Examples of the the word, thanksgiving , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Of Loaf-mass) implies it is an agrarian-based festival and feast of, thanksgiving ,for grain and bread, which symbolizes the first fruits of the harvest. Pagan/
  2. Eucharist" is from the Greek word εὐχαριστία (Eucharistic) which means ", thanksgiving ,". Early Christianity observed a ritual meal known as the" agape feast" These
  3. The legitimacy of Paul's apostolic claim. #Thanksgiving (1:4-9) ##The, thanksgiving ,part of the letter is typical of Hellenistic letter writing. In a thanksgiving
  4. A sermon, or homily. There are a variety of congregational prayers, including, thanksgiving , confession, and intercession, which occur throughout the service and take a
  5. To his second daughter, Lola Gaza, for whom Crowley devised a special ritual of, thanksgiving , Believing that he was now amongst the highest level of spiritual adepts
  6. Himself also walked ten miles barefoot in the ice and snow as an act of pious, thanksgiving , Although Wellesley was, during his lifetime, only a duke, Holy Roman Emperor
  7. Sanctification is God's will for their lives. Contents Outline #Salutation and, thanksgiving ,() #Past interactions with the church () #Regarding Timothy's visit ()
  8. Suffering, even the massacre I have imagined could be turned into a day of, thanksgiving ,and joy that Jehovah had wrought deliverance of the race even at the hands of
  9. Themselves. Additions to daily prayers An addition is made to the" Honda'ah" (, thanksgiving ,) benediction in the Amid ah, called Al ha-Nissim (" On/about the Miracles" ).
  10. As it did at the completion of the harvest, Sukkot was regarded as a general, thanksgiving ,for the bounty of nature in the year that had passed. Sukkot became one of the
  11. The influence of divine inspiration, becoming all one chorus, sang hymns of, thanksgiving ,to God the Savior, Moses the prophet leading the men, and Miriam the
  12. Me should make three novenas of the prayers of the Rosary, and three novenas in, thanksgiving , " The Novena consists of five decades of the Rosary each day for twenty-seven
  13. While in the great fish, Jonah prays to God in his affliction and commits to, thanksgiving ,and to paying what he has vowed. God commands the fish to vomit Jonah out. God
  14. Realm. When no invasion came, the nation rejoiced. Elizabeth's procession to a, thanksgiving ,service at St Paul's Cathedral rivaled that of her coronation as a spectacle.
  15. In the winter and Easter in the spring. Cathedrals often hold a service of, thanksgiving ,called Harvest Festival in the autumn. Births, marriages and deaths are often
  16. But every Lord's day gather yourselves together, and break bread, and give, thanksgiving ,"; By the mid-2nd century, Justin Martyr stated," We all gather on the day of
  17. Songs that can be identified as such in the Psalms include songs of, thanksgiving ,(e.g., Ps 30),hymns of praise (e.g., Ps 117) and royal psalms, which may
  18. Various forms of prayer appear; the most common forms being petition, thanksgiving , and worship. The longest book in the Bible is the Book of Psalms,150
  19. Of Oblation, ( with its reference to an offering of a 'Sacrifice of praise and, thanksgiving ,'),was transferred, much changed, to a position after the priest and
  20. Safe journey, deliverance from danger, or good fortune. ## In this letter,the, thanksgiving ,“ introduces charisma ta and gnosis, topics to which Paul will return and that
  21. Had received Communion, and was made optional with an alternative prayer of, thanksgiving ,provided. The Elevation of the Host had been forbidden in 1549; all manual acts
  22. Thanksgiving part of the letter is typical of Hellenistic letter writing. In a, thanksgiving ,recitation the writer thanks God for health, a safe journey, deliverance from
  23. Martyr speaks of it as more than a meal:" the food over which the prayer of, thanksgiving , the word received from Christ, has been said ... is the flesh and blood of
  24. Dancing in corresponding harmony, and uttering in an inspired manner songs of, thanksgiving , and at another time regular odes, and performing all necessary strophes and
  25. To refuse a triumph to man, in his presence, in whose name when absent a, thanksgiving ,(supplication) had been decreed and honor paid to the Immortal Gods by reason
