Examples of the the word, optimum , in a Sentence Context

The word ( optimum ), is the 7316 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Zulu commanders could not conjure regiments out of thin air at the, optimum ,time and place. They, too, needed time to marshal, supply and position their
  2. Selects" auto" wing sweep mode. This maintains the wing sweep to give the, optimum ,lift-to-drag ratio as the Mach number varies, but the system can be manually
  3. Emit less heat (can damage plants close to hot lamps),and can provide the, optimum ,light frequency for plant growth and bloom periods compared to currently used
  4. Were chosen to solve the problem, with 4 ducts per kilometer to give close to, optimum ,results. Unfortunately this design led to unacceptable lateral forces on the
  5. A traditional system of staking the same amount on each selection. *Kelly – the, optimum ,level to bet to maximize your future median bank level. *Martingale – A system
  6. Competitive event. However, when the anxiety or level of arousal exceeds that, optimum , the result is a decline in performance. Test anxiety is the uneasiness
  7. Thrust-by-wire engines, predecessor of today’s FADEC-controlled engines for, optimum ,fuel consumption (supersonic drag minimum although turbojet engines are more
  8. Of particles in the universe. However, it takes only a moment to find the, optimum ,solution by posing the problem as a linear program and applying the Simplex
  9. Make it harder to hit a shot accurately. An alternative view suggests that the, optimum ,tension for power depends on the player: At high levels of play, the formations
  10. The shock of the water the same as the air in other configurations does. The, optimum ,length of the drive pipe is five-to-twelve times the vertical distance between
  11. The aircraft to switch between being streamlined to reduce drag and achieve, optimum ,aerodynamic efficiency, and not obstructing the pilot's view during taxi
  12. Like all hill climbing (i.e., greedy ) procedures, it may get stuck on a local, optimum ,(in which case the algorithm may be restarted with a different initial
  13. Not all feasible decisions) at an algorithmic stage based on the current local, optimum ,and the best decision (not all possible decisions) made in a previous stage.
  14. S interest to guarantee that their clients can use their hardware in an, optimum ,way. Typically, the logical device driver (LDD) is written by the operating
  15. Which could be manually moved over the face of the crystal in order to obtain, optimum ,signal. This troublesome device was quickly superseded by thermionic diodes
  16. As soul) in accordance with reason (logos). Aristotle identified such an, optimum ,activity of the soul as the aim of all human deliberate action, eudaimonia
  17. And the distance above the ground at which the bombs should be detonated for, optimum ,shock wave propagation and thus maximum effect. The cultural capital Kyoto
  18. Are much shorter than arrows, but can be several times heavier. There is an, optimum ,weight for bolts to achieve maximum kinetic energy, which varies depending on
  19. By evolutionary psychologists as due to normal variation around an, optimum , or due to frequency-dependent selection, or facultative adaptations. Like
  20. People on Pacific islands. Economics Optimal currency area In economics,an, optimum ,currency area (or region) (OCT, or OCR) is a geographical region in which
  21. By passing through an atmosphere with a different composition. Black is the, optimum ,color for converting all available light to energy as efficiently as possible.
  22. Of 3,designed to make it difficult for the opposing team to bid and find their, optimum ,contract even if they have the bulk of the points, as it is nearly valueless
  23. Competed in the 1995 World Championships with a new set of routines and an, optimum ,physical condition. Due to her past inconsistencies, she was widely considered
  24. This result is described as market efficiency, or more specifically a Pareto, optimum , This equilibrating behavior of free markets requires certain assumptions about
  25. Impossible. Thus query optimization typically tries to approximate the, optimum ,by comparing several common-sense alternatives (query plans; still, usually in
  26. That start on gasoline and then transition to kerosene once the engine reaches, optimum ,operating temperature. Multiple fuel Evinced and Mercury Racing engines also
  27. Control over the influx. Amsterdam By the mid-1660s Amsterdam had reached the, optimum ,population (about 200,000) for the level of trade, commerce and agriculture
  28. The wing's center-section also permitted the wing and fuselage to meet at the, optimum ,angle for minimizing drag, without using wing root fairings. This swiveling
  29. Techniques in bridge can be reduced to one of these four methods. The, optimum ,play of the cards can require much thought and experience, and is too
  30. For necessities was not necessary anymore. Cooperation had become the, optimum ,survival strategy. " Selfishness," he declared," is unnecessary and
  31. Their movement to a crawl, but geologists are still analyzing results for the, optimum ,fence designs. Preventing sand dunes from overwhelming towns, villages,and
  32. Plan which typically does not deviate much (percentage-wise) from the exact, optimum , This approach is effective and for many queries may make the difference in
  33. The" Scientific Management" method, which proposed a way to find the, optimum ,method for carrying out a given task. Taylor found that he could, for example
  34. Traits may be simply reflected inter-individual variability around a general, optimum , Finally, like many other psychological adaptations, personality traits may be
  35. Can be calculated in theory, cannot be predicted with confidence. Finally,the, optimum ,research paths that might lead to systems which greatly exceed the
  36. By Nibbler and Bernie describes the intensity distribution close to the, optimum ,focal plane. An extended theory that allows the calculation of the point image
  37. Armoured, respectably gunned, fairly mobile tanks intended to provide an, optimum ,balance of characteristics for maneuver combat, primarily against other tanks
  38. Predicted in advance, so that the bucket array can be allocated once with the, optimum ,size and never resized. If the set of key-value pairs is fixed and known ahead
  39. And thus the overall design has been modified repeatedly to achieve the, optimum ,utility in a wide variety of situations. Effect of the handle of the
  40. Speeds (cadence),a variable gear ratio helps a cyclist to maintain an, optimum ,pedaling speed while covering varied terrain. As a first approximation
  41. Repetition) His premise was that each repetition in learning increases the, optimum ,interval before the next repetition is needed (for near-perfect retention
  42. Miles" tends to spoil his case by the implicit assumption that capitalism and, optimum ,resource allocation go together ", Joan Robinson claims many prices in modern
  43. The chemical engineer uses their knowledge in selecting plant equipment and the, optimum ,method of production to minimize costs and increase profitability. After its
  44. Were developed in the following decades, generally trying to find the, optimum ,characteristics of a good artillery propellant; low temperature, high energy
  45. That evokes a response that causes the parameter to shift back toward its, optimum ,value. The hypothalamus is a collection of small nuclei, most of which are
  46. MFCL would then be equal to the wage rate divided by marginal costs. Because, optimum ,resource allocation requires that marginal factor costs equal marginal revenue
  47. With once daily antibiotics is better than with twice daily antibiotics. Sub, optimum ,antibiotic concentrations in critically ill people increase the frequency of
  48. A score. Broadly speaking, there is an incentive to bid accurately to the, optimum ,contract and then to play to make the contracted number of tricks (or more if
  49. The efficiency of the reactions. Because the original fuel arrangement is, optimum ,for a chain reaction and the natural uranium fuel has little excess reactivity
  50. From the corpus luteum (luteal phase). It is adapted to provide an, optimum ,environment for the implantation and growth of the embryo. This layer is

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