye. Reactive dyes utilize a chromosphere attached to a substituent that is
  10. 3.4 mg in the drink when he suspended a bowl of distilled water above a beer, vat ,at a local brewery in Leeds, England. His invention of carbonated water, ( also
  11. Affinities. Production To make Gruyère, raw milk is heated to in a copper, vat , and then curdled by the addition of liquid rennet. The curd is cut up into pea
  12. For a specific type of robot: biological machines made from flesh mixed in a, vat ,with nanomachines. * On the TV show Dollhouse, the parent corporation is named
  13. To be true is for the simulated reality to be one where he is a brain in a, vat , But in the simulated reality, he is not a brain in a vat . Apart from disputes
  14. Brought to Rome during the reign of the Emperor Domitian, and was thrown in a, vat ,of boiling oil, from which he was miraculously preserved unharmed. A church
  15. The character in William Shakespeare's play Richard III who was drowned in a, vat ,of Malaya wine. Life George was born on 21 October 1449 in Dublin, at a time
  16. Set to music as The Star-Spangled Banner. October–December * October – A large, vat ,full of porter (beer) owned by Meux's Brewery of London bursts, demolishing
  17. Been used as an argument against philosophical skepticism, like the brain in a, vat ,idea. Process reliability is a form of epistemic externalism, and is quite
  18. Through a park. Similarly, what it takes for his thought," I am a brain in a, vat ," to be true is for the simulated reality to be one where he is a brain in a
  19. Very recently turned into a brain in a vat , so that their words" brain" and ", vat ," still pick out real brains and vat s, rather than simulated ones). Further
  20. Because the L-Tryptophan producing bacteria were being grown in an open, vat ,in a fertilizer factory. Second, shortcuts had been taken in the purification
  21. 12, 1814 – A fire destroys the Custom House in London. * October – A large, vat ,full of porter (beer) owned by Meux's Brewery of London bursts, demolishing
  22. With stars and crescent moons, like Merlin. From his basement he works over a, vat , where his spirit familiar lives. He is capable of powerful spells, but often
  23. Pull Napier to safety, but loses his grip, and the criminal falls into a large, vat ,of chemicals. Shortly thereafter, he emerges from an adjacent reservoir, his
  24. e. g., one where the person was very recently turned into a brain in a, vat , so that their words" brain" and" vat " still pick out real brains and vat s
  25. Of uneaten food from College lunch, which was collected in a special wooden, vat ,and given to the poor. This vat or tub is still on display in College Hall. )
  26. Which convert insoluble indigo into soluble indigo white. Cloth dyed in such a, vat ,was decorated with the techniques of Shinobi (tie-dye),leisure, katazome, and
  27. Terms. It supposes that one might be a disembodied brain kept alive in a, vat , and fed false sensory signals, by a mad scientist. * The" Dream argument" of
  28. On the Phenomenon versus the Ding a such, and Hilary Putnam's brain in a, vat ,thought experiment. Jean Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation is featured in
  29. Described by critic Daniel Durchholz as sounding" like it was soaked in a, vat ,of bourbon, left hanging in the smokehouse for a few months, and then taken
  30. Tree" Læraðr. The goat produces so much mead in a day that it fills a massive, vat ,so large that all the Interwar in Valhalla might satisfy their thirst from
  31. This argument is the direct predecessor of modern ideas of a brain in a, vat ,and many popular conceptions of cyberspace take Descartes's ideas as their
  32. To her" enactment" by a mad scientist, when she wakes up inside the, vat , her words and thoughts (e.g.," tree" and" grass" ) will still refer to
  33. Skepticism. The possibility that one is a recently disembodied brain in a, vat ,is not undermined by semantic externalism. If a person has lived her entire
  34. Lunch, which was collected in a special wooden vat and given to the poor. This, vat ,or tub is still on display in College Hall. ) Each Officer, in addition to his
  35. Actual color of the dye from the indigo plant when swatched onto raw fabric. A, vat ,full of this dye is a darker color, approximating the web color midnight blue.
  36. 2011 Bundaberg Master Distillers - Aged 10 Years & Finished in a small oak, vat , Released at the distillery then sent to Bottle shops around Australia. *2011
  37. Further, if even brains in vat s can correctly believe" I am not a brain in a, vat ," then the skeptic can still press us on how we know we are not in that
  38. I cannot change my opinions with regard to the same sentences. The brain in a, vat ,argument has also been subject to criticism. Crispin Wright argues that Putnam
  39. Preindustrial method, used in Japan, was to dissolve the indigo in a heated, vat ,in which a culture of thermophilic, anaerobic bacteria was maintained. Some
  40. Clarify how this argument is supposed to work: Imagine that there is brain in a, vat , and a whole world is being simulated for it. Call the individual who is being
  41. Higher standard than some industrial dyes. Food dyes can be direct, mordant and, vat ,dyes, and their use is strictly controlled by legislation. Many are AZO dyes
  42. Which they believe is closed. Attempting to steal pretzels, they fall into a, vat ,of dough. The baker returns, catches the breaded pair, and bakes them. But they
  43. Achieve dark hues. Arsenic disulfide and a thickener were added to the indigo, vat , The arsenic compound delayed the oxidation of the indigo long enough to paint
  44. The starches in the barley. First, during steeping, the grain is added to a, vat ,with water and allowed to soak for approximately 40 hours. During germination
  45. Microorganisms or infectious material into a culture medium such as a brewer, vat ,or a Petra dish, or the placement of microorganisms or viruses at a site where
  46. Externalism yields" an argument we can give that shows we are not brains in a, vat ,(BIV). (See also Depose,1999. ) If semantic externalism is true, then the
  47. Murderers after he convinces the other not to stab him, and then drowned in a, vat ,of Malaya, though off-stage. In the 1955 film of" Richard III ", after he is
  48. Is a pun on larceny. ) * Evil Spirit: An apparition who lives in the Wizard's, vat ,and takes form as a smoky puff of gas. He keeps the Wizard company while at
  49. Pump and cooled by a heat exchanger. The milk is then stored in a large, vat , or bulk tank, which is usually refrigerated until collection for processing.
  50. The solution was kept—unpairing could take up to twice as long in winter. The, vat ,was stirred two or three times a day to ensure the solution's deep and uniform

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