  26. Priest lays his hands on the head of the sick person and then says a prayer of, thanksgiving ,over the already blessed oil or, if necessary, blesses the oil himself. The
  27. And their origin Eucharist, from Greek εὐχαριστία (Eucharistic),means ", thanksgiving ,". The verb εὐχαριστῶ, the usual word for" to thank" in the Septuagint and
  28. Of healing, Homer illustrated Paeon the god, and the song both of apotropaic, thanksgiving ,or triumph. Such songs were originally addressed to Apollo, and afterwards to
  29. President is presented with a live domestic turkey during the annual national, thanksgiving ,turkey presentation held at the White House. Since 1989 when the custom of "
  30. Prayer" O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, All praise and all, thanksgiving ,be every moment Thine" at the end of each decade in honor of Jesus in the
  31. In petition; then immediately five decades each day for twenty-seven days in, thanksgiving , whether the request has been granted. The meditations vary from day to
  32. Out an important function in the narrative as a whole. The prayer is a psalm of, thanksgiving , serving to interpret Jonah's swallowing by the fish as an act of Divine
  33. 16,now called the Day of Reconciliation, as annual Sabbath (holy day of, thanksgiving ,) since 1838,commemorating a famous Boer victory over the Zulu. Many early
  34. Would also do so on special occasions in their lives such as giving a today (", thanksgiving ,") offering after childbirth. Hence, they participated in many of the major
  35. Monument in Rio de Janeiro, and was built after World War II, as work of, thanksgiving ,for Portugal's being spared the horrors and destruction of the war. On June 13
  36. On Av 29). The Samar community celebrates the 21st of Kislev as a day of, thanksgiving , 25 Kislev - (1312 BCE) - Mishkan completed *The vessels, tapestries,wall
  37. To the instructions of the Sierra Leone Company Directors. This was the first, thanksgiving ,service in the newly christened Free Town and was the beginning of the
  38. Christ Church and St. Peter's Church in Philadelphia" ( 1763)," A psalm of, thanksgiving , Adapted to the Solemnity of Easter: To be performed on Sunday, the 30th of
  39. Is said, usually using the Selkirk Grace. The Selkirk Grace is a well-known, thanksgiving ,said before meals, using the Scots language. Although attributed to Burns, the
  40. And Pupil of eastern Siberia, there was a longstanding shamanistic ritual of ", thanksgiving ," to the hunted polar bear. After killing the animal, its head and skin were
  41. S receipt of prayer,7) Anticipation of divine response, and 8) A song of, thanksgiving , In general, the difference between the two subtypes can be distinguished by
  42. Festival Portal, a whole turmeric plant with fresh rhizomes is offered as a, thanksgiving ,offering to Surya, the Sun god. Also, the fresh plant is sometimes tied around
  43. Were viewed almost as a triumph. Reformation should be celebrated as a, thanksgiving ,to God, his truth and his renewed life. He welcomed the announcement of Pope
  44. Is pure, not even marriage, or foods which God created to be received with, thanksgiving ,by those who believe (I Tim. 4:3),is that their very minds and consciences
  45. Wish is granted, one may return to the shrine to leave another EMA as an act of, thanksgiving , Sikhism The Areas (Punjabi: ਅਰਦਾਸ) is a Sikh prayer that is done before
  46. Different forms of prayer such as petitionary prayer, prayers of supplication, thanksgiving , and worship/praise. Prayer may be directed towards a deity, spirit,deceased
  47. School of thought believes it is always directed to God as prayer, praise,or, thanksgiving ,but is spoken in for the hearing and edification of the congregation. The other
  48. Still be slaves in Egypt. Therefore, the Seder is an occasion for praise and, thanksgiving ,and for rededication to the idea of liberation. Furthermore, the words and
  49. From your threshing-floor and from your wine press" ( Debut. 16:13). It was a, thanksgiving ,for the fruit harvest. Coming as it did at the completion of the harvest
  50. Alleluia for chorus and orchestra in 1774,perhaps for his own wedding, or in, thanksgiving ,for it. During the next three years Salary was primarily concerned with

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