Examples of the the word, humane , in a Sentence Context

The word ( humane ), is the 7323 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Doctor honors cause,27 April 1999 * Howard University, honorary doctorate of, humane ,letters,8 May 1999 * University of Notre Dame, Doctor of Letters, honoris
  2. Is far more humane than their protection. However, apart from his allusion to, humane ,treatment, Hitler saw a purpose in destroying" the weak" in order to provide
  3. And teachers did so, including my own father who certainly was a kindly and, humane ,man. None of us as much as suspected that the word" selection ", when used by
  4. United Kingdom. On April 25, 2007,Wiesel was awarded an honorary doctorate of, humane ,letters degree from the University of Vermont. During the early 2007 selection
  5. Which often falls back on callous humor. Joker in the film remains a model of, humane ,thinking, as evidenced by his moral struggle in the sniper episode and
  6. As evidence that wide-reaching sterilization programs were feasible and, humane , There are direct links between progressive American eugenicists such as
  7. And moral philosophy with psychology to examine problems such as justifying, humane ,ideals and whether it makes sense to rank races and classes by merit. He is
  8. His emphasis on the potential for transforming the world and arriving at a more, humane , just, and egalitarian society through the realization of the human potential
  9. Hillsdale, N. J.: L. Erbium Associates,1991. ISBN 0805811109 * How to defend, humane ,ideals: substitutes for objectivity Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press
  10. The farming of terrestrial animals, social attitudes influence the need for, humane ,practices and regulations in farmed marine animals. Under the guidelines
  11. Hands of the Americans, Okinawans" were often surprised at the comparatively, humane ,treatment they received from the American enemy. " According to Islands of
  12. Subscription were not the answer, but that the government had a duty to finance, humane ,treatment of the convicts. His findings were published in 1893 and 1894 as
  13. He was somewhat hasty, but of a disposition the most friendly, benevolent and, humane , His person was above six feet high: and, though a good-looking man, he was
  14. Acute episodes of distress, prolonged baths (greatly admired by Kraepelin as a, humane ,method of calming patients),and occupational activities (if possible).
  15. For mass culling following disease outbreaks, or as a means of slaughter more, humane ,than the electric bath. Argon's relatively high density causes it to remain
  16. Brahmans and other religious teachers and priests, liberality towards friends, humane ,treatment of servants, and generosity towards all. These principles suggest a
  17. Views Skinner's political writings emphasized his hopes that an effective and, humane ,science of behavioral control – a technology of human behavior – could help
  18. Academic Work Flynn has written seven books. His research interests include, humane ,ideals and ideological debate, classics of political philosophy, and race
  19. Horse literally being skinned alive. Most horses with HERD are euthanized for, humane ,reasons between the age of two and four years. The very hotly debated and
  20. And described himself as" an unrepentant Powell ite" who would support ", humane ," repatriation. In 2006,Sky News confronted the party's national press
  21. To the" New World" from Europe, and for influencing Cortes to be more, humane ,than he would otherwise have been. It is argued, however,that without her help
  22. 23:22) to support them. Boat is also spontaneously kind in a way that is both, humane ,and righteous. He enables Ruth to obtain more from her gleaning without
  23. Maintained an economic advantage. The early Islamic scholars took a relatively, humane ,and practical attitude towards the collection of pizza, compared to the 11th
  24. Through many dangers. To his influence especially was attributed the more, humane ,policy of Octavian after his first alliance with Antony and Lepidus. The best
  25. Training sessions be upbeat and happy. Praise is a must, as are consistent and, humane ,corrections. Once a Komodo gets away with unfriendly or hostile behavior, it
  26. Sciences. During the ceremony she received an honorary degree, a doctorate of, humane ,and musical letters, from the university. It was only the second honorary
  27. By saying" ... but then I take the Clausewitz view. Total war is the most, humane ,in the long run. " *1955: In Ian Fleming's novel Moniker, James Bond
  28. From which he wished to demonstrate the general well-being that would ensue if, humane ,persons ruled and administered the state. The opposite of the June was the
  29. Stands unique in political history. He has invented a completely new and, humane ,means for the liberation war of an oppressed country, and practiced it with
  30. Punishment ..." Shaw also called for the development of a" deadly" but ", humane ," gas for the purpose of killing, many at a time, those unfit to live. Some
  31. The individual. The state has only one duty: not to undermine art, to provide, humane ,conditions for artists, to encourage them from the artistic and national point
  32. His younger brother, and insisted he return home. Humayun was loyal, gentle and, humane ,man by the standards of the day. As a warrior he had served honorably alongside
  33. The renovation and modernization of Black Beach prison in 2007 to ensure the, humane ,treatment of prisoners, human rights abuses continue. Human Rights Watch and
  34. Rocks (1933) writing: Yet, Shaw also maintained that the killing should be, humane , In the preface to On the Rocks, Shaw includes a criticism of the pogroms
  35. Ireland) to those persons who may require such a handgun for the non-routine, humane ,killing of injured or dangerous animals. Each firearm must be registered on a
  36. Was never assigned to the Eastern Front),Rommel is regarded as having been a, humane ,and professional officer. His Afrikaners was never accused of war crimes.
  37. Sustainable health and well-being by bringing about a just, effective and, humane ,system to regulate and control drugs. *Separation of church and state; under
  38. 1536. Mac Goisdelbh,i.e. John, son of the Gilla-dubh, a generous, humane ,man, and a good captain, was killed by Piers Mac Goisdelbh, and by some of the
  39. Child was too young to go into industry ". In those times, the " somewhat more, humane ,attitudes of an earlier day had all but disappeared and the laborer had come to
  40. Florida for Jewish Awareness Month and was presented with an honorary doctor of, humane ,letters degree from the University of Florida by Dr. Charles Young. In 2002,he
  41. In the U. S., the electric chair and the gas chamber were introduced as more, humane ,alternatives to hanging, but have been almost entirely superseded by lethal
  42. Sympathetic, pleasing and painless treatment of patients. He advocated, humane ,treatment of mental disorders, had insane persons freed from confinement and
  43. The renovation and modernization of Black Beach prison in 2007 to ensure the, humane ,treatment of prisoners, human rights abuses continue. Human Rights Watch and
  44. Sell the rights to the child in a voluntary contract, which he feels is more, humane ,than artificial governmental restriction of the number of children available to
  45. Mein Kampf, Hitler stated that the destruction of the weak and sick is far more, humane ,than their protection. However, apart from his allusion to humane treatment
  46. Seed dies (French: Si leg rain né must). After 1925,he began to demand more, humane ,conditions for criminals. Africa From July 1926 to May 1927,he travelled
  47. The high levels of violent crime, including murder and rape. Movements towards, humane ,execution In early New England, public executions were a very solemn and
  48. Distances between the hunter and the game are much shorter in order to ensure a, humane ,kill. The skills and practices of bow hunting therefore emphasize very close
  49. Recipient in 2004. In 2006,Costs was also awarded an honorary doctorate in, humane ,letters from Loyola College in Maryland. He is an Honorary Trustee of Webster
  50. Trends in most of the world have long been to move to less painful, or more, humane , executions. France developed the guillotine for this reason in the final years

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